CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=rout 2.88611 PREFIX=tro 2.80713 LASTSUFFIX=rout 2.61354 LAST_WORD=trout 2.47057 SUFFIX=out 2.40530 LASTSUFFIX=out 2.34707 SUFFIX=ea 1.88529 CHARS -2.05143 WORDS -4.08271 POS=NN -4.83704 ] using sea_trout
CPL @1094 (94.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "good catches of _" "fishing for large _" "_ take the fly" "catches of _" "water fishing for _" "drum , spotted _" "annual runs of _" "species , including _" "fly-fishing for _" "redfish , speckled _" "fish species , including _" "Species such as _" "_ run the river" "excellent numbers of _" "migratory fish such as _" "night fishing for _" "fishing for _" "fish such as _" ] using sea_trout
CPL @1094 (94.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "farms to wild _" "dry fly fishing for _" "_ spawning areas" "They fished for _" "tube flies for _" "predatory fish , including _" "_ were being caught from" "predatory fish like _" "shoals of _" "_ are anadromous" "_ caught along" "spot , small _" "_ have been caught on" "salmon , smoked _" "record spotted _" "run of wild _" "beach fishing for _" "_ take the lure" "_ bearing rivers" "_ are occasionally caught on" "larger spotted _" "large shoals of _" "nice fishing for _" "you 're fishing for _" "holding water for _" "fly has caught _" "_ are being caught between" "_ are commonly caught in" "line caught wild _" "significant runs of _" "I’ve never caught _" "Fishing for _" "catches of _" "sportfish such as _" "peat smoked _" "fish species including _" "bass , speckled _" "first catches of _" "spring fishing for _" "fishes such as _" "fillet of wild _" "Good numbers of _" "Species caught include _" "bait fishing for _" "_ took the fly" "shore fishing for _" "year classes of _" "winter fishing for _" "_ caught this week" "various fish such as _" "numbers of spotted _" "fish caught are _" "complex life history of _" "evening fishing for _" "fish like _" "healthy population of wild _" "_ fishing waters" "fish including _" "_ caught during" "good fishing for _" "inshore fishing for _" "good catches of _" "fishing is for _" "fishing for wild _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "small shoal of _" "fishing season for _" "fishermen targeting _" "_ being caught on" "_ provide sport" "heavy runs of _" "_ are being caught in" "_ were also caught at" "run of large _" "massive schools of _" "fly fishing for _" "migratory species such as _" "healthy runs of _" "hungry school of _" "fish also known as _" "great runs of _" "natural baits for _" "limit catches of _" "trolling for _" "good fly for _" "fish , including _" "fish called _" "annual run of _" "spawning conditions for _" "Night fishing for _" "fun time catching _" "excellent runs of _" "fish for big _" "dry fly for _" "fishing spots for _" "we were fishing for _" "offshore fishing for _" "salt water fishing for _" "trout such as _" "large shoal of _" "fish , in particular _" "_ are migratory fish" "trophy sized _" "_ run the river" "_ is a migratory fish" "fishing trips for _" "excellent fishing for _" "_ have been caught from" "early runs of _" "fish populations , such as _" "excellent sport with _" "_ is an opportunistic feeder" "_ were stocked in" "Fly fishing for _" "sharks , spotted _" "saltwater fly fishing for _" "_ are released alive" "delicate smoked _" "coastal fishing for _" "flounder , spotted _" "trout , known as _" "_ are regularly caught in" "substantial run of _" "_ leave the rivers" "_ are also being caught in" "target species is _" "spawning bed for _" "migratory fish like _" "spawning ground for _" "_ fishing site" "trout , small _" "_ were biting on" "_ ascend the river" "fly caught _" "_ have similar feeding habits" "bag limit for _" "commercial fish such as _" "River fishing for _" "slot limit on _" "sea angling for _" "spawning grounds for _" "trout , also known as _" "_ are biting well on" "fall fishing for _" "striped bass , spotted _" "baits for _" "quick limit of _" "portion of wild _" "private fishing for _" "catches of small _" "catches of spotted _" "_ are the main species" "bass , spotted _" "smaller fish like _" "bottom fish as _" "fishing destination for _" "_ fillet into" "redfish , spotted _" "river abounds in _" "productive fishing for _" "saltwater fish like _" "creel limits for _" "surf fishing for _" "I was fishing for _" "_ are being caught with" "_ are caught during" "angling for _" "_ is an eating machine" "sea liced _" "year fishing for _" "summer run of _" "anglers target _" "fish species such as _" "upstream migration of _" "red drum , spotted _" "larger fish such as _" "fair run of _" "angler fishing for _" "trout , spotted _" "saltwater fish such as _" "fish , such as _" "good catch of _" "guys are catching _" "fish , like _" "Fall fishing for _" "he has fished for _" "Saltwater fly fishing for _" "catching lots of _" "_ have soft mouths" "smolts of _" "_ are biting in" "_ following the lure" "game fish including _" "male spotted _" "fisheries for _" "winter run of _" "sports fishing for _" "stocks of wild _" "Surf fishing for _" "fish species , such as _" "commercial fishing of _" "Large schools of _" "good runs of _" "night fishing for _" "mercury include _" "_ takes the fly" "years fishing for _" "fall runs of _" "fish is also known as _" "big schools of _" "_ spawning habitat" "_ are the only fish" "lice on wild _" "We fished for _" "Good catches of _" "fantastic fishing for _" "finfish such as _" "flats fishing for _" "game fish such as _" "river fishing for _" "large fish , such as _" "main runs of _" "run of small _" "excellent catches of _" "good numbers of _" "species caught include _" "fly fishing for wild _" "healthy run of _" "_ florida flats" "anglers seeking _" "_ were biting around" "_ producing rivers" "great catches of _" "_ are the main quarry" "_ are being caught on" "spawning stock of _" "risk to wild _" "sea fishing for _" "I 've never caught _" "_ have a soft mouth" "anglers chasing _" "_ fishing quality" "good numbers of small _" "_ were caught from" "_ fishing flies" "saltwater fishing for _" "spawning stocks of _" "aquaculture on wild _" "good bait for _" "_ enter the river" "_ are the main target species" "Target species include _" "_ caught throughout" "_ are sight feeders" "snook , spotted _" "water fly fishing for _" "catches of big _" "_ fishing techniques" "species , spotted _" "catch consists of _" "anadromous species such as _" "fish , speckled _" "great fishing for _" "_ are caught year" "migratory fish such as _" "day fishing for _" "drum , spotted _" "huge school of _" "salt water fly fishing for _" "catches include _" "_ run the rivers" "I had never caught _" "fresh runs of _" "fly-fishing for _" "numbers of speckled _" "lake fishing for _" "fair numbers of _" "redfish , speckled _" "catch consists mainly of _" "species such as spotted _" "anglers fishing for _" "other lures for _" "days fishing for _" "_ flies plus" "water fishing for _" ] using sea_trout
CMC @1055 (100.0%) on 03-may-2017 [ PREFIX=tro 2.83765 SUFFIX=ut 2.21639 PREFIX=trou 2.07584 SUFFIX=rout 2.01317 SUFFIX=out 2.00048 LASTPREFIX=trou 1.85866 PREFIX=tr 1.84481 CHARS -3.72843 POS=NN -4.38652 WORDS -6.25832 ] using sea_trout
SEAL @287 (75.0%) on 05-jun-2011 [ 12 ] using sea_trout
Human feedback from estevam @591 on 11-jun-2012 [ "game_fish animalsuchasfish sea_trout", Action=(+animalsuchasfish) (from NELL.08m.591.SSFeedback.csv) ] using sea_trout
SEAL @580 (50.0%) on 27-may-2012 [ 1 ] using sea_trout
CPL @1094 (91.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "predatory fish , including _" "predatory fish like _" "_ are anadromous" "salmon , smoked _" "predators , such as _" "run of wild _" "migrants such as _" "holding water for _" "catches of _" "sportfish such as _" "bass , speckled _" "fishes such as _" "Good numbers of _" "winter fishing for _" "_ caught this week" "numbers of spotted _" "fish like _" "healthy population of wild _" "fish including _" "other species , such as _" "good catches of _" "fishing for wild _" "fish such as _" "species such as _" "prey for hungry _" "small shoal of _" "massive schools of _" "fly fishing for _" "migratory species such as _" "breeding of _" "healthy runs of _" "limit catches of _" "fish , including _" "spawning conditions for _" "Night fishing for _" "excellent runs of _" "we were fishing for _" "salt water fishing for _" "_ run the river" "_ is a migratory fish" "excellent fishing for _" "_ have been caught from" "migratory fish like _" "trout , small _" "River fishing for _" "_ are biting well on" "_ swimming around" "number of spotted _" "bass , spotted _" "smaller fish like _" "species including _" "_ is an eating machine" "fish species such as _" "red drum , spotted _" "larger fish such as _" "saltwater fish such as _" "fish , such as _" "_ have soft mouths" "game fish including _" "many predators , such as _" "winter run of _" "Surf fishing for _" "fish species , such as _" "Large schools of _" "night fishing for _" "years fishing for _" "fall runs of _" "big schools of _" "Good catches of _" "finfish such as _" "young spotted _" "game fish such as _" "large fish , such as _" "excellent catches of _" "species caught include _" "_ are the main quarry" "behaviour of wild _" "anglers chasing _" "_ are caught year" "migratory fish such as _" "drum , spotted _" "_ run the rivers" "fresh runs of _" "redfish , speckled _" "catch consists mainly of _" "species such as spotted _" ] using sea_trout
CMC @1067 (100.0%) on 16-jul-2017 [ FIRST_WORD=sea 1.95395 PREFIX=tro 1.92436 SUFFIX=rout 1.78144 LAST_WORD=trout 1.66505 LASTSUFFIX=rout 1.63877 LASTPREFIX=tro 1.40660 LASTSUFFIX=out 1.34364 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.54847 POS=NN -1.85306 WORDS -4.55744 ] using sea_trout
Human feedback from estevam @591 on 11-jun-2012 [ "game_fish animalsuchasfish sea_trout", Action=(+animalsuchasfish) (from NELL.08m.591.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (game_fish, sea_trout)
OE @806 (93.2%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (game_fish, sea_trout)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey