MBL @403 (100.0%) on 03-sep-2011 [ Promotion of chemical:methadone drugpossiblytreatsphysiologicalcondition disease:pain ]
CPL @1109 (69.4%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ is a wonderful drug" "extra patient leaflet is available with _" "_ is considered a pregnancy Category C medication" "_ are both opiates" "_ is an opiate drug" "_ is a prescribed medication" "_ is an addictive substance" "_ is a prescription medication" "_ is an oral medication" "_ is a horrible drug" "_ is an effective pain" "_ is a pain-killer" "opiates including _" "_ is a pain killer" "_ is an opiate agonist" "drugs , including _" "_ is still a drug" "pain medications like _" "other drugs like _" "prescription drugs , like _" "Such drugs as _" "different strength of generic _" "other narcotics such as _" "cost of generic _" "_ is the only drug" "_ is a racemic mixture" "_ is a difficult drug" "_ is often the drug" "_ is an opioid" "_ crosses the placenta" "_ Increased effect" "_ is a Class A drug" "_ is primarily metabolized by" "_ is an opiod" "drug similar to _" "_ inhibits reuptake" "_ is a strong medication" "_ is a Schedule II" "retail cost of generic _" "_ is another drug" "_ 's half-life" "_ is an agonist" "_ 's long half-life" "Maintenance therapy with _" "Warnings With _" "Overdoses of _" "_ is an effective drug" "several medications including _" "pain medications , such as _" "drugs like _" "_ is usually taken orally in" "_ is a narcotic pain reliever" "Drugs such as _" "narcotics including _" "_ is a pharmaceutical drug" "_ is a painkiller" "opioids like _" "_ dosing information" "_ does cross the placenta" "_ has become the drug" "_ has the following structural formula" "_ is a Schedule II drug" "overdosage with _" "medications such as _" "Anyone Taking _" "She had been prescribed _" "Other drugs such as _" "_ is a powerful medication" "_ is an opioid analgesic" "_ is a synthetic substance" "_ has a longer half-life" "various drugs including _" "_ is a synthetic opioid" "_ is usually taken once per" "_ is a synthetic opiate" "_ is a narcotic drug" "prescription drugs like _" "_ is commonly prescribed as" "_ is usually taken once a day" "patients being prescribed _" "_ has a generic alternative" "_ is physically addictive" "_ is an effective painkiller" "term intake of _" "small daily dose of _" "normal dosage of _" "opiate such as _" "_ is a depressant" "_ is a sedative drug" "drugs , like _" "opiates , such as _" "_ is an addictive drug" "_ is a safe drug" "_ is a narcotic pain" "_ is a long-acting drug" "_ is a prescription medicine" "Doctor just prescribed _" "nursing infants from _" "many milligrams of _" "Low dose of _" "_ is a partial agonist" "_ is a morphine derivative" "dangerous drugs , like _" "_ is taken once a day" "common drugs like _" "I overdose with _" "Drugs , such as _" "opiates like _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ is a controlled drug" "opiates such as _" "drug named _" "protein binding of _" "body clearance of _" "_ is usually prescribed as" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "_ is a safe medication" "_ is a Schedule II narcotic" "narcotics such as _" "other medicines similar to _" "drugs , such as _" "drugs other than _" "treatment drugs such as _" "prescription assistance program for _" "_ is a common drug" "_ is an FDA approved medication" "medication called _" "_ is a complex drug" "pain-killers such as _" "dangerous drugs such as _" "_ has an elimination half-life" "pain medicine such as _" "_ is a wonderful medication" "_ 's common side effects" "drug interactions between _" "controlled substances such as _" "_ is a great medication" "_ is a great drug" "_ inhibits the reuptake" "_ is the only medication" "Pharmaceuticals such as _" "common street names for _" "patient leaflet is available with _" "prescription medications such as _" "_ is an opioid narcotic" "_ is commonly prescribed for" "_ is a good drug" "medicines similar to _" "such medications as _" "therapeutic/adverse effects of _" "_ was the only medication" "strength of generic _" "_ is Prescribed for" "drugs such as _" "_ is a weak opioid" "_ is a synthetic narcotic" "long term intake of _" "pain meds including _" "other opiates such as _" "_ is a synthetic drug" "_ is a long-acting" "drug called _" "opiates , including _" "_ is a useful drug" "_ is a synthetic agent" "_ is an illegal drug" "_ has been the only drug" "physical addiction to _" "_ is an opioid agonist" "_ is a pain medication" "pregnant women treated with _" "_ is a narcotic medication" ] using methadone
CPL @1103 (89.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ is a wonderful drug" "extra patient leaflet is available with _" "_ is considered a pregnancy Category C medication" "_ is an opiate drug" "_ is an addictive substance" "_ is a prescription medication" "_ is an oral medication" "_ is a horrible drug" "_ is an effective pain" "opiates including _" "_ is a pain killer" "_ is still a drug" "pain medications like _" "other drugs like _" "prescription drugs , like _" "different strength of generic _" "other narcotics such as _" "cost of generic _" "_ is the only drug" "_ is a difficult drug" "_ is an opioid" "_ is a Class A drug" "drug similar to _" "_ is a Schedule II" "retail cost of generic _" "_ 's long half-life" "Warnings With _" "_ is an effective drug" "several medications including _" "drugs like _" "_ is a narcotic pain reliever" "_ is a pharmaceutical drug" "_ is a prescription drug" "opioids like _" "_ dosing information" "_ does cross the placenta" "_ has the following structural formula" "_ is a Schedule II drug" "medications such as _" "Anyone Taking _" "Other drugs such as _" "_ is a powerful medication" "_ is an opioid analgesic" "_ is a synthetic substance" "various drugs including _" "_ is a synthetic opioid" "_ is usually taken once per" "_ is an analgesic" "_ is a synthetic opiate" "prescription drugs like _" "_ is usually taken once a day" "_ has a generic alternative" "_ is an effective painkiller" "term intake of _" "normal dosage of _" "opiate such as _" "opiates , such as _" "_ is a prescription medicine" "nursing infants from _" "Low dose of _" "_ is a partial agonist" "dangerous drugs , like _" "common drugs like _" "I overdose with _" "Drugs , such as _" "opiates like _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "opiates such as _" "body clearance of _" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "_ is a safe medication" "_ is a Schedule II narcotic" "narcotics such as _" "drugs , such as _" "treatment drugs such as _" "prescription assistance program for _" "_ is a common drug" "_ is an FDA approved medication" "medication called _" "_ is a complex drug" "medications like _" "pain-killers such as _" "dangerous drugs such as _" "_ has an elimination half-life" "pain medicine such as _" "_ is a central nervous system depressant" "_ is a controlled substance" "drug interactions between _" "controlled substances such as _" "_ is a great drug" "_ inhibits the reuptake" "_ is the only medication" "common street names for _" "patient leaflet is available with _" "prescription medications such as _" "_ is a good drug" "medicines similar to _" "such medications as _" "therapeutic/adverse effects of _" "_ is a central nervous system" "_ is Prescribed for" "drugs such as _" "_ is a weak opioid" "pain meds including _" "other opiates such as _" "_ is a synthetic drug" "opiates , including _" "_ is a miracle drug" "_ is an illegal drug" "physical addiction to _" "_ is an opioid agonist" "_ is a pain medication" "_ is a narcotic medication" ] using methadone
SEAL @175 (93.8%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using methadone
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 is sometimes used to treat arg2" "arg1 is used for treatment of arg2" ] using (methadone, chronic_pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 relieves moderate to severe arg2" "arg1 is used to treat chronic arg2" "arg1 for breakthrough arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve severe arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" "arg1 is not for acute arg2" "arg1 for severe chronic arg2" "arg1 is a narcotic arg2" "arg1 is used to treat severe arg2" "arg1 for painAbdominal arg2" ] using (methadone, pain)