CPL @1096 (99.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "drizzle of _" "I have always made _" "recipe called for _" "pint of _" "bowl of warm _" "large bowl , stir together _" "huge can of _" "few spoonfuls of _" "fruits like _" "granola with _" "large mixing bowl , combine _" "gallons of fresh _" "half-cup of _" "rich foods like _" "we ate _" "condiments such as _" "bowl of fresh _" "bowl , add _" "speed , beat _" "meat such as _" "cheese , green _" "boil until _" "spoonfuls of _" "recipe calls for _" "large can of _" "medium bowl combine _" "small saucepan , combine _" "medium heat , combine _" "heat , until _" "electric mixer , beat _" "bags of frozen _" "_ topped with" "bowl , beat _" "mixture , alternating with _" "large bowl , beat _" "pints of _" "small bowl , combine _" "cup of warm _" "beverages such as _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "few gallons of _" "fruits such as _" "home cooked _" "_ is heated through" "moisture content of _" "medium saucepan , bring _" "glass of cool _" "sauce , add _" "recipe for baked _" "blender , combine _" "D/D cup of _" "eggs , add _" "small bowl , stir together _" "large bowl , add _" "pan roasted _" "big can of _" "chocolate cake with _" "small amount of cold _" "large tub of _" "stir into _" "bowl of hot _" "½ cup of _" "kitchen making _" "tablespoons of _" "dish , combine _" "vegetables including _" "recipe for homemade _" "mixture over _" "ingredients , except for _" "? cup of _" "you lemons , make _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "bowl add _" "consistency of thick _" "¼ cup of _" "vegetables , such as _" "lots of fresh _" "one-half cup of _" "couple tablespoons of _" "heat , stir in _" "ingredients except _" "applesauce for _" "bowl , mix _" "I do n't eat _" "thick , add _" "recipe made with _" "whites into _" "large bowl , combine _" "cake made with _" "bowl combine _" "I spilled _" "large pot of _" "fruits , such as _" "fire roasted _" "small saucepan , bring _" "Recipe using _" "recipe is made with _" "I was eating _" "bowl , stir together _" "mixture resembles _" "pan , combine _" "few tablespoons of _" "lemons , make _" "big glass of _" "stir until _" "saucepan , cook _" "separate bowl , combine _" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , fresh _" "mixer , beat _" "egg whites with _" "favorite foods are _" "saucepan , combine _" "tsp of _" "home canned _" "heat , combine _" "fruit such as _" "oven roasted _" "food items like _" "vegetables such as _" "pot , add _" "amount of cold _" "_ filled donut" "whole cup of _" "large saucepan , combine _" "whisk in _" "tablespoonful of _" "dry , add _" "vegetables , canned _" "scones with _" "pulse until _" "saucepan , bring _" "tablespoon of _" "foods , such as _" ] using applesauce
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=uce 2.60443 LASTSUFFIX=uce 2.32712 LASTPREFIX=apple 1.40072 SUFFIX=auce 1.36675 PREFIX=apple 1.29764 LASTSUFFIX=auce 1.26959 PREFIX=appl 0.73509 WORDS -0.80690 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=AaAa -1.09289 FULL_POS=NN -1.14482 ] using applesauce
CPL @1103 (90.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "spices , fresh _" "beef mixed with _" "bowl , then stir in _" "rest , eat _" "bread , raw _" "foods like _" "bowl of warm _" "soft fruits like _" "_ were cooked over" "huge can of _" "pint of sweet _" "toppings such as _" "Other foods such as _" "dish of warm _" "fruits like _" "consistency of thin _" "gallons of fresh _" "butter mixture to _" "cream , hot _" "side dish with _" "cheese , green _" "jar of cold _" "soft foods like _" "mixer , combine _" "dry ingredients , alternating with _" "bags of frozen _" "_ topped with" "bowl , beat _" "family eats _" "pints of _" "teaspoon of _" "cup of warm _" "Stir in hot _" "fruits such as _" "We always eat _" "many quarts of _" "large bowl , mix _" "jars with hot _" "glass of cool _" "saucepan , warm _" "apples vs. _" "fruit , canned _" "salad with _" "medium bowl with _" "pan roasted _" "I made baked _" "We also ate _" "bread , canned _" "baking dish , combine _" "medium speed , add _" "sugar mixture to _" "bowl of hot _" "foods such as _" "muffins made with _" "crepes filled with _" "recipes using _" "vegetable other than _" "you lemons , make _" "I make homemade _" "can of _" "consistency of thick _" "consistency of coarse _" "quick recipe for _" "butter mixture , alternating with _" "mixture looks like _" "brownies made with _" "juice , organic _" "bowl , mix _" "bowl of chilled _" "ground beef mixed with _" "Recipe using _" "recipe is made with _" "cream , roasted _" "potatoes , canned _" "natural sugars in _" "_ infused with" "mixture resembles _" "pan , combine _" "lemons , make _" "children with nutritious _" "ingredients , alternating with _" "dessert recipes using _" "egg whites with _" "recipe using _" "_ served with" "dishes like _" "_ filled donut" "Spread half of _" "vegetables , canned _" "_ filled doughnuts" "pulse until _" "separate bowl combine _" ] using applesauce
CPL @1108 (79.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "spices , fresh _" "small saucepan , warm _" "Fruit such as _" "bread , raw _" "foods like _" "bowl of warm _" "ingredients EXCEPT _" "cranberry sauce with _" "soft fruits like _" "appetizers such as _" "huge can of _" "potato cakes with _" "pint of sweet _" "Other foods such as _" "dish of warm _" "fruits like _" "consistency of thin _" "dry ingredients alternating with _" "meatloaf made with _" "rich foods like _" "bowl , combine together _" "fruits other than _" "snack foods including _" "cheese , green _" "rice , unsweetened _" "homemade roasted _" "pancakes with fresh _" "foods , including _" "spinach with fresh _" "honey , organic _" "dry ingredients , alternating with _" "egg , followed by _" "_ topped with" "cup of warm _" "D-D tbsp of _" "fruits such as _" "recipe for tasty _" "many quarts of _" "saucepan , warm _" "apples vs. _" "blender , combine _" "Fruits like _" "salad with _" "medium bowl with _" "more teaspoons of _" "flour mixture , alternating with _" "occasional cup of _" "baking dish , combine _" "bowl of hot _" "foods such as _" "vegetable other than _" "_ reaches desired consistency" "you lemons , make _" "consistency of thick _" "consistency of coarse _" "vegetables , such as _" "mixture looks like _" "ingredients except _" "cold foods such as _" "tea , homemade _" "juice , organic _" "gelatin in hot _" "spice cake with _" "bowl of chilled _" "Pork Chops with _" "ground beef mixed with _" "foods , like _" "bowl , pour hot _" "tart with fresh _" "recipe is made with _" "_ is served so" "mixture resembles _" "fruits including _" "lemons , make _" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , fresh _" "bland foods such as _" "ingredients alternating with _" "game , eating _" "ingredients , alternating with _" "frying pan , combine _" "milk , unsweetened _" "_ is too runny" "vegetables such as _" "_ filled donut" "dishes such as _" "_ tastes like" "tablespoon of _" "vegetables , like _" "foods , such as _" ] using applesauce