SEAL @175 (96.9%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using bluegill
CPL @1095 (87.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "Fishing is good for _" "fish resembling _" "small fish , like _" "small fish like _" "_ eat small fish" "_ are the primary species" "anglers fish for _" "We fished for _" "_ have been biting in" "great fishing for _" "abundance of juvenile _" "_ are being caught on" "_ are still being caught on" "prey species such as _" "smaller fish like _" "anglers targeting _" "anglers are targeting _" "Good catches of _" "_ are caught throughout" "school of hungry _" "catches of _" "_ are biting on" "other fish like _" "fish , including _" "_ is a favorite fish" "anglers catch _" "Fish such as _" "ice fish for _" "warm water species such as _" "warm water fish such as _" "_ left the nest" "Other fish include _" "Bag limit for _" "good bait for _" "game fish , including _" "pond stocked with _" "spring fishing for _" "freshwater fish , such as _" "species , including _" "_ are being caught near" "nice catches of _" "Fishing is excellent for _" "sport fish include _" "fair fishing for _" "good fly fishing for _" "excellent angling for _" "night crawlers for _" "water species such as _" "_ are spawning in" "nice school of _" "_ have been caught on" "bass , giant _" "prey eaten by _" "They were fishing for _" "Fish species such as _" "Fishing is fair to good for _" "game species such as _" "predators like _" "abundant schools of _" "fishing for small _" "game fish include _" "bass , northern _" "Lake is stocked with _" "_ are being caught at" "Good fishing for _" "ponds stocked with _" "good stringers of _" "_ are being caught around" "_ primarily feed on" "boat fishing for _" "anglers fishing for _" "fishing is excellent for _" "_ busting the surface" "great catches of _" "aquatic life like _" "reservoir is stocked with _" "freshwater fish including _" "flyfishing for _" "_ were biting at" "better catches of _" "Habitat use by _" "supplemental feeding of _" "catches include _" "other fish , including _" "_ swimming along" "they were fishing for _" "success fishing for _" "water fish like _" "smaller fish such as _" "Rafinesque described _" "Anglers are also catching _" "_ are being caught from" "catfish , hybrid _" "experience fishing for _" "fishes such as _" "I have fished for _" "water species including _" "fly-fishing for _" "_ eat other fish" "nesting behavior of _" "limit catches of _" "predators such as _" "warm water fish like _" "native fish such as _" "pond full of _" "fish species such as _" "fish species like _" "gamefish including _" "game fish including _" "Small fish like _" "fish species include _" "other fish , such as _" "fish including _" "incidental catches of _" "game fish like _" "_ is an opportunistic feeder" "fish species , including _" "_ are the main species" "stringer full of _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "_ took the fly" "baitfish such as _" "fishing lake stocked with _" "fishing pond stocked with _" "Fish , including _" "big catches of _" "lean fish such as _" "largemouth bass , northern _" "nice stringers of _" "angling opportunities for _" "_ eat worms" "regular catches of _" "water fish such as _" "good catch of _" "fish , such as _" "_ are being caught by" "pod of _" "pond loaded with _" "striped bass , hybrid _" "fly fishing for _" "fishing opportunities for _" "excellent catches of _" "water fish include _" "fish species including _" "fishing is for _" "good catches of _" "good fishing for _" "_ are being caught in" "_ are being caught below" "_ are still being caught in" "spawning beds for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "year-round fishing for _" "ice fishing for _" "_ are biting better" "lake has been stocked with _" "small fish , such as _" "fair catches of _" "we fished for _" "wildlife ranging from _" "small fish such as _" "Available species include _" "fish like _" "shore fishing for _" "Ice fishing for _" "We were fishing for _" "_ are biting well on" "wildlife including _" "_ are still biting in" "panfish such as _" "_ inhabit these waters" "excellent fishing for _" "state fish is _" "bass , hybrid _" "fishing for large _" "_ are being caught along" "game fish such as _" "_ also spawn in" "_ are great fighters" "you 're fishing for _" "_ are being caught with" "lakes are stocked with _" "lake is stocked with _" "_ typically spawn in" "_ is a popular game fish" "_ are being caught while" "_ is the state fish" "freshwater fish such as _" "such fish as _" "_ were biting on" "lake was stocked with _" "lake stocked with _" "decent catches of _" "nice stringer of _" "_ have been biting on" "other fish such as _" "freshwater species such as _" "fish fillets , such as _" "sport fishery for _" "_ eat insects" ] using bluegill
CPL @1094 (92.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "He was fishing for _" "I started fishing for _" "Fishing is good for _" "bait intended for _" "fish resembling _" "game fish as _" "baits for _" "crappie , large _" "spawning ground for _" "catch consisted of _" "small fish , like _" "small fish like _" "_ eat small fish" "_ are the principal species" "I fished for _" "largemouth bass , hybrid _" "_ are the primary species" "spawning beds of _" "I once hooked _" "anglers go after _" "anglers fish for _" "_ have small mouths" "We fished for _" "_ are also biting in" "_ have been biting in" "light biting _" "great fishing for _" "bag limit for _" "lake fishing for _" "hungry school of _" "abundance of juvenile _" "_ are being caught on" "_ are still being caught on" "_ being caught at" "schools of large _" "smaller fish like _" "native fish , including _" "anglers targeting _" "anglers are targeting _" "Good catches of _" "_ are caught throughout" "school of hungry _" "catches of _" "fillets , such as _" "_ are biting on" "other fish like _" "fish , including _" "good catches of big _" "bass , large _" "_ is a favorite fish" "_ are also showing in" "fast fishing for _" "anglers catch _" "_ 's fins" "Fish such as _" "lakes were stocked with _" "live bait like _" "spawning habits of _" "ice fish for _" "large schools of _" "warm water species such as _" "warm water fish such as _" "I fly fish for _" "Lake was stocked with _" "fishes , including _" "_ have moved shallow" "Other fish include _" "Bag limit for _" "_ caught near" "good bait for _" "home fishing for _" "game fish , including _" "pond stocked with _" "pond is stocked with _" "sport fish , such as _" "fishes like _" "forage fish such as _" "spring fishing for _" "Fishing for _" "fish , from _" "freshwater fish , such as _" "_ are biting near" "_ are being caught near" "nice catches of _" "fish similar to _" "fish include _" "Common catches include _" "Fishing is excellent for _" "sport fish include _" "fair fishing for _" "good fly fishing for _" "illegal introduction of _" "excellent angling for _" "I have never caught _" "Fishing Fishing for _" "night crawlers for _" "water species such as _" "fish such as small _" "decent action for _" "_ are spawning in" "_ have large mouths" "_ were biting like" "nice school of _" "_ have been caught on" "bass , giant _" "angler catches _" "They were fishing for _" "Fish species such as _" "Fishing is fair to good for _" "game species such as _" "fair numbers of _" "pan fish such as _" "abundant schools of _" "fishing for small _" "game fish include _" "bass , northern _" "panfish , including _" "Lake is stocked with _" "_ are being caught at" "_ looking fish" "Good fishing for _" "ponds stocked with _" "_ are still being caught around" "good stringers of _" "farm ponds for _" "_ are being caught around" "you are fishing for _" "_ provide sport" "boat fishing for _" "anglers fishing for _" "Freshwater fishing for _" "_ are biting in" "fishing is excellent for _" "good baits for _" "good numbers of large _" "_ busting the surface" "great catches of _" "_ have been stocked in" "over limit of _" "reservoir is stocked with _" "intensive culture of _" "freshwater fish including _" "flyfishing for _" "_ were biting at" "better catches of _" "catches include _" "dorsal fin of _" "_ are up shallow" "other fish , including _" "they were fishing for _" "he fished for _" "success fishing for _" "water fish like _" "smaller fish such as _" "Other species include _" "Rafinesque described _" "Anglers are also catching _" "_ are being caught from" "Available fish species include _" "small school of _" "_ are getting bites" "catches of big _" "catfish , hybrid _" "experience fishing for _" "fishes such as _" "lake record for _" "We used live _" "I have fished for _" "water species including _" "fly-fishing for _" "_ eat other fish" "_ is a schooling fish" "limit catches of _" "warm water fish like _" "live baits such as _" "native fish such as _" "fish species such as _" "fishing for big _" "fish species like _" "gamefish including _" "game fish including _" "Small fish like _" "fish species include _" "fishing with live _" "other fish , such as _" "fish including _" "first fish was _" "incidental catches of _" "game fish like _" "Reservoir is stocked with _" "_ is an opportunistic feeder" "_ dominated the catch" "Lake has been good for _" "_ were biting around" "fish species , including _" "_ are the main species" "fishery for _" "Other fish , like _" "producers of big _" "stringer full of _" "decent fishing for _" "I ever caught was _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "_ took the fly" "baitfish such as _" "Other fish such as _" "fishing lake stocked with _" "fishing pond stocked with _" "Fish , including _" "fish except _" "wet flies for _" "big catches of _" "bobber fishing for _" "lean fish such as _" "largemouth bass , northern _" "nice stringers of _" "angling opportunities for _" "_ being caught around" "regular catches of _" "minnows , small _" "water fish such as _" "sunfish including _" "stringer of _" "good catch of _" "fish , like _" "fish , such as _" "nice mess of _" "_ are hitting on" "_ are being caught by" "pond loaded with _" "lake is well stocked with _" "movement of juvenile _" "success catching _" "striped bass , hybrid _" "good populations of _" "fly fishing for _" "fishing opportunities for _" "good numbers of _" "excellent catches of _" "water fish include _" "time fishing for _" "indigenous species like _" "fish species including _" "fishing is for _" "good catches of _" "good fishing for _" "fly pattern for _" "_ are being caught in" "_ are being caught below" "_ are spawning on" "_ are still being caught in" "spawning beds for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "fishing spot for _" "year-round fishing for _" "_ caught that morning" "panfish including _" "_ being caught on" "ice fishing for _" "_ are biting better" "good angling for _" "pond fishing for _" "lake has been stocked with _" "spawning sites for _" "small fish , such as _" "_ is a big fish" "fair catches of _" "fish fry of _" "we fished for _" "small fish such as _" "live bait for _" "Available species include _" "shad , small _" "anglers hook _" "_ caught during" "We caught several _" "fish like _" "excellent populations of _" "shore fishing for _" "_ are biting around" "_ are biting at" "many anglers consider _" "Ice fishing for _" "Pier anglers caught _" "We were fishing for _" "_ are biting well on" "_ are still biting in" "panfish such as _" "native fish species such as _" "_ dominate the catch" "_ inhabit these waters" "excellent fishing for _" "_ are aggressive feeders" "state fish is _" "_ using live bait" "angling for _" "bass , hybrid _" "fishing for large _" "fresh caught _" "_ grabbed the fly" "_ are being caught along" "game fish such as _" "panfish like _" "_ also spawn in" "_ are great fighters" "you 're fishing for _" "water fish species such as _" "_ are being caught with" "lakes are stocked with _" "lake is stocked with _" "_ typically spawn in" "_ is a popular game fish" "_ moving shallow" "Spring fishing for _" "_ are being caught while" "_ is the state fish" "freshwater fish such as _" "spawning bed for _" "such fish as _" "_ were stocked last week" "_ were biting on" "I was fishing for _" "lake was stocked with _" "lake stocked with _" "Anglers have found _" "decent catches of _" "live bait such as _" "nice stringer of _" "_ were stocked in" "_ have been biting on" "They are also catching _" "Anglers are taking _" "other fish such as _" "culture of hybrid _" "freshwater species such as _" "fish fillets , such as _" "Baits for _" "_ was the only fish" "spawning time for _" "_ have been hitting at" "sport fishery for _" "_ dominate the lake" "stringers of _" ] using bluegill
CPL @1095 (88.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "bait intended for _" "bait , live _" "_ 's diet" "_ have been biting in" "abundance of juvenile _" "_ are still being caught on" "prey species such as _" "smaller fish like _" "Good catches of _" "_ are caught throughout" "school of hungry _" "catches of _" "other fish like _" "fish , including _" "_ is a favorite fish" "lake teeming with _" "Fish such as _" "warm water species such as _" "warm water fish such as _" "game fish , including _" "species including _" "fishes like _" "nice catches of _" "sport fish include _" "good fly fishing for _" "water species such as _" "_ have large mouths" "prey eaten by _" "They were fishing for _" "Fish species such as _" "Fishing is fair to good for _" "game species such as _" "predators like _" "prey , such as _" "prey such as _" "abundant schools of _" "game fish include _" "bass , northern _" "_ are being caught at" "Good fishing for _" "good stringers of _" "aquatic life like _" "freshwater fish including _" "better catches of _" "Habitat use by _" "supplemental feeding of _" "success fishing for _" "water fish like _" "smaller fish such as _" "Rafinesque described _" "_ are being caught from" "catfish , hybrid _" "experience fishing for _" "fishes such as _" "water species including _" "host species such as _" "limit catches of _" "predators such as _" "warm water fish like _" "live baits such as _" "native fish such as _" "fish species such as _" "fish species like _" "game fish including _" "Small fish like _" "fish species include _" "fishing with live _" "other fish , such as _" "prey like _" "fish including _" "game fish like _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "baitfish such as _" "lean fish such as _" "largemouth bass , northern _" "nice stringers of _" "water fish such as _" "fish , such as _" "striped bass , hybrid _" "fly fishing for _" "excellent catches of _" "good catches of _" "fish such as _" "_ are biting better" "small fish , such as _" "food source for _" "fair catches of _" "wildlife ranging from _" "small fish such as _" "Available species include _" "fish like _" "Ice fishing for _" "_ are biting well on" "_ swimming around" "wildlife including _" "_ are still biting in" "panfish such as _" "_ inhabit these waters" "excellent fishing for _" "predation from _" "bass , hybrid _" "fishing for large _" "game fish such as _" "_ is a popular game fish" "_ are being caught while" "_ is the state fish" "freshwater fish such as _" "species such as _" "lake was stocked with _" "decent catches of _" "live bait such as _" "nice stringer of _" "_ are found statewide" "other fish such as _" "freshwater species such as _" "_ was the only fish" ] using bluegill
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (bluegill, sunfish)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (sunfish, bluegill)