CPL @1108 (55.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "raw eggs such as _" "smaller bowl combine _" "sauces such as _" "_ based dips" "salmon mixed with _" "bread covered in _" "condiments , including _" "_ makes a great dipping sauce" "salad with low-fat _" "old jar of _" "salad dressed with _" "cheese , horseradish _" "sub roll with _" "wheat roll with _" "whole stick of _" "chocolate cakes with _" "_ adds a little kick" "spicy avocado _" "bread , spread _" "white bread with _" "fat of regular _" "dog buns with _" "french fries covered in _" "tuna carpaccio with _" "hamburger buns with _" "marinating meat in _" "saltines with _" "turkey sandwiches with _" "small bowl , blend _" "_ dressing served with" "corn topped with _" "medium bowl mix _" "center , topped with _" "dogs smothered in _" "bagel with _" "catfish fillets with _" "bologna sandwiches with _" "bowl , blend _" "sandwich smothered in _" "sandwiches with extra _" "new jar of _" "salmon cakes with _" "smaller bowl , combine _" "slather of _" "_ based white sauce" "wheat bun with _" "_ becomes too thick" "sandwich dripping with _" "beef flavored with _" "you use low-fat _" "grilled prawns with _" "use fat-free _" "grilled bun with _" "sandwich with extra _" "pomme frites with _" "white bread spread with _" "tuna burgers with _" "condiments such as _" "size jar of _" "squeezy bottle of _" "couple tablespoons of _" "cheese with garlic _" "yolks , add _" "toast with real _" "such condiments as _" "slaw without _" "hot knife through _" "lettuce , served with _" "sticks dipped in _" "dressing combine _" "white bread slathered with _" "pepper , organic _" "bread smothered in _" "light spread of _" "_ based dip" "potato mixture with _" "shmear of _" "tuna , add _" "tuna mixed with _" "you use low fat _" "toasted roll with _" "seasonings like _" "tomato slices with _" "salad with fat-free _" "whole wheat bun with _" "wheat toast with _" "bowl , stir _" "bulkie roll with _" "bread , spread with _" "small spoonful of _" "tomato , creamy _" "Stir in enough _" "hot dog bun with _" "chocolate cake using _" "banana sandwiches with _" "toasted hoagie roll with _" "tuna steak with _" "cheese , low fat _" "butter , low-fat _" "condiment such as _" "dressing made with _" "Condiments such as _" "sandwiches smothered in _" "salt , prepared _" "chicken sandwich without _" "other tablespoon of _" "egg yolks , add _" "emulsions like _" "hot dog buns with _" "salad with fat free _" "spicy Japanese _" "small bowl , mix _" "homemade wasabi _" "few dashes of _" "half jar of _" "dog topped with _" "hot dog with _" "salad with homemade _" "salads made with _" "schmear of _" "salad with creamy _" "separate bowl , combine _" "single tablespoon of _" "sauce , combine _" "sauce , Japanese _" "second tablespoon of _" "_ contains vinegar" "healthy substitution for _" "French fries dipped in _" "bow-tie pasta with _" "fries served with _" "_ was drizzled on" "breast sandwich with _" "chips smothered in _" "_ covered chips" "_ complemented the meat" "_ overpowered the flavor" "_ thinned with" "dollop of real _" "chicken smothered in _" "chipotle peppers with _" "chicken dipped in _" "cheeseburger with extra _" "_ based salad dressings" "fries drenched in _" "butter , real _" "crackers spread with _" "Spread thin layer of _" "peas tossed in _" "dijon mustard with _" "couple packets of _" "bun spread with _" "squeeze bottles of _" "basil , balsamic _" "chicken patty with _" "amount of creamy _" "separate bowl combine _" "french fries dipped in _" "pancake topped with _" "frites with _" "enhancers , like _" "fish roe with _" "bread slices with _" "cheese , homemade _" "Cuban bread with _" "pommes frites with _" "sauces including _" "sandwich with low-fat _" "Salads made with _" "salad with light _" "I requested extra _" "pasta covered in _" "potato cakes with _" "lettuce , creamy _" "sandwich slathered with _" "cream and/or _" "burger without _" "tablespoon of real _" "mushrooms with garlic _" "potatoes slathered in _" "cheese , wasabi _" "more vinegar than _" "sauces like _" "hamburger bun with _" "few tsp of _" "sesame seed bun with _" "pickles dipped in _" "_ provide the bite" "bread slathered in _" "Ritz crackers with _" "anything smothered in _" "ginger sesame _" "little tubs of _" "salad with garlic _" "dressing , combine _" "French fries with _" "_ based slaw" "Tbs of _" "small bowl , stir together _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "teaspoon of regular _" "condiment known as _" "chicken breast sandwich with _" "kaiser bun with _" "single jar of _" "fried squid served with _" "sour cream and/or _" "spicy brown _" "dip made from _" "french roll with _" "batter served with _" "drizzle of sweet _" "dressing , mix _" "choice of garlic _" "bread dressed with _" "potato salad made with _" "medium bowl , blend _" "toasted bun with _" "Kaiser bun with _" "silken tofu for _" "salmon tartare with _" "potatoes smothered in _" "Mix sugar with _" "hot dogs smothered in _" "roast beef sandwiches with _" "condiments like _" "bread with creamy _" "spread made of _" "fries dipped in _" "onions , creamy _" "_ is a great condiment" "french fries with _" "light dab of _" "jar of commercial _" "turkey served with _" "bread is spread with _" "beef sandwiches with _" "burger with extra _" "cup of low-fat _" "mustard mixed with _" "it was slathered in _" "bun topped with _" "double cheeseburger with _" "ketchup mixed with _" "_ based sauces" "bowl , stir together _" "crab meat mixed with _" "chocolate cake recipe with _" "sour cream along with _" "tbls of _" "roast beef sandwich with _" "roast beef with _" "_ based dipping sauce" "tiny container of _" "bagel , with _" "rare roast beef with _" "crab meat blended with _" "chili garlic _" "couple teaspoons of _" "rice drizzled with _" "sandwich with garlic _" "salad is dressed with _" "salmon burger with _" "goujons with _" "cheese , garlic _" "dressing , stir together _" "squeeze bottle of _" "corn slathered with _" "emulsions such as _" "puff filled with _" "sandwiches slathered with _" "bread , creamy _" "bread spread with _" "_ based dressing" "bread , slathered with _" "bowl , mix _" "curry powder into _" "dollups of _" "chicken cutlet with _" "condiment like _" "spices , topped with _" "generous slathering of _" "potato salad is made with _" "sauce , garlic _" "almonds tossed in _" "rice , wasabi _" "unopened jar of _" "small dollop of _" "dipping sauce of _" "tuna burger with _" "full jar of _" "_ based salads" "cheese , basil _" "dressing made from _" "breast coated in _" "burger smothered with _" "chips dipped in _" "anything dipped in _" "ramekin of _" "_ based salad" "fries covered in _" "fries without _" "vegetables with balsamic _" "bread smeared with _" "fried , topped with _" "chicken skewers with _" "_ based dressings" "recipe for home-made _" "cheese , light _" "beer batter served with _" "calamari rings with _" "_ based sauce" "slather with _" "shrimp rolls with _" "tartare with _" "little dollop of _" "kitchen staples like _" "dry , add additional _" "Tablespoon of _" "fries with _" "ginger , wasabi _" "sandwich loaded with _" "_ is a condiment" "_ based potato salad" "cup of prepared _" "dessert spoon of _" "side of balsamic _" "I used low-fat _" "bun , topped with _" "cheese , low-fat _" "dog bun with _" "chicken breast coated in _" "entire jar of _" "empty jar of _" "Spread bread with _" "slices dipped in _" "ranch dressing instead of _" "sandwiches dipped in _" "it smothered in _" "light wasabi _" "combination of low-fat _" "small mixing bowl stir together _" "them steamed with _" "toasted white bread with _" "ginger , sweet _" "giant jars of _" "extra jar of _" "hard roll with _" "jar of real _" "lobster meat with _" "tablespoon of low-fat _" "teaspoon of real _" "large bowl , stir _" "chicken slathered in _" "seed bun with _" "dallop of _" "bread slathered with _" "chicken salad without _" "bit of low-fat _" "salad with low fat _" "sauce , wasabi _" "hot dog , with _" "hellman s _" "beef sandwich with _" "fried prawns with _" "scallops served with _" "spinach tossed with _" "grilled corn with _" "thin stream until _" "cheese , chipotle _" "good squirt of _" "bread , spread on _" "condiment than _" "huge jar of _" "dressing made of _" "_ based coleslaw" "cheese , creamy _" "it is thick like _" "sauce made of _" "rolls dipped in _" "roast beef topped with _" "Coat chicken with _" "_ is desired thickness" "Tbsp of _" "Mix chicken with _" "small bowl , combine _" "few table spoons of _" "honey Dijon _" "small pat of _" ] using mayo