Human feedback from estevam @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "kids animaleatfood pickles", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using pickles
SEAL @688 (68.4%) on 22-jan-2013 [ 12 ] using pickles
CPL @1108 (77.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "condiments , such as _" "_ are tender" "relish tray with _" "Fill jar with _" "bread , hot _" "stir-fried beef with _" "rice , yellow _" "I want fried _" "_ smothered in" "appetizers such as _" "cucumber , sweet _" "Condiments such as _" "carrots , sliced _" "I make fried _" "oranges , sweet _" "fermented products like _" "patty , with _" "spicy sour _" "sugar , sour _" "juices , assorted _" "jam , fresh _" "salami , sliced _" "sausage , sweet _" "fermented foods such as _" "pickles , sweet _" "salad , raw _" "first barrel of _" "olives , diced _" "love of fried _" "meat , sliced _" "_ tastes like" "green peppers , sweet _" "fermented products such as _" "green beans , fried _" "sauce , topped with _" "cream , sliced _" "jar of sweet _" "warm topped with _" "sauce , minced _" "pies , sweet _" "fried bacon , fried _" "cheddar cheese , chopped _" "beef with chopped _" "_ simmered in" "apples , sweet _" "foods , such as _" "_ dressed with" "_ marinated with" "milk , fermented _" "oysters , sweet _" "recipe for sour _" "jar of hot _" "juice , chopped _" "wings , fried _" "olives , sour _" "bell peppers , sweet _" "peppers , fried _" "_ topped with" "vegetables , mixed _" "chili peppers , sweet _" "sauce , sweet _" "juice , sour _" "onions , crisp _" "ham , sweet _" "hot syrup over _" "bottle of hot _" "salty foods like _" "cabbage , mixed _" "tacos , fried _" "cheese , diced _" "vegetables , like _" "acid fermented _" "foods , like _" "capers , diced _" "many foods , such as _" "acidic foods like _" "red onion , sweet _" "combination of sour _" "cup of warm _" "recipe for hot _" "juice , diced _" "layer sliced _" "sauce for fried _" "foods , bottled _" "everything from fried _" "bacon bits , chopped _" "butter , sweet _" "can of sweet _" "burgers topped with _" "vegetables such as _" "sauce , mixed _" "bread with sweet _" "cup of chopped _" "mayonnaise , chopped _" "quantity of chopped _" "beans , sweet _" "bun with sliced _" "eggs , sweet _" "vegetables (eg _" "onion , sweet _" "potatoes , sweet _" "use sliced _" "seeds , chopped _" "jars of green _" "lettuce , sliced _" "beet salad with _" "Serve hot , garnished with _" "bit of minced _" "thing since sliced _" "bowl of sliced _" "carrots , chopped _" "cranberries , sweet _" "order of fried _" "bell pepper , sweet _" "cheeseburger with extra _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "serving of fried _" "sugar , chopped _" "I was cooking _" "bacon , fried _" "other crops like _" "mixture resembles _" "mix of diced _" "tomatoes , sour _" "hot , garnished with _" "U.S. grown _" "_ are a great side dish" "pepper , dried _" "olives , sweet _" "delicious substitute for _" "foods , including _" "recipe with sweet _" "I finish eating _" "_ were delicious" "bit like sweet _" "rice , chopped _" "fries , sweet _" "celery , sweet _" "sprouts , fried _" "whole wheat bun with _" "gravy , sweet _" "mustard , chopped _" "work , eat _" "bucket of fried _" "cake , sour _" "lots of sour _" "juice , sweet _" "jars of hot _" "pasta , canned _" "pepper , sweet _" "sauce with chopped _" "sauce fried _" "products like fresh _" "_ are technically a fruit" "chopped onion , chopped _" "drizzle olive oil over _" "dishes such as _" "eggs , diced _" "we made homemade _" "vegetables , such as _" "red onion , sliced _" "vinegar , sour _" "strawberries , sweet _" "shredded cheese , chopped _" "_ are the main crop" "home made fried _" "ingredients alternating with _" "chicken wings , fried _" "cheese , chopped _" "lettuce , sweet _" "onions , sweet _" "peas , sweet _" "market for bottled _" "sandwiches , home-made _" "veggies , fried _" "chili recipes with _" "_ seasoned with" "Breakfast usually consists of _" "burger without _" "salt , minced _" "sugar , sweet _" "dish of sweet _" "pepper , hot _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "onions , sour _" "bowl , combine _" "bits , chopped _" "breads , sweet _" "amount of fried _" "tomato , sweet _" "bread , sweet _" "fries , fried _" "cranberry sauce , sweet _" "tofu , Chinese _" "_ keep well for" "_ recipe Food" "_ containing sucralose" "sauce , garnished with _" "bowl of sour _" "cheese , sour _" "Drain water off _" "order of hot _" "side of sour _" "chips , sweet _" "cornbread , sweet _" "fish filet with _" "foods such as _" "beets , sweet _" "rich foods like _" "veggies such as _" "milk , fried _" "ketchup , chopped _" "bowl of cold _" "collards , sweet _" "homemade sweet _" "home made sweet _" "foods like _" "French fries , fried _" "potato cakes with _" "potatoes , mixed _" "variety of fermented _" "crumbs over _" "bread with fresh _" "corn , sweet _" "yogurt , sour _" "restaurants thanksgiving _" "red onions , sliced _" "vegetables , chopped _" "cheese , French _" "hard roll with _" "extra jar of _" "dressing , diced _" "fermented foods like _" "pears , sweet _" "mini sweet _" "black olives , sliced _" "coconut , sweet _" "crisp slices of _" "butter , red _" "ingredients except _" "such foods as _" "lactic acid fermented _" "jar of fresh _" "potatoes , sour _" "bread , sour _" "cabbage , sliced _" "peppers , sweet _" "sour cream , sliced _" "variety of sliced _" "fruits like _" "salty snacks like _" "red peppers , sweet _" "_ were still crunchy" "bacon , sweet _" "fried chicken , sweet _" "red onions , sweet _" "carrot , sweet _" "chocolate , green _" "_ are a vegetable" "carrots , sweet _" "cucumbers , pickled _" "hot dogs , fried _" "ginger , hot _" "small amount of minced _" "cucumbers , sliced _" "pastries , sweet _" "chicken , sweet _" "shredded lettuce , sliced _" "pepper , sour _" "pork loin topped with _" "potato salad , sweet _" "sauce , chopped _" "appetizer of fried _" "bits of sweet _" "egg , sweet _" "salad with _" "handful of chopped _" "bun topped with _" "cheese , sweet _" "vegetables , sweet _" "onions , mixed _" "_ marinated in" ] using pickles
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and pepperoncini arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" ] using (pickles, peppers)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (peppers, pickles)
CPL @1100 (99.2%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and pepperoncini arg1" "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and green bell arg1" "arg2 and hot cherry arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" ] using (peppers, pickles)
OE @808 (91.3%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (kids, pickles)
Human feedback from estevam @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "kids animaleatfood pickles", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (kids, pickles)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and pepperoncini arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" ] using (pickles, peppers)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and pepperoncini arg2" "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" ] using (pickles, peppers)