CPL @1094 (99.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "town of _" "beaches in _" "beach in _" "Home Offers home buyer in _" "Arts in _" "capital of _" "Fast Home Offers home buyer in _" "Offers home buyer in _" "city of _" "shores of _" "western city of _" "historic town of _" "port city of _" "cities of _" ] using frederiksted
SEAL @578 (50.0%) on 25-may-2012 [ 1 ] using frederiksted
CPL @1097 (99.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "apartment outside _" "breakfasts in _" "old town of _" "other event then browse _" "resort in _" "_ 's west end" "quaint town of _" "beach in _" "seaside town of _" "dive shops in _" "event then browse _" "low-power television station in _" "casino in _" "hotels in _" "restaurants in _" "attractions in _" "_ 's Make-up Artist Directory" "hotel in _" "western city of _" "port town of _" "vacation rentals in _" "historic town of _" "port city of _" ] using frederiksted
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1116 (94.7%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "town of _" "priceline , traveling to _" "downtown area of _" "village of _" "old town of _" "historic towns of _" "office in _" "drive southeast of _" "not-for-profit financial cooperative in _" "rentals in _" "quaint town of _" "home town of _" "flights to _" "school in _" "Interstate movers of _" "interstate movers of _" "seaside town of _" "seaside village of _" "low-power television station in _" "effortless move in _" "casino in _" "Home Offers home buyer in _" "north of _" "hotels in _" "Fast Home Offers home buyer in _" "Offers home buyer in _" "_ 's Make-up Artist Directory" "hotel in _" "city of _" "shots fired in _" "picturesque town of _" "western city of _" "port town of _" "historic town of _" "port city of _" "trip to _" "cities of _" ] using frederiksted