CPL @1115 (54.9%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "new furniture including _" "closet with _" "box spring on _" "second bathroom has _" "room with comfortable _" "comforters on _" "duvet covered _" "dresser with _" "fire , comfortable _" "room type is fitted with _" "log furniture including _" "She lay back on _" "couch turns into _" "pillows on _" "bathroom has _" "nightstand next to _" "pillow top _" "she lays on _" "rooms have comfortable _" "mattress on _" "bedroom with four-poster _" "screens , comfortable _" "bedroom has comfortable _" "personal bathroom with _" "comfortable pull out _" "room is furnished with double _" "me sleeping on _" "matress on _" "room with double _" "bedroom with double _" "furniture , double _" "bedroom with built-in _" "private bath with _" "foam mattress on _" "sofa / _" "she was lying on _" "feather topped _" "pillow topped _" ] using queen_size_bed
OE @841 (96.9%) on 25-may-2014 [ ] using queen_size_bed
CMC @1058 (100.0%) on 16-may-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 8.64807 SUFFIX=ed 6.52038 PREFIX=be 5.07627 LAST_WORD=bed 4.86777 LASTSUFFIX=ed 4.00705 LASTPREFIX=be 3.95578 WORDSHAPE=aaa 3.80671 SUFFIX=ze -1.60324 CHARS -10.96856 WORDS -17.63583 ] using queen_size_bed
SEAL @177 (50.0%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using queen_size_bed
CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ed 10.45495 PREFIX=be 10.14640 LAST_WORD=bed 9.15196 LASTSUFFIX=ed 8.33410 LASTPREFIX=be 7.91795 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 6.73008 FULL_POS=NN_NN_NN 2.63571 SUFFIX=ize -5.52196 WORDS -14.39955 CHARS -18.81909 ] using queen_size_bed
MBL @1096 (99.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ Promotion of furniture:queen_size_bed furniturefoundinroom magazine:rooms ]
CPL @1096 (67.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "VIP stateroom has _" "Standard Rooms are fitted with _" "Furniture includes _" "bedroom has new _" "walnut carved _" "foam topper for _" "linens adorn _" "new furniture including _" "settee converts to _" "bedroom set includes _" "cotton sheets on _" "sofa opens to _" "modern furnishings including _" "_ facing a fireplace" "pine furniture including _" "suite with comfortable _" "furniture including _" "area , furnished with _" "room with comfortable _" "couch converts into _" "headboard behind _" "_ upholstered in" "comforters on _" "_ piled high with" "master bedroom furnished with _" "comforter on _" "duvet covered _" "I arose from _" "paintings , comfortable _" "Bedrooms are furnished with _" "fire , comfortable _" "We sleep on _" "sofa turns into _" "coverlet on _" "bedroom is small with _" "_ ,ceiling fan" "room type is fitted with _" "log furniture including _" "access , double _" "space is furnished with _" "_ has a headboard" "cuddling on _" "She lay back on _" "couch turns into _" "bedroom furniture includes _" "pillow covered _" "pillows on _" "owners cabin with _" "electric blankets on _" "sofa folds out to _" "mahogany antique _" "bottom bunk is _" "relaxation with comfortable _" "sofa converts into _" "master bdrm has _" "bedroom with comfortable _" "nightstand next to _" "bedroom collection includes _" "bed converts into _" "furniture , such as _" "type is fitted with _" "plush pillow top _" "table converts to _" "system , comfortable _" "sofa converts to _" "pillow top _" "_ faces the fireplace" "linens on _" "bedroom with canopied _" "rooms have comfortable _" "bathroom , comfortable _" "room is fully furnished with _" "room comes fully furnished with _" "luxury double _" "bedroom with four-poster _" "linen including _" "master suite is equipped with _" "screens , comfortable _" "bedroom has comfortable _" "private bath , luxurious _" "comfortable pull out _" "antique furnishings including _" "bedroom is fully furnished with _" "area furnished with _" "area with single _" "folds out into _" "wardrobe , antique _" "room is furnished with double _" "brand new comfortable _" "bottom sheet on _" "Bedroom Set includes _" "compartments underneath _" "luxurious pillow top _" "spa , comfortable _" "fold out _" "living room is furnished with _" "living/bedroom with _" "I was tucked into _" "night stand next to _" "couch opens to _" "room with double _" "bedroom with double _" "furniture except _" "second bedroom there is _" "furniture , double _" "bedroom with built-in _" "bathroom , luxurious _" "couch makes into _" "Master cabin has _" "sheets fit _" "furnishings including _" "sofa / _" "footboard on _" "Bed Looking for _" "she was lying on _" "sofa opens into _" "rooms are equipped with large _" "folds out to _" "feather topped _" "pillow topped _" ] using queen_size_bed
CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=be 3.74273 SUFFIX=ed 3.52806 PREFIX=qu 2.51524 LASTPREFIX=be 2.50863 SUFFIX=ze 2.38137 PREFIX=que 2.09023 LASTSUFFIX=ed 1.91996 WORDSHAPE=aaaa -1.63906 WORDS -1.79249 CHARS -2.40359 ] using queen_size_bed
CPL @1115 (96.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ are furnished with" "master bedroom has _" "second bedroom has _" "_ topped with" "rooms have private _" ] using queen_size_bed
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 two also has arg1" "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 features a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 suite has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 with king and arg1" "arg2 with one single and one arg1" "arg2 with a double arg1" "arg2 with either twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with double arg1" "arg2 with canopied arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 is equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 with a pull out arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" "arg2 with a D poster arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, guest)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, spacious_master)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedrooms)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a double arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 with a D poster arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, large_bedroom)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 two also has arg1" "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 features a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 suite has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 with king and arg1" "arg2 with one single and one arg1" "arg2 with a double arg1" "arg2 with either twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with double arg1" "arg2 with canopied arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 is equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 with a pull out arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" "arg2 with a D poster arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 two also has arg1" "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 features a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 suite has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 with king and arg1" "arg2 with one single and one arg1" "arg2 with a double arg1" "arg2 with either twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with double arg1" "arg2 with canopied arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 is equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 equipped with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 with a pull out arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" "arg2 with a D poster arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with double or arg1" "arg2 are equipped with either one arg1" "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 feature either one arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 with twin or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 with king or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, guest)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, guest)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bedroom is fitted with arg1" "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of arg1" "arg2 suite is furnished with arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 Bedroom has arg1" "arg2 bedroom with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom is very large with arg1" "arg2 bedroom has one arg1" "arg2 bedroom is upstairs and has arg1" "arg2 bedroom downstairs has arg1" "arg2 bedroom features a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom contains arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a new arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a luxurious arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" "arg2 bed room has arg1" "arg2 bedroom comprises of arg1" "arg2 bedroom is furnished with arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" "arg2 equipped with a double arg1" "arg2 with four poster arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a comfortable arg1" "arg2 has a four poster arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, bedroom)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 feature four poster arg1" "arg2 have either king or arg1" "arg2 include four poster arg1" "arg2 with twin beds or arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, rooms)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 bdrm has arg1" "arg2 bedroom consists of a double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a comfortable arg1" "arg2 suite with king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a four poster arg1" "arg2 suite with a king or arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a very comfortable arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a double arg1" ] using (queen_size_bed, master)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a pull out sofa arg1" "arg2 and a queen size sofa arg1" "arg2 and a double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 and a queen sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 and a pullout sofa arg1" "arg2 and queen sofa arg1" "arg2 with a trundle arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 and a queen sized sofa arg1" "arg2 plus a queen sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" "arg2 with a double arg1" ] using (bed, queen_size_bed)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with D sofa arg1" "arg2 with two twin arg1" "arg2 and one bedroom with twin arg1" ] using (beds, queen_size_bed)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 have bathroom with arg1" "arg2 with tub and arg1" "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 has a stall arg1" ] using (shower, queen_size_bed)
CPL @1097 (99.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a pull out sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" ] using (bed, queen_size_bed)
CPL @1097 (99.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a pull out sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" ] using (bed, queen_size_bed)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a clawfoot arg1" "arg2 with a Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a large Jacuzzi arg1" "arg2 with a shower over arg1" ] using (tub, queen_size_bed)