CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as zinc and arg1" "arg2 such as arsenic and arg1" "arg2 such as selenium and arg1" "arg2 like gold and arg1" ] using (copper, ingredients)
OE @809 (90.6%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (dioxide, ingredients)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as carbon arg1" "arg2 like carbon arg1" "arg2 and give off carbon arg1" "arg2 such as sulfur arg1" "arg2 like titanium arg1" "arg2 releases carbon arg1" "arg2 into alcohol and carbon arg1" "arg2 such as titanium arg1" "arg2 that produce carbon arg1" "arg2 such as water and carbon arg1" "arg2 into carbon arg1" "arg2 like water and carbon arg1" ] using (dioxide, ingredients)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like mercury and arg1" "arg2 such as ammonia and arg1" "arg2 such as petroleum and arg1" "arg2 as mercury and arg1" ] using (formaldehyde, ingredients)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other toxic arg2" "arg1 and other potentially toxic arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" ] using (heavy_metals, ingredients)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 oxides and other arg2" "arg1 oxide and other arg2" "arg1 ore and other arg2" "arg1 oxide arg2" ] using (iron, ingredients)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as zinc and arg1" "arg2 such as ammonia and arg1" "arg2 like mercury and arg1" "arg2 such as mercury or arg1" ] using (lead, ingredients)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like calcium and arg1" "arg2 such as potassium and arg1" "arg2 such as zinc and arg1" ] using (magnesium, ingredients)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other potentially toxic arg2" "arg1 or other toxic arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" ] using (metals, ingredients)
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as ammonia and arg1" "arg2 like ammonia and arg1" "arg2 such as ammonia and hydrogen arg1" "arg2 such as carbon arg1" "arg2 like hydrogen arg1" ] using (peroxide, ingredients)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other toxic arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" "arg1 or other environmentally hazardous arg2" ] using (solvents, ingredients)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in carbonated arg1" "arg2 in some alcoholic arg1" "arg2 in cola arg1" ] using (beverages, ingredients)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 breast recipe with arg2" "arg1 Mix first D arg2" "arg1 Produces and sales arg2" "arg1 with water and cook arg2" "arg1 soup recipe made with arg2" "arg1 breasts marinated in arg2" "arg1 bine first arg2" "arg1 stock and remaining arg2" "arg1 is cooked through and arg2" "arg1 broth to cover arg2" "arg1 broth and pour over arg2" "arg1 broth and remaining arg2" "arg1 broth to cook arg2" "arg1 stock and all arg2" "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 broth until arg2" "arg1 and wild rice soup recipe arg2" "arg1 curry with arg2" "arg1 stock and bring arg2" "arg1 stock to cover arg2" "arg1 stock to keep arg2" "arg1 marsala recipe arg2" ] using (chicken, ingredients)
CPL @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 breasts marinated in arg2" "arg1 broth to cover arg2" "arg1 broth and pour over arg2" "arg1 broth and remaining arg2" "arg1 breast around arg2" "arg1 broth to cook arg2" "arg1 stock and all arg2" "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 broth until arg2" "arg1 stock to cover arg2" ] using (chicken, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture and dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" ] using (soy_milk, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 then add to dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 or other acid arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" ] using (vinegar, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and next four arg2" ] using (apple_juice, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 is made from only natural arg2" "arg1 sales and bought arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 and wine making supplies and arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 and mix until the dry arg2" "arg1 contains only four arg2" "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir only until arg2" "arg1 and stir until the dry arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 just until dry arg2" "arg1 contain only four arg2" "arg1 is made with all natural arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 making and wine making arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" ] using (beer, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of gentle yet powerful arg2" "arg1 of vitamins and natural arg2" "arg1 of scientifically studied arg2" "arg1 of green tea and other arg2" "arg1 of thoughtfully chosen arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 all the dry arg2" "arg1 thoroughly until all arg2" "arg1 of active and inert arg2" "arg1 of natura arg2" "arg1 of skin softening arg2" "arg1 of potent botanical arg2" "arg1 of DDD quality arg2" "arg1 remaining dry arg2" "arg1 of several healthful arg2" "arg1 of the finest organic arg2" "arg1 of natural active arg2" "arg1 in all remaining arg2" "arg1 of proven herbal arg2" "arg1 of California and Mediterranean arg2" "arg1 of four natural arg2" "arg1 of potent natural arg2" "arg1 all marinade arg2" "arg1 is sourced from the finest arg2" "arg1 of exotic oils and natural arg2" "arg1 of D natural arg2" "arg1 of essential and natural arg2" "arg1 of herbs and nutritional arg2" "arg1 of eight natural arg2" "arg1 of defoaming arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 of essential natural arg2" "arg1 is unique and consists of arg2" "arg1 of nutrients and dietary arg2" "arg1 with a fork until dry arg2" "arg1 of carefully chosen herbal arg2" "arg1 together topping arg2" "arg1 of naturally active arg2" "arg1 of fairly obscure arg2" "arg1 of skin nourishing arg2" "arg1 of spices and natural arg2" "arg1 only until dry arg2" "arg1 of over DD natural arg2" "arg1 of herbal and homeopathic arg2" "arg1 together filling arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 of the following natural arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 add dry arg2" "arg1 all filling arg2" "arg1 of the finest quality natural arg2" "arg1 of DD herbal arg2" "arg1 of powerful herbal arg2" "arg1 of wild crafted arg2" "arg1 of the finest herbal arg2" "arg1 of over thirty natural arg2" "arg1 of medically researched arg2" "arg1 until all the dry arg2" "arg1 of all natural and organic arg2" "arg1 of invigorating natural arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 of the most effective antioxidant arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 of natural exotic arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" ] using (blend, ingredients)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 from natural botanical arg2" "arg1 of the finest organic arg2" "arg1 of all natural and organic arg2" "arg1 of natural active arg2" "arg1 with other dry arg2" "arg1 of eight natural arg2" "arg1 of vitamins and natural arg2" ] using (blends, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" ] using (broth, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 Combine dry arg2" "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and sifted dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into dry arg2" ] using (brown_sugar, ingredients)
OE @809 (96.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (buttermilk, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 until all dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 until all the dry arg2" "arg1 all at once to dry arg2" "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 and gently combine arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and stir just until dry arg2" "arg1 powder to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour over the dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 and then add the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix just until dry arg2" "arg1 and milk to dry arg2" "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over dry arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 and blend all arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix until the dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 or other acid arg2" "arg1 mixture and dry arg2" "arg1 then add to dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with the dry arg2" "arg1 just until dry arg2" "arg1 and add to other arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix just until arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 and combine with dry arg2" ] using (buttermilk, ingredients)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 including Vermont arg1" "arg2 except the coconut arg1" "arg2 include whipping arg1" "arg2 in this eye arg1" "arg2 including vermont arg1" "arg2 for its ice arg1" "arg2 for clotted arg1" "arg2 alternately with the sour arg1" "arg2 in this face arg1" "arg2 into their ice arg1" "arg2 except ice arg1" "arg2 into delicious ice arg1" "arg2 like whole milk and arg1" "arg2 like baking soda and arg1" "arg2 while microwaving arg1" "arg2 and add alternately with sour arg1" "arg2 except sour arg1" "arg2 except the ice arg1" "arg2 except whipped arg1" "arg2 except eggs and arg1" "arg2 in your wrinkle arg1" "arg2 in a cellulite arg1" "arg2 together and gradually add to arg1" "arg2 of this anti aging arg1" "arg2 except the sour arg1" "arg2 except the cheese and arg1" ] using (cream, ingredients)
SEAL @691 (57.5%) on 29-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using (cream, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are used to produce their arg1" "arg2 are mixed together to make arg1" "arg2 have come together into arg1" "arg2 are incorporated and arg1" "arg2 bind together into arg1" "arg2 besides corn arg1" "arg2 and kneads arg1" "arg2 and the fine art of arg1" "arg2 to form stiff arg1" "arg2 for making pizza arg1" "arg2 are thoroughly combined and arg1" "arg2 to make the cookie arg1" "arg2 and form a soft arg1" "arg2 and knead to a soft arg1" "arg2 to form a ball of arg1" "arg2 until you have a soft arg1" "arg2 and conveying of arg1" "arg2 for batter and arg1" "arg2 and process into a smooth arg1" "arg2 to make a fairly stiff arg1" "arg2 and mix to a stiff arg1" "arg2 to make a bread arg1" "arg2 form a soft arg1" "arg2 and then knead arg1" "arg2 and kneading arg1" "arg2 until you have a stiff arg1" "arg2 until a sticky arg1" "arg2 to form a moist arg1" "arg2 and mix with fork until arg1" "arg2 and knead into a smooth arg1" "arg2 together to make a smooth arg1" "arg2 together to form a soft arg1" "arg2 and knead into a firm arg1" "arg2 until you get a soft arg1" "arg2 and mix until a soft arg1" "arg2 are moistened and arg1" "arg2 to make cookie arg1" "arg2 together and knead arg1" "arg2 to make a cohesive arg1" "arg2 are well combined and arg1" "arg2 then knead arg1" "arg2 to form a firm arg1" "arg2 till you have a smooth arg1" "arg2 together to make a soft arg1" "arg2 and mix to a soft arg1" "arg2 together to make a thick arg1" "arg2 together into a soft arg1" "arg2 and knead into a soft arg1" "arg2 are thoroughly mixed and arg1" ] using (dough, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 and pour in the liquid arg2" "arg1 and add the wet arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour the liquid arg2" ] using (flour_mix, ingredients)
SEAL @686 (73.9%) on 18-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using (honey, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 have been the staple arg2" "arg1 Blend all arg2" "arg1 bread Bring arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 lime dressing arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 and all products containing arg2" "arg1 mixture into dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 with all the dry arg2" "arg1 lightening recipe arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 mixture with dry arg2" "arg1 and milk to dry arg2" "arg1 or other sticky arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 Place all arg2" ] using (honey, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and oil to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 and add to other arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 and oil to dry arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" ] using (hot_water, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to the bowl of dry arg2" "arg1 and prepared fresh arg2" "arg1 and pour in wet arg2" "arg1 until all dry arg2" "arg1 in with the wet arg2" "arg1 and stir in the wet arg2" "arg1 that represent a majority of arg2" "arg1 and pour the wet arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour the liquid arg2" "arg1 contain certified organic arg2" "arg1 to look for and which arg2" "arg1 Add the dry arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix just until dry arg2" "arg1 thoroughly until all arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 and stir only until arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 all at once to dry arg2" "arg1 Mix all dry arg2" "arg1 or with the wrong arg2" "arg1 and blend all arg2" "arg1 and stir until the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour over the dry arg2" "arg1 are added to the dry arg2" "arg1 add the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and add to liquid arg2" "arg1 add dry arg2" "arg1 just until the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour in the wet arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 and then add the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 or no active arg2" "arg1 and mix the dry arg2" "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 and mix until the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour in the liquid arg2" "arg1 mix wet arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" "arg1 before adding the dry arg2" "arg1 are not high quality arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and combine with dry arg2" "arg1 and add the wet arg2" "arg1 and mix just until arg2" "arg1 of bio identical arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 Add dry arg2" "arg1 and stir just until dry arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 Some of the active arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 into the bowl of dry arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 that are not active arg2" "arg1 may list specific organically produced arg2" "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 then add to dry arg2" "arg1 just until dry arg2" "arg1 and add wet arg2" "arg1 Choose from over DDDD arg2" "arg1 in with the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to wet arg2" "arg1 hydrocodone gg syrup milligrams of arg2" "arg1 and then the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the wet arg2" ] using (ingredients, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 search by up to three arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" ] using (jam, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 followed by remaining arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" "arg1 Place all of arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 and mix in remaining arg2" "arg1 Add dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 and blend all arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 Mix the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" ] using (juice, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sifted dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 in with the wet arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" ] using (lemon_zest, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Place all of arg2" "arg1 or other acid arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 and mix in remaining arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" ] using (lime_juice, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix just until dry arg2" ] using (maple_syrup, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 Combine dry arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 and the sifted arg2" "arg1 in with the dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir just until dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 and mix just until dry arg2" "arg1 just until dry arg2" "arg1 and deep moisturizing arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 until all the dry arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 all at once to dry arg2" "arg1 solids and other arg2" "arg1 Mix dry arg2" "arg1 Add dry arg2" "arg1 and then add the dry arg2" "arg1 powder to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 and then the dry arg2" "arg1 and oil to dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 and combine with dry arg2" "arg1 and remaining dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour over dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture with dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 followed by remaining arg2" "arg1 and sifted dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour over the dry arg2" "arg1 and other allergy causing arg2" "arg1 until all dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 mixture into dry arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 and oil to the dry arg2" "arg1 slowly bringing arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 mixture and dry arg2" "arg1 Blend all arg2" "arg1 only until dry arg2" "arg1 add the dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with the dry arg2" ] using (milk, ingredients)
OE @806 (87.8%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (mixer, ingredients)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in a stand arg1" "arg2 at medium speed with electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with an electric arg1" "arg2 in small bowl with electric arg1" "arg2 together with electric arg1" "arg2 in large bowl of electric arg1" "arg2 together with the electric arg1" "arg2 and mix with electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with hand arg1" "arg2 and beat well with arg1" "arg2 in bowl of electric arg1" "arg2 and mix with hand arg1" "arg2 in my stand arg1" "arg2 into the bowl of your arg1" "arg2 on high with an electric arg1" "arg2 together in an electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with electric arg1" "arg2 and mix with a hand arg1" "arg2 with a spatula or arg1" "arg2 at high speed with electric arg1" "arg2 with an electric hand arg1" "arg2 in medium bowl with electric arg1" "arg2 in your stand arg1" "arg2 and mix thoroughly with arg1" "arg2 and mix with an electric arg1" "arg2 in small bowl of electric arg1" "arg2 in the bowl of your arg1" "arg2 together with a hand arg1" "arg2 and blend with an electric arg1" "arg2 are combined in a large arg1" "arg2 together with an electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with a hand arg1" "arg2 into a stand arg1" ] using (mixer, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Combine dry arg2" "arg1 Mix together all arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 and sifted dry arg2" "arg1 all at once to dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 search by up to three arg2" "arg1 and blend all arg2" ] using (nuts, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and remaining dry arg2" "arg1 Mix the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" ] using (rum, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 mix and remaining arg2" "arg1 is made with all natural arg2" "arg1 Whisk first D arg2" "arg1 search by up to three arg2" "arg1 pan with remaining arg2" "arg1 Place all arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 made of the following arg2" "arg1 by mixing all arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and next four arg2" "arg1 that only requires two arg2" "arg1 Mix the dry arg2" ] using (sauce, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 and combine with dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" ] using (sour_milk, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture and dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" ] using (soymilk, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and mix until dry arg2" "arg1 and natural active arg2" "arg1 over the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until dry arg2" "arg1 into the wet arg2" "arg1 and add dry arg2" "arg1 Combine all arg2" "arg1 mixture into the dry arg2" "arg1 and oil to dry arg2" "arg1 Add the dry arg2" "arg1 and sifted dry arg2" "arg1 to the wet arg2" "arg1 and pour over the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir until the dry arg2" "arg1 to mix all arg2" "arg1 and combine with dry arg2" "arg1 and add to the dry arg2" "arg1 and pour into the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into the dry arg2" "arg1 and add to wet arg2" "arg1 into the dry arg2" "arg1 soluble active arg2" "arg1 and oil to the dry arg2" "arg1 until all dry arg2" "arg1 Mix dry arg2" "arg1 mixture over dry arg2" "arg1 mixture and dry arg2" "arg1 to the dry arg2" "arg1 mixture to the dry arg2" "arg1 search by up to three arg2" "arg1 mixture to dry arg2" "arg1 and gently combine arg2" "arg1 Mix all dry arg2" "arg1 to mix the dry arg2" "arg1 and stir into dry arg2" "arg1 and add to other arg2" "arg1 while preparing rest of arg2" "arg1 until all the dry arg2" "arg1 Mix all arg2" "arg1 and blend all arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 alternately with dry arg2" "arg1 and add to dry arg2" "arg1 into dry arg2" "arg1 and mix until the dry arg2" "arg1 together and add to dry arg2" "arg1 and stir just until dry arg2" "arg1 then add to dry arg2" ] using (water, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 just until all dry arg2" "arg1 to combine the dry arg2" "arg1 until dry arg2" "arg1 to mix the dry arg2" "arg1 to mix until arg2" "arg1 to incorporate extra arg2" "arg1 until all dry arg2" "arg1 until all the dry arg2" "arg1 to fully combine arg2" "arg1 or spatula until arg2" "arg1 until the dry arg2" "arg1 just until dry arg2" "arg1 to mix all arg2" "arg1 just until the dry arg2" "arg1 to just combine arg2" ] using (wooden_spoon, ingredients)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 human quality arg2" "arg1 EPA exempt arg2" "arg1 human edible arg2" "arg1 pure fruit arg2" "arg1 naturally sourced arg2" "arg1 natural marine arg2" "arg1 pure active arg2" "arg1 pure plant arg2" "arg1 natural active arg2" "arg1 natural fruit arg2" "arg1 or more certified organic arg2" "arg1 human food grade arg2" "arg1 natural and certified organic arg2" "arg1 pure pharmaceutical grade arg2" "arg1 natural and vegan arg2" "arg1 natural with no artificial arg2" "arg1 naturally derived arg2" "arg1 clinically active arg2" "arg1 organic active arg2" "arg1 all natural and safe arg2" "arg1 organically produced arg2" "arg1 pure and organic arg2" "arg1 natural and contains no artificial arg2" "arg1 fruit or vegetable arg2" "arg1 pure pharmaceutical and medical grade arg2" ] using (_, ingredients)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 about our products and arg2" "arg1 regarding our products or arg2" "arg1 about the products and arg2" "arg1 about products or arg2" ] using (questions, ingredients)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to a large variety of arg2" "arg1 to an amazing array of arg2" "arg1 to an amazing variety of arg2" "arg1 to some of the rarest arg2" "arg1 to a variety of exotic arg2" ] using (access, ingredients)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of proven herbal arg2" "arg1 of over DD natural arg2" "arg1 of DD herbal arg2" "arg1 of vitamins and natural arg2" "arg1 of skin nourishing arg2" "arg1 of herbs and nutritional arg2" "arg1 of essential natural arg2" "arg1 of the most effective antioxidant arg2" "arg1 of the following natural arg2" "arg1 of fairly obscure arg2" "arg1 of natura arg2" "arg1 of the finest herbal arg2" "arg1 is unique and consists of arg2" "arg1 of scientifically studied arg2" "arg1 of the finest organic arg2" ] using (proprietary_blend, ingredients)