CPL @1112 (69.4%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "minimal risk of _" "huge sense of _" "large chance of _" "greater chance of _" "fear of personal _" "man dealing with _" "terrible sense of _" "them have suffered _" "We sincerely regret _" "clients cope with _" "feelings of personal _" "family suffers _" "_ is a temporary setback" "face of total _" "future chance of _" "higher chance of _" "sign of imminent _" "potential causes of _" "claim following _" "feelings of _" "initial feelings of _" "He had suffered _" "sign of ultimate _" "you suffered _" "guaranteed path to _" "he never recovered from _" "we risk _" "wife suffered _" "sure recipe for _" "unnecessary risk of _" "near certainty of _" "fear of further _" "insurance against _" "he had not suffered _" "risk of potential _" "results in significant _" "past feelings of _" "inherent risk of _" "he has suffered _" "I am grieving _" "same reasons for _" "face of utter _" "strong chance of _" "controversy ended in _" "pain of future _" "feeling of personal _" "feeling of utter _" "families dealing with _" "face of impending _" "story of personal _" "people suffered _" "low chance of _" "greater chance at _" "They have suffered _" "they grieve _" "strong likelihood of _" "cause for future _" "_ is never the end" "_ is a loss" "fear--fear of _" "failure results in _" "higher chances of _" "sign of complete _" "sense of utter _" "painful sense of _" "Thursday ’s _" "him cope with _" "You suffered _" "we suffered _" "sadness over _" "you cope with _" "consequences , including _" "damages for _" "consequences such as _" "face of apparent _" "sense of ultimate _" "families suffer _" "child has suffered _" "him suffer _" "efforts met with _" "attempts met with _" "likely cause of _" "long record of _" "you rebound from _" "– fear of _" "you never suffer _" "_ coming against" "We are sorry for _" "me cope with _" "lead to ultimate _" "grief for _" "negative consequences , including _" "injury results in _" "role in long-term _" "you suffer _" "vote is considered _" "grief at _" "root cause of _" "pain of personal _" "possibility of such _" "us have experienced _" "attempt met with _" "experiment was _" "greater probability of _" "face of consistent _" "She was devastated by _" "someone suffering _" "loss , personal _" "We are suffering _" "much risk of _" "subsequent feelings of _" "sorrow at _" "_ allegedly caused by" "symbol of ultimate _" "regret over _" "us have suffered _" "unfortunate event of _" "moment of final _" "I am suffering _" "cause for such _" "anguish over _" "we are saddened by _" "Miller suffered _" "child suffer _" "cause of financial _" "deep regret at _" "you have never suffered _" "you 've suffered _" "regret at _" "sign of total _" "they have suffered _" "feeling of impending _" "sure formula for _" "them suffers _" "us suffered _" "hopelessness , of _" "we are suffering _" "you have suffered _" "setbacks such as _" "risk of possible _" "_ is n’t fatal" "fire recipe for _" "efforts have met with _" "high likelihood of _" "fear of possible _" "children cope with _" "sadness at _" "grief over _" "feeling of potential _" "high chance of _" "guarantee against _" "I have had much _" "anyone experiencing _" "possibility of electoral _" "huge risk of _" "costs arising out of _" "fear of potential _" "possible chances of _" "children suffer _" "high probability of _" "track records of _" "_ is not failure" "event of total _" "greater likelihood of _" "fears of possible _" "vote was seen as _" "face of certain _" "great chance of _" "important factor leading to _" "marked degree of _" "key contributing factor to _" "alternative to total _" "Risk of _" "low probability of _" "you suffer such _" "_ is n't fatal" "main causes of _" "other person for _" "risks of possible _" "significant risk of _" "she suffers _" "she had suffered _" "them suffer _" "transplant was _" "possible chance of _" "signs of impending _" "Coping with _" "assets against _" "attempts have met with _" "_ suffered by" "damages resulting from _" "natural reaction to _" "patients have shown _" "bet after _" "Customer for _" "chance of outright _" "costs incurred due to _" "efforts meet with _" "he was prejudiced by _" "greater chances of _" "_ is the only possible outcome" "they suffered _" "chances of future _" "someone experiences _" "intense pain of _" "she suffered _" "decision represented _" "business suffered _" "he did suffer _" "exclusive remedy for _" "group suffered _" "better chance of _" "moment of ultimate _" "attempts were met with _" "compensation for _" "death represents _" "case of complete _" "We have suffered _" "Feelings of _" "unlikely event of _" "people cope with _" "risk of significant _" "you ever suffered _" "they cope with _" "Bank is not liable for _" "blame for _" "I suffer _" "He never recovered from _" "own feelings of _" "minimum risk of _" "significant feelings of _" "utter feeling of _" "work met with _" "undue risk of _" "bitter sense of _" "errors resulting in _" "greater heights of _" "track record of _" "tactics resulted in _" "terms with such _" "surefire path to _" "main causes for _" "death means _" "she has suffered _" "he suffered _" "insures against _" "lower chance of _" "road to ultimate _" "results in complete _" "risk of personal _" "prospect of electoral _" "children have suffered _" "child cope with _" "larger risk of _" "You have suffered _" "Factors leading to _" "cause of complete _" "possibility of total _" "fear of electoral _" "attempts ended in _" "Constitution represented _" "_ requiring dialysis" "cases of total _" "higher probability of _" "they bounce back from _" "he had suffered _" "more feelings of _" "healthy response to _" "prospect of total _" "children suffering _" "it was doomed to _" "risk of total _" "_ is caused solely by" "less probability of _" "mission was _" "normal response to _" "Israel had suffered _" "stress , personal _" "_ is never final" "_ means riches" "consequences including _" "others have suffered _" "greater chance for _" "fear of _" "he suffers _" "chance of total _" "Tuesday ’s _" "actions resulted in _" "sorrow for _" "people have suffered _" "failure Fear of _" "family has experienced _" "frequent experiences of _" "full compensation for _" "higher likelihood of _" "_ already experienced by" "terrible feeling of _" "contract due to _" "monetary damages for _" "results in automatic _" "high risks of _" "nagging fear of _" "liability for _" "pain of such _" "he never suffered _" "spite of possible _" "they suffer _" "acceptable probability of _" "inevitable crushing _" "people suffer _" "her cope with _" "minimal chance for _" "sorrow over _" "self-fulfilling prophecy of _" "stinging pain of _" "party suffered _" "I suffered _" "I was grieving _" "_ is not fatal" "someone has experienced _" "_ became a triumph" "children deal with _" "it suffered _" "himself suffered _" "status code indicating _" "consequences , such as _" "measure of personal _" "others suffer _" "sufficient compensation for _" "setbacks , including _" "story of overcoming _" "fear of future _" "families have experienced _" "I am deeply saddened by _" "I have suffered _" "he has had much _" "fear of total _" "we suffer _" "good chance of _" "sign of personal _" "many years with much _" ] using rejection
SEAL @664 (51.4%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 1 ] using rejection
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey