CMC @1116 (96.8%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=hair 1.88885 LASTSUFFIX=air 1.76427 SUFFIX=hair 1.70341 LASTSUFFIX=ir 1.54655 PREFIX=arm 1.44346 LASTPREFIX=arm 1.41516 SUFFIX=air 1.31212 WORDS -1.61833 FULL_POS=NN -1.84116 CHARS -3.67615 ] using armchair
CPL @1105 (55.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "desk , upholstered _" "separate living room with _" "bathroom , comfortable _" "desk with ergonomic _" "lobby with comfortable _" "bed , comfortable _" "bed , upholstered _" "bed , sitting on _" "sofa , comfy _" "elbows on _" "lighting , comfortable _" "living room with comfortable _" "small patio with _" "sleeper , comfortable _" "She fell back onto _" "velvet tufted _" "cupboards , wooden _" "desk with comfortable _" "I got up from _" "area with comfy _" "bedside tables with _" "I 'm laying in _" "Other furnishings include _" "gas fireplace , comfortable _" "sofa , upholstered _" "chair , comfortable _" "comfortable seating area with _" "Eames molded plastic _" "antique sofas , antique _" "I almost fell of _" "comfortable reclining _" "cosy corner with _" "_ providing comfortable seating" "_ has a hardwood frame" "he stood up from _" "she got up from _" "she hid under _" "table , comfortable _" "teak folding _" "sofa sleeper , comfortable _" "napkins on _" "left arm resting on _" "We looked under _" "wicker dining _" "office swivel _" "new upholstered _" "areas are furnished with _" "_ facing the sofa" "She rose from _" "I stood up from _" "bed , rocking _" "back rest of _" "pillows on _" "beds , upholstered _" "small sitting area with _" "rug under _" "He jumped up from _" "_ reupholstered in" "father was sitting on _" "area with comfortable _" "leather swivel _" "small living area with _" "Woman sitting on _" "access , comfortable _" "comfortable , reclining _" "sofas , reclining _" "mirror , small _" "end table beside _" "I leapt out of _" "He sat down heavily on _" "He leans back into _" "I fell asleep on _" "resin folding _" "I rose from _" "_ facing the desk" "_ are upholstered in" "slipcovers for _" "chair , small _" "He stood up from _" "desk , comfortable _" "_ facing the couch" "I lay back in _" "library with built-in _" "end table near _" "lounge is furnished with _" "television sitting on _" "outdoor furniture , wooden _" "internet access , comfortable _" "_ were upholstered in" "chair , ergonomic _" "I get up from _" "room with confortable _" "living room is furnished with _" "chairs , contemporary _" "high backed _" "household furniture such as _" "him sprawled across _" "fist on _" "_ has armrests" "furniture , consisting of _" "home , sitting on _" "art , comfortable _" "carpet , comfortable _" "we snuggled into _" "footboard of _" "refrigerator , comfortable _" "walnut framed _" "you collapse into _" "guy sitting on _" "teak dining _" "fabric upholstered _" "view , comfortable _" "claw footed _" "sling dining _" "furniture including _" "furnishings , upholstered _" "slipcover on _" "velvet upholstered _" "plush comfortable _" "_ facing the fireplace" "tables , dining _" "white upholstered _" "beds , soft _" "armchair , dining _" "chair folding _" "low table next to _" "living room furnished with _" "man was seated on _" "_ providing ample seating" "wood dining _" "bed , overstuffed _" "beds , comfortable _" "soft cushioned _" "leather upholstered _" "he sat cross-legged on _" "furniture such as _" "fireplace , comfortable _" "furniture like _" "living area is furnished with _" "modern furniture like _" "area furnished with _" "writing desk , comfortable _" "area features comfortable _" "bed , folding _" "table , upholstered _" "comfy looking _" "you lie back in _" "sofa , occasional _" "arm rest of _" "work desk , ergonomic _" "_ completed the furnishings" "wooden leg of _" "lamp next to _" "book lying open on _" "area is furnished with _" "wing backed _" "room with comfortable _" "_ facing the TV" "black upholstered _" "end table next to _" "girl seated on _" "TV , comfortable _" "sofas , antique _" "father got up from _" "fold out _" "green upholstered _" "double bed , comfortable _" "room , sitting on _" "chair , french _" "herself fall onto _" "living room with comfy _" "myself lying in _" "me jump out of _" "Harry sat on _" "room with comfy _" "area with upholstered _" "bed , matching _" "_ was reupholstered in" "She jumps onto _" "table , wooden _" "sofa , reclining _" "bedding , comfortable _" "chairs , comfortable _" "half rose from _" "I leaned back in _" "low backed _" "lamp beside _" "Harry sat down on _" "_ faces the fireplace" "_ upholstered in" "furniture included _" "he lay back in _" "_ read single" "lamps next to _" "plush upholstered _" "model sitting on _" "comfortable , padded _" "desk , ergonomic _" "style upholstered _" "chintz covered _" "chair , folding _" "rush seated _" "red upholstered _" "armchairs , antique _" "bed , comfy _" "curl up in _" "I flopped into _" "coffee table , large _" "tables , rocking _" "she rolled out of _" "stereo , comfortable _" ] using armchair
CPL @1114 (60.5%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "desk , upholstered _" "man seated on _" "desk with ergonomic _" "bed , upholstered _" "bed , sitting on _" "sofa , comfy _" "heap on _" "living room with comfortable _" "She fell back onto _" "velvet tufted _" "desk with comfortable _" "TV sitting on _" "area with comfy _" "bedside tables with _" "man got up from _" "sofa , upholstered _" "kneeling on _" "I almost fell of _" "comfortable reclining _" "him sitting on _" "I sat down on _" "he stood up from _" "she got up from _" "table , comfortable _" "teak folding _" "sofa sleeper , comfortable _" "wicker dining _" "office swivel _" "son slept on _" "her sitting on _" "I stood up from _" "pillows on _" "beds , upholstered _" "Work desk with _" "me sit on _" "area with comfortable _" "leather swivel _" "Woman sitting on _" "sofas , reclining _" "end table beside _" "resin folding _" "_ facing the desk" "She was sitting on _" "she was sitting on _" "desk , comfortable _" "_ facing the couch" "library with built-in _" "internet access , comfortable _" "chair , ergonomic _" "he sat down on _" "old man sat on _" "He then sat down on _" "household furniture such as _" "cushions on _" "_ has armrests" "old man sitting on _" "refrigerator , comfortable _" "chair , armless _" "walnut framed _" "guy sitting on _" "teak dining _" "claw footed _" "bathroom has _" "furnishings , upholstered _" "tables , dining _" "white upholstered _" "wood dining _" "bed , overstuffed _" "beds , comfortable _" "area features comfortable _" "table , upholstered _" "comfy looking _" "sofa , occasional _" "work desk , ergonomic _" "father sitting on _" "book lying open on _" "wing backed _" "room with comfortable _" "girl seated on _" "TV , comfortable _" "green upholstered _" "double bed , comfortable _" "duffle bag on _" "room , sitting on _" "living room with comfy _" "myself lying in _" "Harry sat on _" "room with comfy _" "area with upholstered _" "bed , matching _" "him sit on _" "he just sat on _" "he falls on _" "sofa , reclining _" "chairs , comfortable _" "low backed _" "He laid on _" "lamps next to _" "desk , ergonomic _" "style upholstered _" "rush seated _" "red upholstered _" "aluminum dining _" "armchairs , antique _" "bed , comfy _" "teak wood dining _" "stereo , comfortable _" ] using armchair
SEAL @154 (75.0%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using armchair
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NEIL @770 (100%) on 21-sep-2013
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey