CPL @1096 (80.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "trout , native _" "runs of big _" "quality fishing for _" "annual run of _" "_ are iteroparous" "luck fishing for _" "_ are also being caught on" "fishing trips for _" "excellent fishing for _" "spawning beds for _" "returns of wild _" "strong runs of _" "risk to wild _" "_ are common catches" "abundance of juvenile _" "adult wild _" "anglers trolling for _" "pod of _" "_ enter the rivers" "_ do migrate" "fall runs of _" "trips for wild _" "survival of juvenile _" "trophy sized _" "_ eat smaller fish" "smallmouth bass to _" "_ are being caught from" "anadromous fish such as _" "excellent runs of _" "fishing adventures for _" "fair catches of _" "density of juvenile _" "fishing charters for _" "_ cruising the shallows" "predators of juvenile _" "_ are listed as endangered in" "_ have been caught on" "river fishing for _" "_ do not die after" "_ are biting on" "fishing excursions for _" "_ are caught throughout" "large pod of _" "migratory fish , such as _" "plight of wild _" "_ swimming next" "Fishing for wild _" "migration route for _" "Fishing charters for _" "excellent angling for _" "healthy run of _" "_ are being caught at" "_ are still being caught at" "Lake fishing for _" "creek is stocked with _" "numbers of wild _" "different fish , including _" "cold water species such as _" "future of wild _" "healthy populations of wild _" "radio tagged _" "sports fishing for _" "refuge for wild _" "program for wild _" "offshore species such as _" "_ are being caught by" "Anglers are also catching _" "Sport fishing for _" "_ are not the only fish" "_ caught this week" "numbers of stray _" "mortality of juvenile _" "fair run of _" "hatchery raised _" "Fishing opportunities for _" "spawning habitat for _" "risks to wild _" "Anglers fishing for _" "They were fishing for _" "pod of wild _" "_ are being caught in" "_ are still being caught in" "minimum size limit for _" "fishing is good for _" "great bait for _" "endangered species including _" "sport fishery for _" "_ tagging program" "River fishing for _" "_ are spring spawners" "_ have also been caught on" "fishes including _" "success fishing for _" "run of small _" "bass , small _" "fishing packages for _" "excellent fly fishing for _" "trout , small _" "food fish such as _" "game fishing for _" "other fish , like _" "good runs of _" "nice catches of _" "_ caught throughout" "threats to wild _" "experience fishing for _" "fall run of _" "I have fished for _" "water species such as _" "Good reports of _" "_ were caught near" "fantastic fishing for _" "fall run _" "fishing for native _" "species , including _" "_ is a migratory fish" "good fishing for _" "_ producing river" "threatened species such as _" "survival of stocked _" "_ are being caught near" "hundreds of juvenile _" "nymphing for _" "migration of juvenile _" "chrome bright _" "Fish such as _" "Anglers have been catching _" "by-catch of _" "cold water fish like _" "_ spawning success" "species caught include _" "bank fishing for _" "fishin' for _" "great fly fishing for _" "_ take the fly" "excellent fishing opportunities for _" "fall fishing for _" "river , fishing for _" "people fishing for _" "ice fishing for _" "native species such as _" "_ have been caught from" "larger fish , such as _" "prey on juvenile _" "numbers of migrating _" "nursery for young _" "_ run the river" "_ takes a fly" "favorite fishing spot for _" "dry flies for _" "first time fishing for _" "freshwater fish like _" "excellent catches of _" "_ are being caught on" "_ are still being caught on" "fish species such as _" "pursuit of giant _" "_ are anadromous fish" "_ caught last week" "_ producing lakes" "anglers catch _" "breed of _" "fish other than _" "_ also spawn in" "_ are great fighters" "_ caught per" "_ is an anadromous fish" "spawning run of _" "peak numbers of _" "large numbers of migrating _" "spring runs of _" "_ are anadromous" "outstanding fishing for _" "anglers have caught _" "population of wild _" "night fishing for _" "_ are a migratory fish" "valuable fish such as _" "summer run of _" "_ swam up" "Limit catches of _" "Good catches of _" "drift fishing for _" "decent numbers of _" "_ have been caught at" "Ice fishing for _" "barrier to migrating _" "anglers after _" "_ still spawn in" "killing of wild _" "migratory fish like _" "fresh water fishing for _" "good fishery for _" "decent catches of _" "native runs of _" "fish , including _" "consistent catches of _" "water fishing for _" "larger fish like _" "fish , such as _" "fishing areas for _" "fish species including _" "I have never fished for _" "ocean run _" "_ are a great fish" "anglers fish for _" "line fishing for _" "_ have been landed on" "fish stocks , such as _" "fishing opportunities for _" "_ being reared in" "study of wild _" "_ runs peak" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "_ are caught each year" "Excellent fishing for _" "sight fishing to _" "shore fishing for _" "fresh run of _" "habitat for wild _" "spawning populations of _" "angling opportunities for _" "I guide for _" "pike , small _" "migratory patterns of _" "large numbers of wild _" "_ swam between" "annual runs of _" "dry fly fishing for _" "fish , in particular _" "_ are entering the river" "_ spawning sites" "good time catching _" "commercial take of _" "escapement of wild _" "minimum length limit for _" "net fishing for _" "people fish for _" "Float fishing for _" "Drift fishing for _" "I have been fishing for _" "_ are aggressive fish" "_ are very curious creatures" "migratory species like _" "me fishing for _" "_ were listed as endangered in" "fishable numbers of _" "Fishing is for _" "Fair numbers of _" "aquatic life , including _" "fish like _" "float fishing for _" "healthy population of wild _" "float trips for _" "fish populations such as _" "great catches of _" "fishing sites for _" "threat to wild _" "trout called _" "good fly fishing for _" "contact between wild _" "boat fishing for _" "_ reproduce naturally in" "catch of wild _" "catch rate for _" "strong population of _" "large catches of _" "jig fishing for _" "fishing for large _" "fresh runs of _" "fly-fishing for _" "habitat for juvenile _" "home of wild _" "Year round fishing for _" "spring run of _" "_ have been observed spawning in" "_ producing rivers" "summer runs of _" "populations of migratory _" "_ caught this past week" "_ were caught this week" "Habitat use by _" "catches of _" "fish stocks such as _" "I love fishing for _" "Great fishing for _" "predatory fish like _" "large pods of _" "steady catches of _" "habitat for young _" "freshwater fishing for _" "flyfishing for _" "charters for _" "catches include _" "_ are being caught around" "salmonids such as _" "_ run the rivers" "anglers targeting _" "anglers are targeting _" "easy limits of _" "_ do not spawn in" "day fishing for _" "native species like _" "anglers are fishing for _" "anglers are still catching _" "great fishing for _" "catch rates for _" "_ being caught from" "_ were weighed in at" "limit catches of _" "migratory runs of _" "I have caught many _" "large species like _" "winter runs of _" "sport fish including _" "remnant population of _" "prolific runs of _" "excellent fishery for _" "spawning site for _" "anglers fishing for _" "commercial fisheries for _" "behalf of wild _" "annual stocking of _" "experience raising _" "bigger fish like _" "large fish like _" "population of juvenile _" "exciting fishing for _" "lions versus _" "release of wild _" "angler caught _" "target species such as _" "tail wagging _" "anglers pursuing _" "taking of wild _" "Trolling for _" "I 've caught many _" "run of native _" "We fished for _" "anglers are taking _" "_ have been caught near" "fish species , including _" "runs of wild _" "predators such as _" "gamefish including _" "game fish including _" "numbers of giant _" "wildlife species , such as _" "wildlife like _" "wild runs of _" "run of large _" "small pod of _" "we were fishing for _" "several pods of _" "sensitive species , such as _" "fly fishing trips for _" "healthy runs of _" "_ are raised in" "_ rearing habitat" "big game fishing for _" "angling for wild _" "_ rebuilding plan" "_ are spawning in" "big game fish like _" "holding areas for _" "wildlife such as _" "return of wild _" "year fishing for _" "fly fishing for _" "Charter fishing for _" "Fly fishing for _" "wild population of _" "world-class fishing for _" "commercial fishing for _" "_ tagged off" "threatened species , including _" "_ takes the fly" "good catches of _" "fishing is for _" "game fish like _" "fish including _" "commercial fishery for _" "winter fishing for _" "stocks of wild _" "you enjoy fishing for _" "years fishing for _" "hatchery reared _" "winter run of _" "you have never caught _" "Sight fishing for _" "we fished for _" "larger fish such as _" "large predatory fish like _" "wild stocks of _" "fishing for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for wild _" "water fish like _" "holding water for _" "interaction with wild _" "net fishery for _" "many species including _" "ocean fish such as _" "native run of _" "fishermen targeting _" "you have ever fished for _" "incidental take of _" "wildlife including _" "good numbers of fresh _" "fish for giant _" "bait fishing for _" "_ took the fly" "you fly fish for _" "you’re fishing for _" "run of wild _" "we are fishing for _" "you 're fishing for _" "fish species , such as _" ] using steelhead
Human feedback from estevam @591 on 11-jun-2012 [ "predators animalsuchasfish steelhead", Action=(+animalsuchasfish) (from NELL.08m.591.SSFeedback.csv) ] using steelhead
CPL @1094 (83.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ holding behind" "trout , native _" "runs of big _" "salmon , except _" "_ were caught from" "quality fishing for _" "annual run of _" "spawning grounds for _" "_ are iteroparous" "_ eats squid" "luck fishing for _" "_ are also being caught on" "fly fishing trip for _" "fishing trips for _" "fish hatchery for _" "fish for wild _" "excellent fishing for _" "I 've never fished for _" "_ fishing waters" "spawning beds for _" "_ rearing pond" "returns of wild _" "strong runs of _" "risk to wild _" "fishing spot for _" "fishing destination for _" "fly fished for _" "_ are common catches" "anglers seek _" "abundance of juvenile _" "_ redd counts" "anglers trolling for _" "_ enter the rivers" "_ do not necessarily die after" "fall runs of _" "trips for wild _" "sport fisheries for _" "stream is stocked with _" "smaller fish , like _" "trout known as _" "survival of juvenile _" "trophy sized _" "_ eat smaller fish" "smallmouth bass to _" "_ stocked into" "_ were being caught at" "_ are being caught from" "boats fishing for _" "_ taking dry flies" "anadromous fish such as _" "catches of wild _" "excellent stocks of _" "commercial harvest of _" "catch consisted of _" "excellent runs of _" "fishing adventures for _" "fishing has been slow for _" "fabulous fishing for _" "fair catches of _" "coastal rivers for _" "density of juvenile _" "_ are being caught between" "artificial propagation of _" "I have personally caught _" "fishing charters for _" "_ have been petitioned for" "_ cruising the shallows" "predators of juvenile _" "_ have been caught throughout" "trophy fishing for _" "_ angling success" "_ dominated the catches" "_ have been caught on" "river fishing for _" "_ are wonderful fish" "_ do not die after" "_ caught near" "_ are biting on" "_ caught this month" "fishing service for _" "fishermen catch _" "fishing excursions for _" "fish we call _" "fair action for _" "_ are caught throughout" "_ following the fly" "We are fishing for _" "migratory fish , such as _" "anadromous fish , including _" "plight of wild _" "pier fishing for _" "Fishing for wild _" "Anglers are still catching _" "Fishing charters for _" "Fishing for _" "excellent angling for _" "healthy run of _" "_ are being caught at" "_ are still being caught at" "cold smoked _" "_ enter the Columbia" "We caught several _" "Lake fishing for _" "catch limit for _" "creek is stocked with _" "dry fly for _" "spawning aggregations of _" "creel limits for _" "different fish , including _" "anglers going after _" "_ take flies" "cold water species such as _" "healthy populations of wild _" "characteristics of juvenile _" "seasonal runs of _" "_ are being caught as" "spawning runs of _" "southern population of _" "sports fishing for _" "_ rearing facility" "huge runs of _" "offshore species such as _" "river is producing _" "sportfishing for _" "_ are being caught by" "salmon , although _" "Anglers are also catching _" "Spring run of _" "Sport fishing for _" "double digit numbers of _" "_ being caught below" "_ are not the only fish" "_ are hitting on" "_ caught this week" "light tackle for _" "_ using a fly" "mortality of juvenile _" "lures catch _" "lower river for _" "popular bait for _" "_ are migratory fish" "many limits of _" "_ was a DD-pounder" "Recreational fishing for _" "fair run of _" "hatchery raised _" "_ caught incidentally in" "Fishing opportunities for _" "spawning habitat for _" "spawning time for _" "Anglers fishing for _" "I fished for _" "_ are staging in" "They were fishing for _" "angling for _" "_ are being caught in" "_ enter the streams" "_ are still being caught in" "_ are n't the only fish" "minimum size limit for _" "great hiding spot for _" "fish except _" "fishing such as _" "_ hug the bottom" "fishermen have been catching _" "hatchery stocks of _" "fishing is good for _" "hatchery production of _" "great bait for _" "good populations of _" "fishing destinations for _" "_ are still being taken on" "_ are being taken on" "_ being caught on" "sport fishery for _" "tarpon to _" "stock of wild _" "_ 's fins" "drop shotting for _" "early runs of _" "_ survive spawning" "Anglers have caught _" "aquatic species like _" "_ tagging program" "River fishing for _" "_ are spring spawners" "_ have also been caught on" "fishes including _" "success fishing for _" "run of small _" "other anglers catch _" "rod is good for _" "bass , small _" "fish similar to _" "fishing packages for _" "excellent fly fishing for _" "fish include _" "rod fishing for _" "_ including shad" "trout , small _" "food fish such as _" "fishery for _" "game fishing for _" "fish are known as _" "he fished for _" "other fish , like _" "I havent caught _" "freshwater populations of _" "good runs of _" "native fish like _" "lake fishing for _" "nice catches of _" "_ caught throughout" "experience fishing for _" "fall run of _" "I have fished for _" "wade fishing for _" "water species such as _" "spawning areas for _" "Good reports of _" "_ were biting in" "_ were being caught around" "_ were caught near" "fantastic fishing for _" "fall run _" "fishing for native _" "fair success for _" "first time I 've caught _" "_ enter this river" "_ caught off of" "_ is a migratory fish" "good fishing for _" "_ producing river" "survival of stocked _" "top bait for _" "_ are being caught near" "hundreds of juvenile _" "local rivers for _" "nymphing for _" "migration of juvenile _" "chrome bright _" "Fish such as _" "I enjoy fishing for _" "Anglers have been catching _" "citrus cured _" "fisheries for _" "by-catch of _" "cold water fish like _" "_ are migrating up" "adipose fin-clipped _" "_ spawning success" "they fished for _" "steady pick of _" "species caught include _" "bank fishing for _" "great fly fishing for _" "movement of juvenile _" "_ caught each day" "_ are feeding heavily on" "_ are amazing fish" "rainbow trout , wild _" "popular fishing destination for _" "_ take the fly" "_ were being caught on" "heavy runs of _" "fishing guides for _" "hand fishing for _" "fin clipped _" "excellent fishing opportunities for _" "fall fishing for _" "river , fishing for _" "people fishing for _" "larger fish including _" "ice fishing for _" "native species such as _" "_ have been caught from" "larger fish , such as _" "_ netted during" "_ is anadromous" "_ threw the hook" "_ once spawned in" "prey on juvenile _" "native stocks of _" "_ run the river" "_ using dry flies" "_ takes a fly" "_ rearing habitats" "_ were landed during" "favorite fishing spot for _" "dry flies for _" "spawning season of _" "trout such as _" "_ have entered the river" "_ are staging at" "_ being stocked into" "_ await anglers" "first time fishing for _" "freshwater fish like _" "good numbers of _" "excellent catches of _" "good numbers of wild _" "Freshwater fishing for _" "sight fishing for _" "_ are being caught on" "_ are still being caught on" "_ fed primarily on" "harvest restrictions on _" "hatchery populations of _" "guide services for _" "fish species such as _" "great baits for _" "fly-fishing trips for _" "fish are native _" "pursuit of giant _" "tube flies for _" "_ are anadromous fish" "_ are gorging on" "_ caught last week" "_ producing lakes" "_ were being caught in" "anglers catch _" "big fish like _" "I did not hook _" "Larger fish such as _" "rearing habitat for juvenile _" "spawning ground for _" "fishes like _" "fishery for wild _" "fish other than _" "_ also spawn in" "_ have been hooked in" "_ are great fighters" "_ caught per" "_ attracting colors" "_ is an anadromous fish" "seasonal run of _" "ESA listing of _" "spawning run of _" "sport fishing for _" "large school of _" "panfish to _" "spring runs of _" "stocking programs for _" "spey fishing for _" "large numbers of juvenile _" "incredible fishing for _" "_ are steelhead" "_ caught along" "_ are anadromous" "_ taking the fly" "_ swimming upstream from" "_ are the quarry" "outstanding fishing for _" "sport harvest of _" "light biting _" "native species include _" "_ are fantastic fighters" "anglers have caught _" "anglers reported catching _" "spawning pair of _" "night fishing for _" "_ are a migratory fish" "_ caught recently on" "same depths as _" "daily catch limit for _" "target species include _" "valuable fish such as _" "summer run of _" "_ are hard fighting" "excellent population of _" "Limit catches of _" "_ are typically caught in" "Good catches of _" "_ enter fresh water" "_ caught during" "_ takes the hook" "runs of native _" "slow fishing for _" "_ is a big fish" "drift fishing for _" "decent numbers of _" "_ have been caught at" "_ is a rainbow trout" "case you hook _" "stream teeming with _" "rivers teemed with _" "_ catching techniques" "He fishes for _" "Ice fishing for _" "_ taking bait" "Flyfishing for _" "barrier to migrating _" "anglers after _" "_ still spawn in" "migratory fish like _" "fresh water fishing for _" "fish here are _" "good fishery for _" "non-native species like _" "decent catches of _" "limit for wild _" "popular lure for _" "native runs of _" "head shake of _" "fish called _" "he has never caught _" "fish , including _" "good fly for _" "massive school of _" "_ have never seen a lure" "consistent catches of _" "_ passing Bonneville Dam" "cover for juvenile _" "_ were still being caught in" "we never hooked _" "_ have been hooked from" "water fishing for _" "fishing holes for _" "larger fish like _" "fish , such as _" "fishing conditions for _" "fishing was very good for _" "fish , like _" "stream habitat for _" "fly-fishing for wild _" "_ were once so abundant" "fresh school of _" "fish species including _" "fly fishing for large _" "fisheries such as _" "Deschutes for _" "I have never fished for _" "more time fishing for _" "ocean run _" "_ are a great fish" "presence of juvenile _" "anglers fish for _" "line fishing for _" "lake record for _" "_ have been landed on" "performance of juvenile _" "steady action for _" "self-sustaining populations of _" "" ] using steelhead
CMC @1081 (99.8%) on 02-dec-2017 [ SUFFIX=head 1.55717 LASTSUFFIX=head 1.07966 SUFFIX=ead 0.98408 LASTPREFIX=stee 0.94333 PREFIX=stee 0.91294 PREFIX=steel 0.91240 LASTPREFIX=steel 0.88874 FULL_POS=NN -1.42984 CHARS -1.50800 WORDS -2.08844 ] using steelhead
SEAL @121 (80.3%) on 19-jun-2010 [ 12 ] using steelhead
SEAL @134 (87.5%) on 24-jul-2010 [ 123 ] using steelhead
CPL @1109 (62.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ are iteroparous" "luck fishing for _" "_ are also being caught on" "excellent fishing for _" "returns of wild _" "abundance of juvenile _" "anglers trolling for _" "fall runs of _" "survival of juvenile _" "_ are being caught from" "anadromous fish such as _" "excellent runs of _" "fair catches of _" "fishing charters for _" "_ are listed as endangered in" "_ are caught throughout" "large pod of _" "migratory fish , such as _" "plight of wild _" "Fishing for wild _" "_ are being caught at" "different kettle of _" "Lake fishing for _" "threat to migrating _" "different fish , including _" "cold water species such as _" "healthy populations of wild _" "offshore species such as _" "Sport fishing for _" "_ caught this week" "numbers of stray _" "mortality of juvenile _" "spawning habitat for _" "Anglers fishing for _" "_ begin feeding on" "They were fishing for _" "pod of wild _" "endangered species including _" "aquatic species like _" "_ tagging program" "River fishing for _" "_ are spring spawners" "_ have also been caught on" "fishes including _" "success fishing for _" "excellent fly fishing for _" "trout , small _" "_ 's diet" "other fish , like _" "nice catches of _" "experience fishing for _" "fall run of _" "water species such as _" "Good reports of _" "_ were caught near" "fishing for native _" "_ is a migratory fish" "_ producing river" "nymphing for _" "migration of juvenile _" "chrome bright _" "Fish such as _" "by-catch of _" "cold water fish like _" "species caught include _" "bank fishing for _" "_ have been caught from" "larger fish , such as _" "prey on juvenile _" "numbers of migrating _" "_ run the river" "_ takes a fly" "first time fishing for _" "excellent catches of _" "good numbers of wild _" "_ are still being caught on" "fish species such as _" "_ are anadromous fish" "fishes like _" "fish other than _" "spawning run of _" "species including _" "large numbers of migrating _" "spring runs of _" "_ are anadromous" "populations of wild _" "night fishing for _" "target species include _" "Limit catches of _" "_ are important predators" "Good catches of _" "_ have been caught at" "Ice fishing for _" "migratory fish like _" "decent catches of _" "native runs of _" "fish , including _" "_ rearing projects" "consistent catches of _" "fish , such as _" "_ were once so abundant" "I have never fished for _" "_ are a great fish" "predation by _" "fish stocks , such as _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "_ often spawn in" "fresh run of _" "I guide for _" "commercial take of _" "net fishing for _" "Float fishing for _" "_ are very curious creatures" "migratory species like _" "_ swimming up" "_ were listed as endangered in" "Fair numbers of _" "anglers chasing _" "fish like _" "float fishing for _" "habitat area for _" "healthy population of wild _" "fish populations such as _" "good fly fishing for _" "_ reproduce naturally in" "catch of wild _" "fishing for large _" "fresh runs of _" "habitat for juvenile _" "species such as _" "spring run of _" "_ have been observed spawning in" "Habitat use by _" "catches of _" "fish stocks such as _" "predatory fish like _" "popular species include _" "large pods of _" "steady catches of _" "habitat for young _" "_ run the rivers" "_ do not spawn in" "_ being caught from" "limit catches of _" "migratory runs of _" "large species like _" "winter runs of _" "sport fish including _" "remnant population of _" "_ are cold blooded animals" "densities of juvenile _" "bigger fish like _" "large fish like _" "exciting fishing for _" "target species such as _" "anglers pursuing _" "run of native _" "_ swimming around" "_ have been caught near" "runs of wild _" "predators such as _" "game fish including _" "wildlife species , such as _" "wildlife like _" "small pod of _" "we were fishing for _" "several pods of _" "sensitive species , such as _" "fly fishing trips for _" "healthy runs of _" "angling for wild _" "big game fish like _" "people fished for _" "wildlife such as _" "_ are being caught throughout" "fly fishing for _" "Charter fishing for _" "_ tagged off" "good catches of _" "game fish like _" "fish including _" "winter fishing for _" "you enjoy fishing for _" "years fishing for _" "winter run of _" "you have never caught _" "larger fish such as _" "large predatory fish like _" "wild stocks of _" "fish such as _" "fishing for wild _" "water fish like _" "holding water for _" "many species including _" "ocean fish such as _" "incidental take of _" "wildlife including _" "trophy wild _" "you fly fish for _" "run of wild _" "fish species , such as _" ] using steelhead
Human feedback from estevam @591 on 11-jun-2012 [ "predators animalsuchasfish steelhead", Action=(+animalsuchasfish) (from NELL.08m.591.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (predators, steelhead)
OE @830 (99.3%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (predators, steelhead)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 fishing in local arg1" "arg2 infested arg1" "arg2 fishing in the local arg1" "arg2 in anadromous arg1" ] using (waters, steelhead)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as salmon and arg2" "arg1 like salmon and arg2" "arg1 such as salmon or arg2" ] using (anadromous_fish, steelhead)
CPL @1107 (98.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 fishing guide service for arg2" "arg1 fishing for salmon and arg2" "arg1 fishing for trophy arg2" "arg1 fishing for large arg2" "arg1 fishing trips for arg2" "arg1 fishing for trout and arg2" ] using (fly, steelhead)