CMC @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ SUFFIX=rass 2.47803 LASTSUFFIX=rass 2.32615 PREFIX=gras 2.26023 PREFIX=gra 2.08437 LASTPREFIX=gras 2.04460 SUFFIX=ass 1.97277 LASTSUFFIX=ass 1.92247 CHARS -2.38919 POS=NN -3.75675 WORDS -9.42041 ] using lawn_grass
SEAL @219 (53.2%) on 13-mar-2011 [ 1 ] using lawn_grass
CPL @1108 (60.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ growing underneath" "sparse stand of _" "fibrous roots of _" "much shade for _" "patch of tall _" "leaves of _" "new genetically engineered _" "_ grows quickly in" "plants such as _" "weed such as _" "foliar diseases of _" "grassland dominated by _" "shade tolerant of _" "natural looking artificial _" "good stand of _" "ground cover such as _" "mass planting of _" "vigorous stand of _" "root growth of _" "healthy stand of _" "vegetation such as _" "cover crop of _" "thick stand of _" "root system of _" "vegetation , such as _" "plants , including _" "blade of _" ] using lawn_grass
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey