CPL @1103 (95.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "occupation of southern _" "_ 's northeast coast" "people of Western _" "flights to _" "eastern provinces of _" "southeast coast of _" "beaches in _" "_ 's land mass" "resorts in _" "destinations in _" "hotels in _" "_ 's west coast" "region of central _" "north east coast of _" "bases in northern _" "mountains of southwest _" "forests of _" "major island of _" "_ 's East Coast" "eastern seaboard of _" "situation in northern _" "mine in northern _" "northwest coast of _" "parts of southern _" "_ 's Pacific coast" "_ 's north coast" "devastating earthquake in _" "southern island of _" "Pacific coast of _" "Pacific coasts of _" "heart of central _" "stunning city of _" "southeastern coast of _" "town in northern _" "mountains of central _" "north-east coast of _" "northern tip of _" "parts of western _" "region of northern _" "town in central _" "cities of northern _" "plains of central _" "central mountains of _" "south west coast of _" "East coast of _" "_ 's east coast" "cities in northern _" "forces in northern _" "coast of _" "flight to _" "family in northern _" "sites in western _" "island of _" "province in central _" "region of northeastern _" "island in _" "eastern coast of _" "parts of northern _" "you live in _" "West coast of _" "wilds of northern _" "western provinces of _" "region of eastern _" "west coast of _" "American invasion of _" "mountains of western _" "central highlands of _" "people of northern _" "_ 's southern coast" "islands of _" "industrial heartland of _" "big island of _" "beaches of _" "_ 's urban areas" "_ 's major cities" "region of western _" "people in northern _" "country of central _" "north coast of _" "Allied invasion of _" "east coast of _" "coast of central _" "western coast of _" ] using honshu
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "people of Western _" "eastern provinces of _" "_ 's cities" "town of _" "beaches in _" "_ 's land mass" "cities of _" "_ 's west coast" "mountains of southwest _" "whole island of _" "major island of _" "_ 's East Coast" "shores of _" "mine in northern _" "northwest coast of _" "parts of southern _" "_ 's Pacific coast" "_ 's north coast" "southern island of _" "capital of _" "Pacific coast of _" "province of _" "town in northern _" "region of northern _" "northern province of _" "central mountains of _" "south west coast of _" "East coast of _" "_ 's east coast" "coast of _" "island of _" "Japanese island of _" "province in central _" "city of _" "eastern coast of _" "parts of northern _" "West coast of _" "wilds of northern _" "western provinces of _" "west coast of _" "American invasion of _" "mountains of western _" "people of northern _" "north island of _" "islands of _" "industrial heartland of _" "big island of _" "beaches of _" "_ 's major cities" "region of western _" "waters off _" "east coast of _" ] using honshu
CPL @1113 (94.7%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "resorts in _" "hotels in _" "prefectures of _" "southern island of _" "northern city of _" "entire island of _" "spa hotels in _" "northern island of _" "Japanese island of _" ] using honshu
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey