CPL @1115 (50.2%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "spacious master bedroom is on _" "spacious lounge on _" "queen bed on _" "half bath is on _" "fifth bedroom on _" "half bathroom on _" "laundry area on _" "guestrooms are located on _" "issues are located on _" "half bath on _" "she tumbled to _" "room was on _" "property comprises on _" "main stairwell on _" "large laundry room on _" "second master suite on _" "rooms are located on _" "Writing Center is located on _" "Master bedroom on _" "Bedroom is on _" "main restaurant is located on _" "laundry room located on _" "quarters were on _" "ice machine on _" "first bedroom is on _" "desk , located on _" "common rooms on _" "wainscoting on _" "second kitchen on _" "security desk on _" "master bedroom , on _" "master bedroom on _" "External stairs lead to _" "Photocopiers are located on _" "Toilets are on _" "_ contains administrative offices" "room is situated on _" "mattress on _" "laundry is located on _" "knocks on _" "master suites on _" "bath room on _" "accessible restrooms are located on _" "baths are on _" "bedroom suite is located on _" "apartment is on _" "_ offers the master bedroom" "elevator goes to _" "office is also located on _" "main hallway on _" "it sinks to _" "loggia on _" "king bedroom on _" "workstations are located on _" "circulation desk on _" "Master suite on _" "Dining Room is located on _" "Reference desk on _" "master bedroom is on _" "third bedroom is on _" "toilet is located on _" "Conference Room located on _" "Reading Room is located on _" "study lounge on _" "shower room on _" "Aid Office is located on _" "Master Bedroom is on _" "Services office is located on _" "rooms are situated on _" "suite is also on _" "restroom is located on _" "room situated on _" "_ provides natural light" "separate bedroom on _" "ceiling height on _" "_ also has a powder room" "dryer are located on _" "bedrooms is located on _" "circular room on _" "lounge is located on _" "billiard room on _" "smoking rooms on _" "Laundry is located on _" "Services desk on _" "showers located on _" "books are housed on _" "full bathroom is located on _" "information desk is located on _" "full kitchen on _" "full baths on _" "large conference room on _" "large lounge on _" "bath are on _" "bathroom facilities on _" "utility room on _" "Reading Room , located on _" "machines are also located on _" "main living area on _" "_ contains the living room" "accessible bathroom on _" "bonus room on _" "arched windows on _" "additional bedrooms on _" "breakfast room on _" "guest room is on _" "_ comprises the master bedroom" "_ has an additional bedroom" "suite , located on _" "master bedroom is also on _" "large bedroom on _" "bathroom was on _" "room , located on _" "reading area on _" "other bedroom on _" "meeting room is located on _" "lobby is on _" "apartment , situated on _" "room is also located on _" "hall bath on _" "he sank to _" "terrace is situated on _" "bedroom was on _" "long hallway on _" "Collection is located on _" "room was located on _" "I sink to _" "single bedroom on _" "small room on _" "master bedroom suite is located on _" "large hall on _" "laundry room complete _" "master suite , located on _" "guest bedrooms on _" "periodicals are located on _" "master bedroom , located on _" "bathrooms are on _" "junior suite on _" "study room on _" "study rooms are located on _" "Apartment is situated on _" "reception area is on _" "living area is on _" "main staircase on _" "assembly room on _" "bedroom is also on _" "_ is the Master bedroom" "Rooms located on _" "full bath are located on _" "cafeteria is located on _" "metal bars on _" "laundry room is located on _" "he fell to _" "guest rooms are located on _" "guest toilet on _" "he dropped to _" "ego at _" "accessible restroom on _" "study rooms on _" "twin bedroom on _" "wheelchair accessible on _" "desk is located on _" "I was sitting on _" "suites are located on _" "third bedroom is located on _" "shower room are on _" "Music Library is located on _" "grate on _" "shower are on _" "further bedroom on _" "en-suite bathrooms on _" "storage closet on _" "Rooms , located on _" "Business Office is located on _" "showers are located on _" "room , is on _" "full bath are on _" "_ includes master bedroom" "large kitchen on _" "bedrooms on _" "open floor plan on _" "private baths on _" "phones are located on _" "guest rooms are on _" "journals are located on _" "Business Centre located on _" "_ has the master suite" "_ has a master bedroom" "bulletin boards located on _" "Laundry facilities are located on _" "_ contains the kitchen" "Several rooms on _" "Master suite is on _" "Resources Department is located on _" "Desk is located on _" "double bedroom on _" "bed is on _" "bedrooms are located on _" "Room , located on _" "desk located on _" "kitchen areas on _" "living room are on _" "Counseling Center is located on _" "Bookstore is located on _" "rest rooms are located on _" "guest suite on _" "bath are also on _" "books are located on _" "bedroom suite on _" "dryer is located on _" "extra bedroom on _" "bath occupy _" "us sat on _" "second full bath on _" "Room are on _" "DD-foot ceilings on _" "Room located on _" "_ has a third bedroom" "bed is located on _" "shower is located on _" "dryer located on _" "Lab is located on _" "only guest room on _" "daughter dead on _" "living areas on _" "rooms located on _" "smaller room on _" "living room area on _" "lounge area on _" "open stacks on _" "I stand at _" "view out _" "she lay on _" "_ has a large master bedroom" "He falls to _" "hand basin on _" "Study Rooms on _" "Conference Room is located on _" "elevator lobby on _" "en-suite bathroom on _" "Radiant heat in _" "Division is located on _" "Department , located on _" "Internal staircase leads to _" "full bathroom on _" "accessible room on _" "bath is located on _" "washrooms are located on _" "viewing gallery on _" "storage rooms on _" "room are also located on _" "small conference room on _" "toilet located on _" "suite bathrooms on _" "seating is on _" "collection is shelved on _" "ceiling to _" "bedroom situated on _" "sitting room is on _" "small bedroom on _" "suite is situated on _" "D' ceilings on _" "They fall to _" "living room is on _" "Career Center is located on _" "quarters are on _" "_ has a large open room" "_ contains the bedrooms" "Other rooms on _" "double bedroom is on _" "bathroom are located on _" "I slept on _" "living accommodation on _" "living space is on _" "large common room on _" "glass portion of _" "Collection , located on _" "electrical room on _" "living area is located on _" "mat on _" "master bedroom located on _" "kitchenette on _" "main living space is on _" "meeting rooms are located on _" "bath is also on _" "counters are located on _" "classroom located on _" "computer lab is located on _" "dining room located on _" "conference rooms are located on _" "double bedrooms on _" "bedroom located on _" "bedroom , located on _" "they fall to _" "master suite is on _" "bathroom situated on _" "bathroom are situated on _" "toilets are located on _" "smaller rooms on _" "elevator reaches _" "bath is also located on _" "central room on _" "restrooms are located on _" "bathrooms are located on _" "family area on _" "University Bookstore is located on _" "room is found on _" "room is located on _" "public computers on _" "master suite is located on _" "shower rooms on _" "room area on _" "_ is another master bedroom" "bedrooms located on _" "bath are located on _" "twin bedroom is on _" "large suite on _" "long room on _" "only room on _" "large bathroom on _" "other bedrooms are on _" "DD' ceilings on _" "Chambers located on _" "Desk , located on _" "Bedrooms are on _" "bathroom is situated on _" "rooms were located on _" "suites are situated on _" "twin room on _" "spacious master suite on _" "Financial Aid Office is located on _" "_ is concrete slab" "main corridor on _" "kitchen area on _" "open living space on _" "he falls to _" "desks are located on _" "D-foot ceilings on _" "Public restrooms are located on _" "sleeping area on _" "large rooms on _" "wet room on _" "en-suite bedroom on _" "guest bathroom on _" "rooms are also located on _" "you fall to _" "trap door on _" "We were seated on _" "building with retail on _" "periodicals area on _" "en-suite on _" "carpets on _" "carrels on _" "use are located on _" "bathroom located on _" "mechanical room on _" "kitchen are on _" "laundry room is on _" "_ housed administrative offices" "I sat on _" "Information Desk located on _" "Reference collection on _" "conference room located on _" "Resource Center is located on _" "she sat down on _" "private bath on _" "Circulation desk on _" "Safety is located on _" "guest bedroom is on _" "female toilets on _" "Room is situated on _" "Services Office is located on _" "Suite is on _" "he drops to _" "tiles on _" "shower/WC on _" "bedroom are on _" "study rooms located on _" "them fall to _" "trap door in _" "third bedroom on _" "bedrooms complete _" "bedrooms are found on _" "classrooms are located on _" "Suite , located on _" "Rooms are located on _" "bedroom are located on _" "apartment situated on _" "several rooms on _" "periodicals are shelved on _" "toilet rooms on _" "telephones are located on _" "bathrooms located on _" "bathroom is also on _" "bedroom is situated on _" "fourth bedroom is located on _" "fourth bedroom on _" "family bathroom on _" "accommodation comprises on _" "bathroom is available on _" "terrace are located on _" "bedrooms are situated on _" "bathroom are on _" "reception room on _" "futons on _" "accessible toilets on _" "laundry facilities located on _" "master bedroom suite on _" "kitchen are located on _" "bedroom is on _" "bedrooms situated on _" "baths are located on _" "accessible restrooms on _" "additional bedroom on _" "spacious living room on _" "semi-circle on _" "Registrar is located on _" "seating is located on _" ] using lower_level
CMC @1116 (98.8%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=leve 2.02379 SUFFIX=evel 1.89566 PREFIX=lev 1.89059 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.66465 LASTPREFIX=leve 1.63116 LAST_WORD=level 1.56374 LASTSUFFIX=evel 1.56371 POS=NN -0.39568 WORDS -7.61602 CHARS -7.92497 ] using lower_level
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has rocking arg1" "arg2 with table and arg1" "arg2 has a table with arg1" "arg2 has a table with D arg1" ] using (chairs, lower_level)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a full size arg1" "arg2 with double arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a queen sized arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" ] using (futon, lower_level)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a full size arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a queen sized arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" ] using (futon, lower_level)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 suite has a queen arg1" "arg2 with a Queen arg1" "arg2 feature a king arg1" "arg2 have one queen arg1" "arg2 also has a king arg1" "arg2 with one king arg1" "arg2 has a Queen arg1" "arg2 bedroom has king arg1" "arg2 offers a king arg1" "arg2 with a queen arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a queen arg1" "arg2 each have a queen arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a Queen arg1" "arg2 has a king arg1" "arg2 with king arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 features a king arg1" "arg2 bedroom has a king arg1" ] using (size_bed, lower_level)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has queen arg1" "arg2 has one king arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 has a king arg1" "arg2 also has a king arg1" "arg2 offers a queen arg1" "arg2 boasts a queen arg1" "arg2 has a bath and arg1" "arg2 offers a twin arg1" "arg2 with one double arg1" "arg2 there is a queen arg1" "arg2 has a queen size arg1" "arg2 you will find a double arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 apartment has a double arg1" "arg2 which has a double arg1" "arg2 has a full size arg1" "arg2 has one queen arg1" ] using (bedroom, lower_level)