Human feedback from bkisiel @918 on 13-apr-2015 [ "enalapril drugworkedonbyagent merck", Action=(+drugworkedonbyagent) (from NELL.08m.924.SSFeedback.csv) ] using enalapril
OE @820 (99.1%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using enalapril
CPL @1100 (84.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "different strength of generic _" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "Ditropan-xl Take _" "day delivery , buy _" "valid order number of _" "you are taking Generic _" "sounding name than _" "hypotensive effects with _" "_ is a prescription medication" "requirement generic _" "Cipro Take _" "_ intended purpose uses" "_ does not cause agranulocytosis" "_ is a generic drug" "Casodex Take _" "friendly sounding name than _" "_ is generally well tolerated" "_ is administered concomitantly with" "i stop taking _" "economies , cheap _" "drugs like _" "maleate salt of _" "partial course of _" "_ has been used concomitantly with" "Caverta Take _" "_ crosses the blood-brain barrier" "_ is a pro-drug" "cost of generic _" "_ is another medication" "prescription medication like _" "drugs called also _" "prescription assistance program for _" "Eldepryl Take _" "ACE inhibitors such as _" "joke about generic _" "strength of generic _" "tips were selected for _" "new doctor prescribed _" "nursing infants from _" "other drugs consumed with _" "_ crosses the placenta" "Registered Air Mail service is free for _" "_ is a vasodilator" "_ has been given concomitantly with" "peak serum concentrations of _" "veterinarian prescribed _" "Medication Side Effects of _" "_ sold online as against" "_ is rapidly absorbed with" "Covera-hs Take _" "_ has a generic alternative" "_ just got here this morning" "Diltiazem-hci Take _" "Air Mail service is free for _" "Desyrel Take _" "doctor specifically asks for _" "incomplete course of _" "due it you find _" "drug called _" "_ prevents the constriction" "drugs consumed with _" "level quantity of _" "Drug Interactions of _" "PS Card acts like _" "antihypertensive efficacy of _" "delivery , buy _" "Manufacturers of generic _" "enzyme inhibitors , including _" "medications included _" "Mail service is free for _" "_ is longer-acting" "several names like _" "medication called _" "other drugs affect _" "inhibitor like _" "_ is a useful drug" "_ is a high blood pressure medication" "ACE inhibitor such as _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ is a prescription medicine" "Brethaire Take _" "price of generic _" "drug interactions between _" "various medications , such as _" "medicine generic _" "_ trusted pharmacy reviews" "retail cost of generic _" "Card acts like _" "advance you take _" "_ controls high blood pressure" "ACE inhibitors like _" "next day delivery , buy _" "Storage instructions for _" "drug labeled as _" "generic medicines like _" "_ including potential side effects" ] using enalapril
CMC @283 (99.9%) on 03-jun-2011 [ SUFFIX=il 3.48696 LASTSUFFIX=il 2.47303 CHARS 1.52996 SUFFIX=ril 1.03446 LASTSUFFIX=ril 0.99626 PREFIX=ena 0.62192 FULL_POS=NN 0.53646 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.08727 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.20833 WORDS -4.64139 ] using enalapril
CMC @1081 (100.0%) on 02-dec-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=il 3.19797 SUFFIX=il 2.33528 CHARS 1.67880 LASTSUFFIX=ril 1.56213 LASTPREFIX=en 1.02144 LASTPREFIX=ena 0.99573 SUFFIX=ril 0.99004 PREFIX=en -0.20096 POS=NN -0.71590 WORDS -1.66594 ] using enalapril
CPL @1095 (97.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "different strength of generic _" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "Ditropan-xl Take _" "day delivery , buy _" "valid order number of _" "you are taking Generic _" "sounding name than _" "hypotensive effects with _" "_ is a prescription medication" "requirement generic _" "Cipro Take _" "_ intended purpose uses" "_ does not cause agranulocytosis" "_ is a generic drug" "Casodex Take _" "friendly sounding name than _" "_ is generally well tolerated" "_ is administered concomitantly with" "economies , cheap _" "drugs like _" "_ try eating several toast" "partial course of _" "_ has been used concomitantly with" "Caverta Take _" "_ crosses the blood-brain barrier" "_ is a pro-drug" "cost of generic _" "similar economies , cheap _" "medications like _" "prescription medication like _" "drugs called also _" "_ does not cure high blood pressure" "prescription assistance program for _" "Eldepryl Take _" "ACE inhibitors such as _" "joke about generic _" "tips were selected for _" "nursing infants from _" "other drugs consumed with _" "pharmacy , buy _" "Registered Air Mail service is free for _" "_ is a vasodilator" "_ has been given concomitantly with" "peak serum concentrations of _" "_ is a prescription drug" "_ sold online as against" "_ is rapidly absorbed with" "_ has a generic alternative" "_ just got here this morning" "Diltiazem-hci Take _" "Air Mail service is free for _" "Desyrel Take _" "doctor specifically asks for _" "due it you find _" "_ prevents the constriction" "drugs consumed with _" "level quantity of _" "inhibitor such as _" "_ have the same active ingredient" "PS Card acts like _" "delivery , buy _" "Manufacturers of generic _" "enzyme inhibitors , including _" "medications included _" "Mail service is free for _" "_ is longer-acting" "several names like _" "medication called _" "other drugs affect _" "inhibitor like _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ is a prescription medicine" "Brethaire Take _" "drug interactions between _" "various medications , such as _" "medicine generic _" "_ trusted pharmacy reviews" "retail cost of generic _" "_ controls high blood pressure" "ACE inhibitors like _" "next day delivery , buy _" "drug labeled as _" "generic medicines like _" "_ including potential side effects" ] using enalapril
CPL @1108 (90.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "off-label uses of _" "starting dose of _" "side effects for _" "_ is metabolised in" "Concomitant administration of _" "inhibitors , including _" "inhibitors include _" "_ is an ACE inhibitor" "medicine called _" "active metabolite of _" "_ are the drugs" "effects associated with _" "_ controls high blood pressure" "online , buy _" "you searching for generic _" "multiple doses of _" "infections caused by _" "treatment with oral _" "inhibitor , such as _" "side effect with _" "pravachol vs _" "first dose of _" "_ is metabolized by" "lisinopril with _" "you are taking _" "side effects associated with _" "medications include _" "Medications such as _" "mice treated with _" "long-term therapy with _" "drugs like _" "drug interactions with _" "inhibitors such as _" "drug than _" "doses of oral _" "pretreatment with _" "recommended dose of _" "_ treated group" "other side effects of _" "_ is administered concomitantly with" "lower dosage of _" "buy , buy _" "other drugs , such as _" "medication such as _" "double dose of _" "patients receiving concomitant _" "Possible side effects of _" "tolerability of _" "antihypertensive effects of _" "possible side effects with _" "administration of oral _" "drugs , such as _" "overdosage with _" "medications like _" "medicines such as _" "medications included _" "Side effects of _" "optimal dose of _" "medication , like _" "prescription for _" "teratogenic effects of _" "He was treated with _" "vet prescribed _" "high doses of _" "hypotensive effects of _" "Long-term treatment with _" "Drug information on _" "overdoses of _" "cialis from _" "possible side effects of _" "side effects with _" "antihypertensive effect of _" "_ is well tolerated in" "oral administration of _" "_ reduced the risk" "patients were treated with _" "placebo-controlled trial of _" "single dose of _" "drug uses _" "you stop taking _" "drugs include _" "chronic treatment with _" "you are allergic to _" "purchase generic _" "common side effects with _" "inhibitors including _" "dose of _" "group receiving _" "_ was administered in" "ACE inhibitors such as _" "Patients taking _" "Abrupt withdrawal of _" "patient was treated with _" "drugs , including _" "overdose of _" "effects seen with _" "i stop taking _" "side effects from _" "inhibitors like _" "adverse reactions from _" "inhibitor like _" "nursing infants from _" "_ is a prodrug" "side effects of _" "_ is not a cure" "_ is not approved for" "women treated with _" "potential side effects of _" "side effects are possible with _" "patients receiving _" "oral dose of _" "pharmacokinetics of _" "generic name is _" "monotherapy with _" "medication , such as _" "diseases such as _" "treatment with _" "_ prescribing information" "prescription buying _" "patients treated with _" "drugs such as _" "combination therapy with _" "drug therapy with _" "clinical trials of _" "average dose of _" "effects are possible with _" "Concomitant use of _" "therapy with _" "inhibitor such as _" "side effects seen with _" "medications , such as _" "low doses of _" "maternal use of _" "higher doses of _" "inhibition by _" "patients being treated with _" "low dose of _" "early treatment with _" "doses of _" "transdermal delivery of _" "you first start taking _" "Common side effects of _" "hypotensive effect of _" "medication called _" "long-term treatment with _" "additional doses of _" "clinical trials with _" "co-administration of _" "blockers such as _" "initial dose of _" "common misspelling of _" "metabolites of _" "adverse effects associated with _" "antagonists , such as _" "concomitant use of _" "concomitant therapy with _" "dosage of _" "drug called _" "lower dose of _" "medications such as _" "Patients treated with _" "medication , including _" "coadministration of _" "common side effects of _" "group treated with _" "weight gain with _" ] using enalapril
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is generally well tolerated and arg2" "arg1 and hydrochlorothiazide may cause arg2" "arg1 maleate arg2" "arg1 including potential arg2" "arg1 All medicines may cause arg2" "arg1 may cause other arg2" ] using (enalapril, side_effects)
SEAL @521 (93.8%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 1234 ] using (enalapril, side_effects)
Human feedback from bkisiel @918 on 13-apr-2015 [ "enalapril drugworkedonbyagent merck", Action=(+drugworkedonbyagent) (from NELL.08m.924.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (enalapril, merck)
SEAL @623 (100.0%) on 10-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (enalapril, merck)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem,concept:iteminvolvedwithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agenthierarchicallyaboveagent,concept:subpartoforganization,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" ] using (merck, enalapril)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem,concept:iteminvolvedwithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agenthierarchicallyaboveagent,concept:subpartoforganization,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" ] using (merck_and_co, enalapril)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is generally well tolerated and arg2" "arg1 and hydrochlorothiazide may cause arg2" "arg1 maleate arg2" "arg1 including potential arg2" "arg1 All medicines may cause arg2" "arg1 may cause other arg2" ] using (enalapril, side_effects)
SEAL @521 (93.8%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 1234 ] using (enalapril, side_effects)
Human feedback from bkisiel @918 on 13-apr-2015 [ "enalapril drugworkedonbyagent merck", Action=(+drugworkedonbyagent) (from NELL.08m.924.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (enalapril, merck)
SEAL @623 (100.0%) on 10-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (enalapril, merck)