CPL @1105 (90.1%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "bran , whole _" "whole wheat , whole _" "_ stuffed with" "hot liquid over _" "recipe using _" "grain such as _" "onions , yellow _" "mixture looks like _" "recipes using _" "pinch of _" "layer of cooked _" "we were eating _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "drink of hot _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "they are well coated with _" "tomatoes with _" "flours made from _" "can of _" "consistency of coarse _" "_ infused with" "pan , add _" "_ topped with" "foods like _" "pan fried with _" "Tbsp of _" "sprinkle with additional _" "foods such as _" "oatmeal , whole _" "corn , yellow _" "scant cup of _" "fish fried in _" "_ served with" "flour , white _" "shallow bowl , combine _" "garlic , white _" "rice , boiled _" "rice , yellow _" "it is well coated with _" "juice , organic _" "muffins made with _" "rice , sweet _" "D-D/D cups of _" "D-quart saucepan , combine _" "corn , white _" "Recipe using _" "staple foods like _" "mixture resembles _" "cane juice , organic _" "it resembles coarse _" "peas , cooked _" "flour , organic _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "mixture resembles fine _" "bowl with hot _" "teaspoon of _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "heat , stirring so _" "_ contain gluten" "cereal such as _" "glass dipped in _" "ground yellow _" ] using corn_meal
CPL @1107 (59.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "bran , whole _" "whole wheat , whole _" "staple food such as _" "porridge made of _" "large mixing bowl , stir together _" "grain such as _" "wheat , whole _" "mixture looks like _" "ful medames is made from _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "dry ingredients like _" "medium bowl , stir together _" "beverage made of _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "bread made of _" "surface dusted with _" "scrub made with _" "flours made from _" "consistency of coarse _" "bread was made of _" "_ crusted chicken" "cup yellow _" "cereals such as _" "basic food such as _" "surface sprinkled with _" "grains , like _" "sprinkle with additional _" "pancake made of _" "_ crusted catfish" "grains like _" "_ gluten as" "pancake made from _" "beverage made from _" "_ is coarsely ground" "polenta made with _" "cereal made from _" "mixture looks like coarse _" "Hot porridge made from _" "flour , remaining _" "staple food was _" "it looks like coarse _" "tea , white _" "half-bushel of _" "flour , white _" "_ sprinked on" "_ gluten in" "fresh roasted _" "starch made from _" "garlic , white _" "flavor of yellow _" "texture of coarse _" "grains such as _" "recipe using yellow _" "rice , yellow _" "cereals made from _" "feedstuffs like _" "dry roasted _" "adjuncts like _" "staple foods , such as _" "women grinding _" "rice , sweet _" "gluten found in _" "alcohol made from _" "D-D/D cups of _" "corn , white _" "cereal grain such as _" "foods processed from _" "staple foods like _" "mixture resembles _" "seeds , yellow _" "it resembles coarse _" "peas , cooked _" "fine grind of _" "polenta made from _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "cattle are fed _" "dough resembles _" "strawberries mixed with _" "Egyptian ful medames is made from _" "gruel made from _" "greens , fresh _" "sprinkle tops with _" "teaspoon of _" "recipe calls for white _" "single bowl of _" "cheap fillers like _" "cup of coarse _" "slight crunch from _" "few sacks of _" "bowl of yellow _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "medames is made from _" "porridge made from _" "pan sprinkled with _" "large bowl , stir together _" "half bushel of _" "cereal such as _" "paper sprinkled with _" "mixing bowl , stir together _" "glass dipped in _" "ground yellow _" ] using corn_meal
CPL @1098 (99.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "recipe made with _" "big pinch of _" "tablespoon of _" "large bowl , combine _" "kiln dried _" "ingredients except _" "grain such as _" "one-half cup of _" "other ingredients except _" "large mixing bowl , combine _" "bowl , combine _" "_ is browned" "bowl , add _" "anything made of _" "rectangular piece of _" "whites into _" "large saucepan , combine _" "we were eating _" "things made of _" "commodities like _" "whisk in _" "few pinches of _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "bowl add _" "_ battered fish" "pan , add _" "_ topped with" "D/D cup of _" "boil , add _" "cereals such as _" "foods , such as _" "grains , like _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "tablespoons of _" "grains like _" "I was eating _" "small amount of hot _" "drizzle in _" "ingredients , except _" "stir into _" "large bowl , add _" "separate bowl , combine _" "mixture , add _" "tea , white _" "half cups of _" "food items like _" "flour , white _" "_ gluten in" "few tablespoons of _" "grains such as _" "recipe for mexican _" "spicy fried _" "sausage stuffed _" "bowl combine _" "cake made with _" "loaves of _" "dish , combine _" "frying pan , add _" "saucepan , add _" "baking sheet with _" "tablespoonful of _" "saucepan , combine _" "rice , sweet _" "medium bowl combine _" "baking pan with _" "sprinkle with _" "heat , stir in _" "bowl , stir together _" "Recipe using _" "_ sauteed with" "carbohydrates such as _" "staple foods like _" "mixture resembles _" "_ based dishes" "it resembles coarse _" "½ cup of _" "bowl with hot _" "small bowl , combine _" "pan with _" "pint of _" "saucepan with _" "It was made of _" "mixing bowl , add _" "large bowl , stir together _" "amount of hot _" "glass dipped in _" ] using corn_meal
SEAL @177 (87.5%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using corn_meal
CPL @1108 (62.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "bran , whole _" "whole wheat , whole _" "_ gluten on" "breads made of _" "staple food such as _" "porridge made of _" "dish of yellow _" "you prefer yellow _" "_ gluten with" "grain such as _" "wheat , whole _" "mush made from _" "mixture looks like _" "first ingredient listed is _" "ful medames is made from _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "steady stream , add _" "consistency of dry _" "beverage made of _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "bread made of _" "scrub made with _" "flours made from _" "cheese , yellow _" "cows are fed _" "consistency of coarse _" "bushel of _" "bread was made of _" "basic food like _" "Hominy is made from _" "cup yellow _" "cereals such as _" "basic food such as _" "cups yellow _" "grains , like _" "sprinkle with additional _" "oatmeal , whole _" "_ crusted catfish" "grains like _" "_ gluten as" "mixture is like coarse _" "corn , yellow _" "_ is coarsely ground" "tea-cupful of _" "roasted ears of _" "cereal made from _" "mixture looks like coarse _" "Hot porridge made from _" "flour , remaining _" "_ is harvested fresh" "staple food was _" "it looks like coarse _" "flour , white _" "they resemble coarse _" "feedstuffs such as _" "_ gluten in" "meal , yellow _" "starch made from _" "garlic , white _" "flavor of yellow _" "American pudding made from _" "texture of coarse _" "grains such as _" "recipe using yellow _" "rice , yellow _" "cereals made from _" "feedstuffs like _" "rice , blue _" "adjuncts like _" "women grinding _" "saucepan , combine _" "rice , sweet _" "_ crusted oysters" "_ adds a nice texture" "gluten found in _" "alcohol made from _" "intestines stuffed with _" "D-quart saucepan , combine _" "corn , white _" "_ crusted calamari" "mixture resembles very coarse _" "cereal grain such as _" "foods processed from _" "staple foods like _" "mixture resembles _" "_ based dishes" "it resembles coarse _" "peas , cooked _" "mixture resembles fine _" "cattle are fed _" "dough resembles _" "corn products such as _" "big bowl of _" "Egyptian ful medames is made from _" "corn , processed _" "single bowl of _" "cheap fillers like _" "ingredient listed is _" "last grain of _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "medames is made from _" "porridge made from _" "_ contain gluten" "cereal such as _" "traditional American pudding made from _" "paper sprinkled with _" "mix resembles _" "tamales are made with _" "glass dipped in _" "ground yellow _" "blandtasting meal made from _" ] using corn_meal
CMC @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=orn 4.38271 SUFFIX=rn 3.43389 PREFIX=cor 3.38860 LASTSUFFIX=eal 3.07236 SUFFIX=eal 2.41530 LASTSUFFIX=al 1.79002 SUFFIX=al 1.35949 POS=NN -0.81039 WORDS -3.64635 CHARS -7.80345 ] using corn_meal
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey