SEAL @212 (98.4%) on 19-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using oatmeal
CMC @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=oa 1.84090 LASTSUFFIX=eal 1.53618 SUFFIX=eal 1.20765 LASTPREFIX=oa 1.19885 SUFFIX=meal 1.08399 LASTPREFIX=oat 1.07491 PREFIX=oat 1.07364 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.65900 WORDS -0.91159 CHARS -3.03467 ] using oatmeal
CPL @1108 (61.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ are good carbohydrates" "Whole grains , such as _" "grain foods , such as _" "grain waffles with _" "grains , like _" "grapes , green _" "cereals , including _" "glycemic foods such as _" "cup of uncooked _" "many scoops of _" "high fiber foods such as _" "perfect bowl of _" "sugar , raw _" "snack bags of _" "recipe meatloaf made with _" "serving of dry _" "saucepan , combine _" "high-fiber foods such as _" "grains – _" "veggies , such as _" "bowl of steamed _" "organic brown rice , organic _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "plant foods such as _" "grains including _" "carbohydrate-rich foods like _" "recipe crock pot baked _" "brown rice , organic _" "whole grains including _" "Steel Cut _" "_ contains both soluble" "glycemic index foods such as _" "homemade baked _" "foods such as cooked _" "fibrous foods such as _" "free bowls of _" "_ is a staple food" "glycemic foods like _" "grains , including _" "grain , similar to _" "whole grain , such as _" "good foods like _" "fiber foods include _" "big bowl of _" "bowls of warm _" "bars , instant _" "cereal , such as _" "crackers , plain _" "grain goodness of _" "nice big bowl of _" "meal , dry _" "other grains like _" "carbohydrate food such as _" "bowl of uncooked _" "sweet drink made from _" "other healthy foods like _" "Grains , like _" "pot of cold _" "porridge made of _" "vegan , contains _" "touch of toasted _" "I make plain _" "_ based beverage" "_ contains beta-glucan" "_ contains gluten" "soluble fiber from _" "grain foods such as _" "plant foods like _" "small bowl of plain _" "cereal , cooked _" "bananas , cooked _" "mixture of cooked _" "_ contain soluble fiber" "rice , uncooked _" "flours , such as _" "half-eaten bowl of _" "_ is a whole grain food" "exfoliating action of _" "cup uncooked _" "entire bowl of _" "mixture is like coarse _" "cheese , instant _" "chicken soup with _" "porridge made from _" "carbohydrate foods like _" "cereals , like _" "fiber is found in _" "_ has a high fiber content" "cup quick _" "grains , such as _" "plain bowl of _" "_ has been finely ground" "_ has absorbed the water" "bit of powdered _" "syrup mixture over _" "steel cut _" "Vegetables such as _" "apples , baked _" "carbohydrates like _" "chili with _" "_ is popped in" "legumes , whole _" "_ is coarsely ground" "_ contains soluble fiber" "bowl of plain _" "rice , steamed _" "potatoes , baked _" "pot of plain _" "_ has more nutritional value" "_ has high fiber content" "gigantic bowl of _" "_ is a concentrated source" "_ helps remove cholesterol" "one-half cup cooked _" "other grains , including _" "carbs come from _" "cereal such as _" "cold cooked _" "cups uncooked _" "regular bowl of _" "_ is a whole grain" "many bowls of _" "Soluble fiber from _" "half cup cooked _" "handfuls of raw _" "cereal , like _" "Cereals such as _" "green grapes , green _" "fiber rich foods such as _" "fiber sources include _" "grain , like _" "It tastes great on _" "BIG bowl of _" "glucan from _" "big bowl of hot _" "D/D cup of cooked _" "one-half cup of cooked _" "package of instant _" "I eat plain _" "other cereals like _" "I use cooked _" "I also ground _" "I had stopped eating _" "cereals such as _" "carbohydrate sources are _" "bowl of cooked _" "dish , over _" "mix of powdered _" "fiber rich foods like _" "grains includes _" "half-cup serving of _" "_ are decent quality grains" "veggies such as _" "organic rolled _" "cereals like _" "Steel cut _" "intestines stuffed with _" "legumes , like _" "much liquid as _" "_ is a versatile food" "_ is a gentle exfoliant" "bowl of old _" "batch of baked _" "mean pot of _" "soluble fibre from _" "_ is a natural exfoliant" "high-fiber foods like _" "grain cereals such as _" "_ 's soluble fiber" "handful of uncooked _" "fiber , found in _" "traditional bowl of _" "_ cooking procedure" "_ spooned onto" "average bowl of _" "_ gave the cookies" "single bowl of _" "nuts , cooked _" "milk , powdered _" "couple bowls of _" "bowl of whole-grain _" "protein found in _" "potatoes , green _" "rice , regular _" "fruit , plain _" "simple meal of _" "Soluble fiber found in _" "bowl of hot _" "delicious sprinkled on _" "mixture resembles _" "_ based scrub" "_ is a perfect food" "grains like _" "food staples like _" "breakfast of baked _" "high fiber foods like _" "grains include _" "healthy grains like _" "fiber foods such as _" "Complex carbs like _" "such food items as _" "soluble fiber are _" "cereal made from _" "cup of raw _" "complex carbohydrates like _" "pot , cook _" "pot of warm _" "grains such as _" "texture resembles coarse _" "water , cooked _" "whole grains , such as _" "whole grain waffles with _" "bread , wholegrain _" "chicken stew with _" "Complex carbohydrates like _" "next bowl of _" "staple such as _" "simple bowl of _" "steaming bowl of _" "countless bowls of _" "hot , cooked _" "complex carbohydrates including _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "hot bowl of _" "medium bowl of _" "oatmeal , cold _" "plant foods , like _" "other grains such as _" "nice hot bowl of _" "complex carbs like _" "carbs , like _" "carbs , such as _" "solid foods such as _" "_ raisen cookies" "Whole grains such as _" "HUGE bowl of _" "carbs such as _" "bread sprinkled with _" "good carbs like _" "_ became a staple food" "_ contain beta-glucan" "fibre is found in _" "bread made of _" "pre-measured amounts of _" "rice , whole _" "humble bowl of _" "index foods like _" "beans , dry _" "diet consisted mainly of _" "bowl of baked _" "carbohydrate source such as _" "whole grains such as _" "cup serving of _" "_ absorbs a considerable amount" "multiple bowls of _" "few bowls of _" "daily bowl of _" "flour , powdered _" "grains except for _" "carbohydrate-rich foods such as _" "bread Put _" "grain foods include _" "_ has very few calories" "_ also has a low glycemic index" "giant tub of _" "serving of whole _" "Grains such as _" "_ recipe track" "bowls of hot _" "fiber foods , such as _" "size bowl of _" "bowl of sour _" "other whole grains such as _" "oatmeal , whole _" "tiny bowl of _" "buns , baked _" "same bowl of _" "cabbage stuffed with _" "carbohydrates including _" "they usually ate _" "soluble fiber like _" "vegetables like _" "more bowls of _" "Whole grains include _" "serving of cooked _" "scrubbing action of _" "fiber include _" "healthy bowl of _" "fresh blueberries with _" "few spoons of _" "half cup of cooked _" "fiber food like _" "superfoods such as _" "soluble fiber such as _" "staple foods like _" "cereals , cooked _" "crock pot baked _" "ground organic _" "grain such as _" "grain products such as _" "mixture looks like coarse _" "many dogs are allergic to _" "carbohydrate , such as _" "bowl of Irish _" "boll of _" "texture of coarse _" "liquid is absorbed by _" "cup cooked _" "diet of plain _" "carbohydrate sources such as _" "bowl of real _" "carbs are from _" "_ reaches desired consistency" "grains other than _" "grains except _" "honey , toasted _" "grain products like _" "_ bannock recipe" "_ has a lower GI" "high-carbohydrate foods such as _" "bowl of cold _" "basic staples like _" "_ adds a nice texture" "procedure original _" "cereal , plain _" "other cereals such as _" "insoluble fiber found in _" "brown rice , steamed _" "fiber-rich foods like _" "flours made from _" "only food is _" "cup of powdered _" "peppers , green _" "grain including _" "flour , remaining _" "usual bowl of _" "_ adds a great texture" "several spoons of _" "hot cooked _" "grain cereal like _" "grains (eg _" "fiber contained in _" "leafy greens like _" "mean bowl of _" "cereals including _" "it looks like coarse _" "other cereals , such as _" "grain , such as _" "nutritious variety of _" "normal bowl of _" "whole grains , including _" "whole grains like _" "I have been grinding _" "certain grains like _" "_ is a healthy grain" "beans , cooked _" "own bowl of _" "extra bowl of _" "whole grain products such as _" "whole rolled _" "Whole grains like _" "complex carbs , such as _" "brown sugar , raw _" "_ is well-coated" "whole grain goodness of _" "_ is usually ground into" "waffle recipe made with _" "small spoon of _" "whole grain products like _" "wholesome ingredients such as _" "bowl of nutritious _" "bread was made of _" "Other foods such as _" "Soluble fiber is found in _" "grain cereals with _" "grain like _" "soluble fiber , such as _" "dishes , baked _" "bowl of organic _" "water if necessary until _" "oats vs _" "starches such as _" "glycemic response than _" "bran , whole _" "legumes such as _" "meatloaf made with _" "parts powdered _" "nutritious properties of _" "whole grain like _" "it resembles coarse _" "mashed potatoes , green _" "modest meal of _" "Recipe uses _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "dough resembles _" "mush made from _" "_ raisen cookie recipe" "wheat , cooked _" "½ cup of cooked _" "whole wheat , whole _" "other grains , such as _" "_ contain gluten" "_ based cereal" "fiber sources such as _" "single grain of _" "starchy carbohydrates like _" "cream cheese rolled in _" "cup of cooked _" "basic meatloaf recipe with _" "ordinary bowl of _" "mixture looks like _" "consistency of dry _" "cereals , such as _" "brown rice , cooked _" "cereals made with _" "bowl of warm _" "bread , plain _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "soluble fiber found in _" "you eat whole _" "warm bowl of _" "wheat , whole _" "consistency of coarse _" "bushel of _" "soluble fibre found in _" "High-fiber foods include _" "wheat , coarse _" "wholegrains such as _" "rice , organic _" "cereal made with _" "steaming bowl of hot _" "Grains like _" "Fiber is found in _" "wholemeal bread , wholegrain _" "you just cook _" "beans , plain _" "whole grains , like _" "_ adds a sweet flavor" "whole grains include _" "_ contains beta glucan" "_ also have fiber" "fiber foods like _" "scrub made with _" "rice , dry _" "morning bowl of _" "bowl of spiced _" "better bowl of _" "bland" ] using oatmeal
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:wheat vegetablecanbeservedwithgrain agriculturalproduct:oatmeal ]
CPL @1103 (84.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "We had baked _" "beef , raw _" "I make homemade _" "plastic bag , combine _" "grapes , green _" "cup of uncooked _" "high fiber foods such as _" "sugar , raw _" "veggies , such as _" "gravy , baked _" "_ tossed with" "bowl of steamed _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "plant foods such as _" "pints of _" "brown rice , organic _" "Food sources include _" "homemade baked _" "foods such as cooked _" "lentils , dry _" "bread crumbs to _" "bag , combine _" "I ate raw _" "powerpoint on _" "bowls of warm _" "bowl of cool _" "chocolate , hot _" "cereal , such as _" "tub of hot _" "mother was cooking _" "leftover baked _" "other grains like _" "quick bowl of _" "pot of cold _" "acid fermented _" "eggs , hot _" "breakfast of hot _" "mixture of cooked _" "teaspoon of _" "_ is provided each morning" "_ served with" "juice , plain _" "exercise , eat _" "cakes mixed with _" "_ served every morning" "carbohydrate foods like _" "fruits such as _" "flour mixture into _" "home , ate _" "fish fried in _" "_ is golden brown" "they started serving _" "butter , dried _" "legumes , whole _" "bowl of plain _" "rice , steamed _" "potatoes , baked _" "can of _" "common foods such as _" "Other foods , such as _" "cereal such as _" "I were eating _" "_ is a whole grain" "_ based bread" "table , eating _" "starches , such as _" "Soluble fiber from _" "family eating _" "she was cooking _" "everything from baked _" "several servings of _" "place cooked _" "tea , organic _" "cream of _" "I made baked _" "We also ate _" "butter , real _" "bowl of cooked _" "_ are soft" "Tbsp of _" "veggies such as _" "organic rolled _" "basic foods like _" "_ topped with" "consistency of thin _" "dish of hot _" "time we ate _" "great topping for _" "flour , organic _" "pan , add _" "pan of hot _" "dish of warm _" "dish of baked _" "fruits like _" "handful of uncooked _" "soft foods like _" "tea , instant _" "smell of fresh baked _" "nuts , cooked _" "mug of hot _" "milk , powdered _" "jar of hot _" "potatoes , green _" "fruit , raw _" "fruit , plain _" "fries , baked _" "bowl of hot _" "microwave-safe bowl , combine _" "mixture resembles _" "rice , boiled _" "comfort foods like _" "cheese , baked _" "_ served daily" "food staples like _" "family eats _" "fiber foods such as _" "Recipe using _" "eggs , baked _" "recipes for raw _" "eggs , organic _" "chocolate , fresh _" "juices , hot _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "pot of warm _" "water , cooked _" "certain foods , like _" "certain foods like _" "hot , cooked _" "hot chocolate , hot _" "foods like _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "dry beans , dry _" "other grains such as _" "teaspoon of fresh _" "rice , whole _" "bowl of baked _" "We were eating _" "cup of warm _" "whole grains such as _" "large bowl , toss _" "variety of flavored _" "half quarts of _" "breakfast with hot _" "butter , raw _" "hot , add _" "recipe is made with _" "coffee , eat _" "serving of whole _" "pulse until _" "Grains such as _" "bread , cooked _" "bowls of hot _" "dishes like _" "separate bowl combine _" "potatoes , cooked _" "bowl of sour _" "box of frozen _" "oatmeal , whole _" "sandwiches , hot _" "D-D/D cups of _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "salad with _" "milk , cooked _" "I eat whole _" "half cup of cooked _" "staple foods like _" "container of plain _" "grain such as _" "foods such as _" "grain products such as _" "meat , cooked _" "cheese , plain _" "grains other than _" "_ are served all day" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "skillet , brown _" "_ topping recipes" "_ are high" "healthy recipe with _" "it resembles fine _" "muffins made with _" "bowl of cold _" "basic staples like _" "juice , hot _" "other cereals such as _" "brown rice , steamed _" "flours made from _" "teas , hot _" "mix , instant _" "one-half cups of _" "cream , hot _" "peppers , green _" "soup with _" "_ glaze recipe" "hot cooked _" "ice cream , hot _" "peanut butter , dried _" "tea , hot _" "cook , stirring occasionally until _" "whole grains like _" "garlic , cooked _" "¾ cup of _" "we were eating _" "flour mixture to _" "pinch of _" "recipes using _" "toast , baked _" "bell peppers , green _" "Other foods such as _" "you were cooking _" "Soluble fiber is found in _" "dessert recipes using _" "salt , chopped _" "I was cooking _" "egg whites with _" "_ is cooked through" "bran , whole _" "cereals , hot _" "legumes such as _" "fortified foods such as _" "it resembles coarse _" "mashed potatoes , green _" "Certain foods such as _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "_ is served at" "_ infused with" "teacupful of _" "we usually eat _" "whole wheat , whole _" "you eat raw _" "_ stuffed with" "apples , raw _" "other grains , such as _" "_ contain gluten" "tub of warm _" "cup of cooked _" "mixture looks like _" "cereals , such as _" "cheese , cooked _" "bowl of warm _" "cinnamon baked _" "Other foods , like _" "layer of cooked _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "coffee , hot _" "whole foods such as _" "you eat whole _" "consistency of coarse _" "cup of whole _" "consistency of thick _" "wholesome ingredients like _" "you use frozen _" "kitchen table eating _" "Fiber is found in _" "tray of hot _" "recipe using _" "natural sugars in _" "morning bowl of _" "vegetables , whole-grain _" "soluble fiber include _" "small bowl of warm _" ] using oatmeal
CPL @1103 (76.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "I love flavored _" "Whole grains , such as _" "plastic bag , combine _" "granola , organic _" "grapes , green _" "rich foods like _" "cup of uncooked _" "cheese , packaged _" "many scoops of _" "_ simmered in" "high fiber foods such as _" "stove making _" "high-fiber foods such as _" "fiber-rich foods , such as _" "veggies , such as _" "great cup of _" "green leafy vegetables , fortified _" "gravy , baked _" "breads , cooked _" "_ tossed with" "bowl of steamed _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "plant foods such as _" "whole grains including _" "foods such as cooked _" "_ helps reduce cholesterol levels" "lentils , dry _" "bag , combine _" "leafy vegetables , fortified _" "_ tastes like" "bowl of cool _" "bars , instant _" "usual cup of _" "tub of hot _" "delicious substitute for _" "foods , including _" "mother was cooking _" "other grains like _" "pears , toasted _" "plain cup of _" "start cooking _" "sauteing until _" "Breakfast usually consists of _" "quick bowl of _" "pot of cold _" "_ based beverage" "bar , baked _" "grain foods such as _" "plant foods like _" "acid fermented _" "bananas , cooked _" "mixture of cooked _" "_ based moisturizer" "spinach , organic _" "milk , green _" "peanut butter , raw _" "juice , plain _" "cakes mixed with _" "cup of prepared _" "cup of flavored _" "_ served every morning" "brown sugar baked _" "carbohydrate foods like _" "fruits such as _" "_ smothered in" "_ dressed with" "Vegetables such as _" "I are eating _" "apples , baked _" "butter , dried _" "other flavoring to _" "legumes , whole _" "such foods as _" "rice , steamed _" "potatoes , baked _" "pot of plain _" "I do n't like cooked _" "cereal , mixed with _" "fiber-rich foods such as _" "healthy foods , like _" "vegetables such as _" "sticky foods like _" "other grains , including _" "cereal such as _" "I were eating _" "recipe for cooked _" "starches , such as _" "onions , toasted _" "family eating _" "Cereals such as _" "_ were delicious" "protein sources include _" "BIG bowl of _" "she was cooking _" "honey , organic _" "complex carbs such as _" "cream of _" "cabbage , raw _" "pan add _" "other cereals like _" "butter , real _" "green vegetables such as _" "Tbsp of _" "veggies such as _" "organic rolled _" "basic foods like _" "_ topped with" "legumes , like _" "neutral shades of _" "consistency of thin _" "batch of baked _" "high-fiber foods like _" "flour , organic _" "morning , eat _" "pan , add _" "leafy green vegetables such as _" "pan of hot _" "dish of warm _" "fruits like _" "handful of uncooked _" "bowls of cold _" "mix into hot _" "nuts , cooked _" "mug of hot _" "milk , powdered _" "jar of hot _" "quick cup of _" "potatoes , green _" "muffins , baked _" "fruit , plain _" "fries , baked _" "bowl of hot _" "cream , toasted _" "delicious sprinkled on _" "rubber spatula until _" "microwave-safe bowl , combine _" "mixture resembles _" "_ is a perfect food" "comfort foods like _" "high speed until _" "breakfast of baked _" "soluble fiber are _" "Smoothie recipes with _" "morning cup of _" "eggs , baked _" "chocolate , fresh _" "dish , mix _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "pot of warm _" "bread , wholegrain _" "next bowl of _" "milk , fortified _" "carbohydrates include _" "hot , cooked _" "foods like _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "dry beans , dry _" "other grains such as _" "cottage cheese , plain _" "teaspoon of fresh _" "Whole grains such as _" "HUGE bowl of _" "Starchy foods like _" "rice , whole _" "bowl of baked _" "We were eating _" "large spoonfuls of _" "cup of warm _" "cake recipe made with _" "whole grains such as _" "Food items like _" "high-calorie foods such as _" "butter , raw _" "hot , add _" "recipe is made with _" "carbohydrate-rich foods such as _" "coffee , eat _" "serving of whole _" "quart of whole _" "Grains such as _" "fiber foods , such as _" "quick pot of _" "onion , toasted _" "shower , have _" "bowl of sour _" "oatmeal , whole _" "buttery toasted _" "buns , baked _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "taste of cooked _" "salad with _" "milk , cooked _" "food types include _" "liver mixed with _" "heat , add _" "staple foods like _" "container of plain _" "fresh fruit , raw _" "foods such as _" "grain products such as _" "mixture looks like coarse _" "cheese , plain _" "_ reaches desired consistency" "vegetables , like _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "grain products like _" "fruits , organic _" "_ topping recipes" "fresh veggies such as _" "high-carbohydrate foods such as _" "bowl of cold _" "cream sprinkled with _" "other cereals such as _" "tablespoon of _" "brown rice , steamed _" "fiber-rich foods like _" "foods , like _" "flours made from _" "teas , hot _" "mix , instant _" "_ based cleansers" "room eating _" "box of organic _" "peppers , green _" "blender , combine _" "hot cooked _" "leafy greens like _" "peanut butter , dried _" "apple crumble with _" "cinnamon sprinkled on _" "other cereals , such as _" "I eat mostly _" "perfect cup of _" "nice cup of _" "dishes such as _" "ingredients except _" "whole grains , including _" "whole grains like _" "Whole grains like _" "brown sugar , raw _" "wonderful recipes using _" "sugar baked _" "_ is too runny" "we were eating _" "toast , baked _" "berries such as _" "bell peppers , green _" "Other foods such as _" "you were cooking _" "Soluble fiber is found in _" "half tablespoons of _" "soluble fiber , such as _" "_ seasoned with" "salt , chopped _" "I was cooking _" "milk , dried _" "lactic acid fermented _" "everyday foods such as _" "delicious topping for _" "bran , whole _" "legumes such as _" "meatloaf made with _" "fortified foods such as _" "it resembles coarse _" "good cup of _" "mashed potatoes , green _" "Recipe uses _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "wheat products such as _" "same time , cook _" "_ is served at" "texture than regular _" "kids were eating _" "teacupful of _" "time you cook _" "breakfast baked _" "whole wheat , whole _" "mixture of boiled _" "apples , raw _" "other grains , such as _" "tub of warm _" "cup of cooked _" "ordinary bowl of _" "mixture looks like _" "cereals , such as _" "cheese , cooked _" "bowl of warm _" "cinnamon baked _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "wheat , whole _" "consistency of coarse _" "cup of whole _" "consistency of thick _" "I added cooked _" "kitchen table eating _" "we had just eaten _" "wholemeal bread , wholegrain _" "morning bowl of _" "bowl of spiced _" "bowl , combine _" "bland foods such as _" "wild rice , whole _" "vegetables , whole-grain _" "soluble fiber include _" "small bowl of warm _" "foods , such as _" "cider , hot _" ] using oatmeal
CMC @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=eal 2.21696 PREFIX=oa 1.88180 LASTPREFIX=oa 1.36061 LASTSUFFIX=eal 1.26218 PREFIX=oat 1.14906 LASTPREFIX=oat 1.13576 LASTSUFFIX=meal 1.07321 FULL_POS=NN -0.63846 CHARS -1.30731 WORDS -1.67475 ] using oatmeal
CPL @1109 (50.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "Whole grains , such as _" "fruit , like _" "grains , like _" "grapes , green _" "glycemic foods such as _" "cup of uncooked _" "high fiber foods such as _" "perfect bowl of _" "sugar , raw _" "serving of dry _" "high-fiber foods such as _" "fiber-rich foods , such as _" "grains – _" "veggies , such as _" "gravy , baked _" "bowl of steamed _" "organic brown rice , organic _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "handful of raw _" "grains including _" "beverages made of _" "antioxidant found in _" "carbohydrate-rich foods like _" "few sacks of _" "recipe crock pot baked _" "brown rice , organic _" "whole grains including _" "Steel Cut _" "pantry staples like _" "_ contains both soluble" "homemade baked _" "foods such as cooked _" "fibrous foods such as _" "lentils , dry _" "_ is a staple food" "glycemic foods like _" "grains , including _" "grain , similar to _" "whole grain , such as _" "fruits similar to _" "good foods like _" "healthy foods , such as _" "fiber foods include _" "batter made with _" "roast goose with _" "cereal , such as _" "surface sprinkled with _" "grain goodness of _" "other grains like _" "pears , toasted _" "bowl of uncooked _" "other healthy foods like _" "Grains , like _" "porridge made of _" "vegan , contains _" "waffles , fresh _" "touch of toasted _" "carbohydrate intake from _" "classic aromas of _" "_ based beverage" "_ contains beta-glucan" "soluble fiber from _" "grain foods such as _" "plant foods like _" "bananas , cooked _" "mixture of cooked _" "_ contain soluble fiber" "flours , such as _" "half-eaten bowl of _" "eating foods like _" "_ is a whole grain food" "milk , green _" "plant material such as _" "teaspoon of _" "exfoliating action of _" "cup uncooked _" "raw ingredients like _" "leisurely breakfast of _" "dry ingredients , such as _" "porridge made from _" "bowl of fresh _" "fiber is found in _" "_ has a high fiber content" "fruits such as _" "grains , such as _" "apples mixed with _" "high-fiber foods , such as _" "plain bowl of _" "bit of powdered _" "bowl stir together _" "steel cut _" "apples , baked _" "butter , dried _" "legumes , whole _" "_ is coarsely ground" "bowl of plain _" "rice , steamed _" "potatoes , baked _" "pot of plain _" "fiber-rich foods such as _" "gigantic bowl of _" "healthy foods , like _" "Other foods , such as _" "_ helps remove cholesterol" "other grains , including _" "carbs come from _" "cereal such as _" "large bowl , stir together _" "regular bowl of _" "pot of cooked _" "_ is a whole grain" "onions , toasted _" "handfuls of raw _" "cereal , like _" "Cereals such as _" "green grapes , green _" "fiber rich foods such as _" "D/D cup of cooked _" "one-half cup of cooked _" "I eat plain _" "pears , organic _" "other cereals like _" "high fiber content of _" "_ were too ripe" "cereals such as _" "carbohydrate sources are _" "bowl of cooked _" "dry ingredients including _" "dish , over _" "fiber rich foods like _" "_ crusted fish" "_ are decent quality grains" "veggies such as _" "organic rolled _" "fruit like _" "basic foods like _" "legumes , like _" "_ is a gentle exfoliant" "mixing bowl stir together _" "soluble fibre from _" "_ is a natural exfoliant" "high-fiber foods like _" "grain cereals such as _" "sprinkle of toasted _" "_ 's soluble fiber" "fruits like _" "handful of uncooked _" "fiber , found in _" "great breakfast of _" "grain foods like _" "_ cooking procedure" "pudding , baked _" "single bowl of _" "_ is chewier" "nuts , cooked _" "milk , powdered _" "blender , grind _" "bowl of whole-grain _" "potatoes , green _" "food processor , grind _" "muffins , baked _" "fries , baked _" "Soluble fiber found in _" "bowl of hot _" "dry ingredients , except _" "cream , toasted _" "mixture resembles _" "_ based scrub" "cheese , baked _" "grains like _" "food staples like _" "breakfast of baked _" "high fiber foods like _" "fiber foods such as _" "soluble fiber are _" "cereal made from _" "eggs , baked _" "cup of raw _" "complex carbohydrates like _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "grains such as _" "whole grains , such as _" "chicken stew with _" "next bowl of _" "boxes of organic _" "staple such as _" "scrub made from _" "simple bowl of _" "hot , cooked _" "carbohydrate foods such as _" "dry beans , dry _" "hand , stir in _" "plant foods , like _" "other grains such as _" "carbs , such as _" "thiamine include _" "solid foods such as _" "_ contain melatonin" "Whole grains such as _" "HUGE bowl of _" "bread sprinkled with _" "good carbs like _" "_ became a staple food" "fibre is found in _" "ice cream sprinkled with _" "bread made of _" "rice , whole _" "grain products , such as _" "beans , dry _" "bowl of baked _" "Sprinkle topping over _" "carbohydrate source such as _" "whole grains such as _" "Food items like _" "grain products including _" "few bowls of _" "daily bowl of _" "flour , powdered _" "grains except for _" "cereal similar to _" "_ has very few calories" "serving of whole _" "quantity of coarse _" "Grains such as _" "bread , cooked _" "bowls of hot _" "cup of coarse _" "fiber foods , such as _" "quick pot of _" "onion , toasted _" "size bowl of _" "bowl of sour _" "other whole grains such as _" "D-D/D cups of _" "buttery toasted _" "breakfast of green _" "beans , raw _" "taste of cooked _" "breakfast with whole _" "combination of dried _" "they usually ate _" "more bowls of _" "I eat whole _" "bananas , organic _" "pot baked _" "_ based treats" "fiber include _" "healthy bowl of _" "half cup of cooked _" "superfoods such as _" "staple foods like _" "crock pot baked _" "flours including _" "grain such as _" "mixture looks like coarse _" "bowl of Irish _" "texture of coarse _" "liquid is absorbed by _" "diet of plain _" "bowl of real _" "carbs are from _" "apples , along with _" "grains other than _" "grain products like _" "five-pound bag of _" "_ bannock recipe" "_ has a lower GI" "high-carbohydrate foods such as _" "basic staples like _" "procedure original _" "other cereals such as _" "insoluble fiber found in _" "Chocolate covered _" "fiber-rich foods like _" "fruits , such as _" "flours made from _" "medium bowl , stir together _" "I love baked _" "processor , grind _" "pancake made from _" "one-half cups of _" "box of organic _" "peppers , green _" "grain including _" "flour , remaining _" "_ adds a great texture" "hot cooked _" "grains (eg _" "fiber contained in _" "peanut butter , dried _" "it looks like coarse _" "other cereals , such as _" "oatmeal , baked _" "whole grain foods like _" "whole grains , including _" "whole grains like _" "breads , baked _" "certain grains like _" "_ is a healthy grain" "beans , cooked _" "Dry roasted _" "extra bowl of _" "whole grain products such as _" "whole rolled _" "Whole grains like _" "complex carbs , such as _" "brown sugar , raw _" "whole grain goodness of _" "sugar baked _" "¾ cup of _" "_ was a staple food" "scrub made of _" "toast , baked _" "berries such as _" "bowl of nutritious _" "bread was made of _" "bell peppers , green _" "Other foods such as _" "Soluble fiber is found in _" "whole grain cereals such as _" "soluble fiber , such as _" "DD-lb bag of _" "milk , dried _" "whole grain foods such as _" "wheat such as _" "starches such as _" "everyday foods such as _" "bran , whole _" "legumes such as _" "meatloaf made with _" "it resembles coarse _" "mashed potatoes , green _" "modest meal of _" "sheet sprinkled with _" "dough resembles _" "whole wheat , whole _" "other grains , such as _" "single grain of _" "starchy carbohydrates like _" "cup of cooked _" "mixture looks like _" "dry ingredients like _" "cereals , such as _" "cheese , cooked _" "dry ingredients except _" "cereals made with _" "cinnamon baked _" "fruits include _" "whole foods , such as _" "Other foods , like _" "citrus fruit like _" "chocolate covered _" "baking sheet sprinkled with _" "soluble fiber found in _" "top of cooked _" "fruit , such as _" "carbohydrate sources , such as _" "_ are finely ground" "you eat whole _" "wheat , whole _" "consistency of coarse _" "dark chocolate , fresh _" "apples to _" "soluble fibre found in _" "High-fiber foods include _" "wholegrains such as _" "rice , organic _" "Grains like _" "Fiber is found in _" "whole grains , like _" "whole grains include _" "_ also have fiber" "mix of toasted _" "homemade old fashioned _" "fiber foods like _" "scrub made with _" "rice , dry _" "morning bowl of _" "apples with _" "bland foods like _" "soluble fiber include _" "unprocessed foods like _" "nuts , dry _" "dry goods , such as _" ] using oatmeal
CPL @1099 (99.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "medium bowl combine _" "grains , like _" "rich foods like _" "carbohydrates such as _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "recipe calls for _" "I was eating _" "saucepan , combine _" "ground beef with _" "they were made of _" "kitchen , eating _" "_ tossed with" "bowl of steamed _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "mixture resembles coarse _" "sprinkle with _" "D/D cup of _" "pints of _" "grains including _" "_ cooked until" "bathtub full of _" "I do n't eat _" "homemade baked _" "_ is a great color" "grains , including _" "large container of _" "powerpoint on _" "bowl of cool _" "chocolate , hot _" "tub of hot _" "bowl , add _" "cook until _" "cup of hot _" "pot of cold _" "stew with _" "baking pan with _" "food processor , combine _" "frying pan , add _" "processor , puree _" "small bowl , combine _" "chicken soup with _" "daphnia in _" "bowl of fresh _" "_ colored paper" "fruits such as _" "grains , such as _" "food processor , puree _" "home , ate _" "food items like _" "low , add _" "bowl , stir together _" "_ is golden brown" "Vegetables such as _" "tablespoonful of _" "domestic supply of _" "carbohydrates like _" "recipe for blueberry _" "stir until _" "legumes , whole _" "such foods as _" "sugars like _" "bowl of plain _" "rice , steamed _" "potatoes , baked _" "bowl add _" "use of natural _" "vegetables such as _" "cold cooked _" "large bowl , stir together _" "_ dressing recipe" "kitchen making _" "recipe for cooked _" "pudding with _" "tablespoons of _" "heat until _" "pan add _" "pint of _" "recipe called for _" "next couple of _" "cereals such as _" "green vegetables such as _" "minutes , then add _" "new can of _" "veggies such as _" "flour , add _" "_ topped with" "pan , add _" "pan of hot _" "fruits like _" "half-cup of _" "saucepan with _" "mixing bowl , add _" "milk , powdered _" "rich foods such as _" "quick cup of _" "potatoes , green _" "home baked _" "fries , baked _" "bowl of hot _" "_ has many health benefits" "mixture resembles _" "dry ingredients to _" "cheese , baked _" "_ served daily" "grains like _" "Pour mixture over _" "large tub of _" "foodstuffs such as _" "½ cup of _" "I cooked _" "Recipe using _" "morning cup of _" "eggs , baked _" "recipe for baked _" "olive oil to _" "bird of _" "grains such as _" "certain foods like _" "Continue cooking until _" "carbohydrates include _" "spoonfuls of _" "low heat until _" "hot , cooked _" "fruit flavored _" "granola with _" "large mixing bowl , combine _" "recipe made with _" "soaks into _" "It was made of _" "carbs such as _" "few drops of _" "butter until _" "rice , whole _" "_ contain carbohydrates" "We were eating _" "medium heat until _" "cup of warm _" "couple tablespoons of _" "D-D cups of _" "whole grains such as _" "stir into _" "hot , add _" "flour , powdered _" "recipe is made with _" "simmer until _" "cup of plain _" "home cooked _" "pulse until _" "Grains such as _" "saucepan add _" "fiber rich _" "leftover cooked _" "tub full of _" "vegetables like _" "pan with _" "large saucepan , combine _" "cake made with _" "bowl combine _" "pot baked _" "pre cooked _" "half cups of _" "heat , add _" "house made of _" "staple foods like _" "cooking until _" "sugars , such as _" "grain such as _" "instant hot _" "kitchen preparing _" "_ then mix all ingredients" "ingredients , except for _" "benefits of organic _" "heat add _" "processor , add _" "skillet , brown _" "apple pie with _" "heat , stir in _" "favorite foods are _" "bowl of cold _" "big can of _" "loaves of _" "juice , hot _" "water , natural _" "tablespoon of _" "Chocolate covered _" "fruits , such as _" "_ dripping down" "onions with _" "peppers , green _" "blender , combine _" "large bowl , add _" "hot cooked _" "drizzle over _" "_ is browned" "applesauce for _" "mix until _" "tea , hot _" "nice cup of _" "ingredients except _" "¼ cup of _" "whole cup of _" "whole grains like _" "pot of hot _" "diet rich in _" "_ garnished with" "we were eating _" "flour mixture to _" "few tablespoons of _" "Eat lots of _" "bell peppers , green _" "I boil _" "warm water after _" "diet of raw _" "ingredients , except _" "I was cooking _" "processor , combine _" "minute , then add _" "egg whites with _" "_ is cooked through" "heating with _" "it resembles coarse _" "good cup of _" "few spoonfuls of _" "mashed potatoes , green _" "scones with _" "recipes for baked _" "_ is served at" "large bowl , combine _" "? cup of _" "we cooked _" "tub of warm _" "I spilled _" "cup of cooked _" "boil , add _" "mixture over _" "other ingredients except _" "one-half cup of _" "bowl of warm _" "chocolate covered _" "coffee , hot _" "large pot of _" "large pan of _" "consistency of thick _" "we ate _" "few minutes , then add _" "necessary , add _" "whites into _" "tsp of _" "bowl , combine _" "separate bowl , combine _" "foods , such as _" "cooking time for _" ] using oatmeal
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 yolks and arg2" "arg1 yolks or arg2" "arg1 whites and arg2" "arg1 white and sprinkle with arg2" "arg1 whites mixed with arg2" "arg1 yolk and arg2" ] using (egg, oatmeal)
CPL @1100 (100.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like brown rice or arg2" "arg1 like quinoa and arg2" "arg1 include foods like arg2" "arg1 such as whole wheat and arg2" "arg1 such as oats or arg2" "arg1 and cereals such as arg2" "arg1 such as barley and arg2" "arg1 are barley and arg2" "arg1 like whole wheat bread and arg2" "arg1 such as brown rice or arg2" "arg1 are millet and arg2" "arg1 are rice and arg2" "arg1 like brown rice and arg2" "arg1 such as brown rice and arg2" "arg1 include wheat and arg2" "arg1 including rice and arg2" "arg1 in the food are arg2" "arg1 such as rice and arg2" "arg1 like rice and arg2" ] using (grains, oatmeal)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 such as brown rice and arg2" "arg1 such as buckwheat and arg2" "arg1 such as brown rice or arg2" "arg1 including rice and arg2" "arg1 like brown rice and arg2" "arg1 and cereals such as arg2" "arg1 like brown rice or arg2" "arg1 like rice and arg2" "arg1 such as rice and arg2" "arg1 like whole wheat bread and arg2" ] using (whole_grains, oatmeal)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and brown rice are arg1" "arg2 and various dairy arg1" "arg2 and other cereal arg1" "arg2 or other vegetable arg1" "arg2 and other oat arg1" "arg2 and milk arg1" "arg2 and other grain arg1" ] using (products, oatmeal)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 such as brown rice and arg2" "arg1 such as rice and arg2" "arg1 like brown rice and arg2" "arg1 include foods like arg2" ] using (carbs, oatmeal)