CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "basic shapes like _" "_ using the current pen" "primitives such as _" "red dashed _" "warm , cut _" "axis aligned _" "number of non-overlapping _" "lines , intersecting _" "edge length of _" "green dashed _" "pastry cut into _" "red filled _" "horizontal sides of _" "circle is filled with _" "different shapes including _" "_ indicate the approximate locations" "field of tiny _" "ring of blue _" "simple shapes , such as _" "posterboard into _" "_ has a perimeter" "area formula for _" "area of simple _" "_ indicate periods" "_ represent exons" "simple designs such as _" "few are perfect _" "geometric designs such as _" "dough into D-inch _" "cool , then cut into _" "shape changed from _" "shapes ranging from _" "series of concentric _" "roll dough out into _" "minimum bounding _" "_ indicate the orientation" "squares , green _" "squares turn into _" "regions marked with _" "faces are congruent _" "fabric cut into _" "side lengths of _" "_ indicate the positions" "lower-right corners of _" "rectangles are _" "nodes are represented as _" "many shapes such as _" "_ divide the image" "various shapes , such as _" "_ represent tones" "_ including squares" "standard options are supported by _" "rotary cutter , cut _" "many shapes like _" "geometrical shapes such as _" "numbers , perfect _" "_ share a corner" "_ share a vertex" "_ is the rectangle" "_ edged top" "geometrical shapes like _" "equal sided _" "Cut bread into _" "Shapes other than _" "traditional shapes like _" "geometric shapes , like _" "scrapbook paper into _" "_ defines the area" "other shapes like _" "shapes including _" "_ drawn around" "corner points of _" "definition of golden _" "diagonals of _" "_ indicate times" "buildings are simple _" "_ using the Rounded Rectangle Tool" "_ using rounded rectangle shape tool" "black lines forming _" "Serve cut into _" "_ indicate mean values" "tables arranged in _" "basic geometric shapes such as _" "number of monochromatic _" "other shapes besides _" "_ has equal sides" "_ have the same perimeter" "regions are shown as _" "primitives , like _" "parallelograms to _" "various shapes including _" "_ represent stations" "pan , cut into _" "squares become _" "tofu into small _" "Available shapes include _" "tessellation of _" "shapes from simple _" "blue filled _" "_ mark the regions" "_ using dominoes" "_ called pixels" "_ are quadrilaterals" "_ drawn round" "oven , cut into _" "polygons like _" "_ are equiangular" "hand cut into _" "_ using a pizza cutter" "_ using a cookie cutter" "parallelograms are _" "following options are supported for _" "_ forming a grid" "_ are tangent" "simple geometric shapes like _" "side length of _" "filling , forming _" "_ indicate the regions" "primitives , such as _" "quadrilaterals are _" "_ represent the positions" "different shapes , such as _" "simple filled _" "tiling by _" "geometric elements such as _" "geometric forms like _" "carrot into thin _" "shapes besides _" "shapes other than _" "dough into perfect _" "dozen bright _" "buttons are simple _" "body is worked in _" "lines , draw _" "_ using a paper cutter" "shapes , from simple _" "lines are straight _" "image , draw _" "geometrical shapes , such as _" "_ indicate mutations" "_ inscribed inside" "_ add simple style" "smaller sides of _" "Tool create _" "polygons , such as _" "circles inside of _" "many shapes including _" "slices cut into _" "_ indicate the days" "basic shapes such as _" "sandwiches cut in _" "shape besides _" "squares within _" "_ having sides" "_ indicate clusters" "_ patterned across" "_ represent inheritance" "_ covering the text" "shapes , including _" "tape divided into _" "side-length of _" "new shapes such as _" "sheets into D-inch _" "warm , cut into _" "designs are simple _" "portion out into _" "_ using the Rectangle Tool" "_ are drawn between" "other faces are _" "surface , cut into _" "shapes are not _" "_ have the same angles" "common shapes such as _" "notes are represented by _" "_ indicate gaps" "_ have opposite sides" "brownies into _" "other shapes , such as _" "unusual shapes such as _" "they appear as small _" "geometries like _" "polygons such as _" "shapes , such as _" "_ indicate the initial" "geometric objects such as _" "cookies cut into _" "geometric forms such as _" "construction paper cut into _" "geometric figures , such as _" "blocks of colored _" "arrangement of colored _" "_ using rectangular shape tool" "rack , then cut into _" "orbits are _" "tessellations of _" "simple forms like _" "sheets are cut into _" "_ become squares" "geometric figures such as _" "pixels inside _" "pattern of concentric _" "_ indicate the approximate location" "grid of black _" "dough out into _" "pattern of irregular _" "geometric shapes such as _" "common shapes like _" "geometrical objects such as _" "gray filled _" "phyllo dough into _" "geometric shapes like _" "geometric shapes , including _" "structure of interlocking _" "Shapes such as _" "_ are congruent" "Simple shapes like _" "small filled _" "same symmetries as _" "spirals , concentric _" "cheese into thin _" "_ indicate deviations" "_ represent the speakers" "_ indicate names" "shape other than _" "shape , such as _" "Geometric shapes such as _" "_ represent the locations" "regular shapes like _" "Tool draws _" "cheese , cut into _" "other shapes than _" "design of concentric _" "area of various _" "various shapes like _" "_ using the Rectangle tool" "_ do not cross each other" "_ indicate the borders" "different shapes like _" "sky full of _" "basic shapes , such as _" "thick dashed _" "lines with blue _" "simple geometric shapes such as _" "seam allowances towards _" "quartz faceted _" "squares , small _" "fill color of _" "firm , cut into _" "several shapes including _" "tool , draw _" "method draws _" "other shapes such as _" "unusual shapes , such as _" "_ indicate inhibition" "_ have integer coordinates" "ovals , rounded _" "polygons , including _" "Press seam allowances towards _" "geometric shapes , such as _" "sheets cut into _" "sequences are represented by _" "gradient filled _" "tilings of _" "rectangles inside _" "grid of small _" "D-inch felt _" "crescent rolls into _" "_ include squares" "_ is a null rectangle" "applet draws _" "triangles within _" "tool draws _" "cheese cut into _" "thick , cut into _" "_ using the rounded rectangle tool" "paper cut into _" "perimeter of several _" "regular shapes such as _" "pieces are simple _" "numbers enclosed in _" "cells are shaped like _" "polygons including _" "_ mark the positions" "sandwiches cut into _" "_ are parallelograms" "inverse ratio of _" "shapes vary from _" "roll dough into _" "sites (yellow _" "faces are always _" "_ represent data structures" "thin , cut into _" "many different shapes including _" "baklava into _" "_ represent the regions" "_ represent sites" "basic shapes as _" "various shapes such as _" "_ indicate stations" "pattern of colored _" "pizza cutter into _" "layer draw _" "triangles , red _" "new layer draw _" "material cut into _" "lines , congruent _" "squares inside of _" "area formulas for _" "_ marking the borders" "_ represent the directions" "grid of little _" "different shapes , including _" "tessellation by _" "user drawn _" "white filled _" "better approximation than _" "cake cut into _" "lateral faces are _" "_ using the rectangle tool" "geometric shapes including _" "_ represent transitions" "pattern of bright _" "pattern , repeating _" "white dashed _" "yellow filled _" "_ is also a rectangle" "geometric figures like _" "seams towards _" "toast cut into _" "areas appear as _" "DD-foot x DD-foot _" ] using rectangles
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 into circles or arg2" "arg1 into D inch arg2" "arg1 into small arg2" "arg1 into smallish arg2" ] using (dough, rectangles)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey