CMC @1069 (100.0%) on 01-aug-2017 [ SUFFIX=al 8.25380 SUFFIX=dical 2.73354 PREFIX=cent 2.67346 PREFIX=cen 2.67343 PREFIX=med 2.56771 PREFIX=medic 2.56495 PREFIX=medi 2.53371 LASTSUFFIX=er -1.03777 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -2.23710 WORDS -10.98127 ] using regional_medical_center
CPL @1097 (96.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "NICU) at _" "trauma unit of _" "_ is a DDD-bed acute care hospital" "he was airlifted to _" "man was rushed to _" "diagnostic radiology at _" "victim was taken to _" "catheterization lab at _" "trauma services at _" "_ accepts both Medicare" "she was transported to _" "pedestrian was transported to _" "Critical Care Unit at _" "_ 's Pediatric Unit" "_ is a community hospital" "Wallace was taken to _" "_ is a DDD-bed acute care facility" "_ is an acute care facility" "minor injuries at _" "burn unit at _" "man was taken to _" "critical condition at _" "woman was transported to _" "care unit of _" "deputy was taken to _" "orthopedic unit at _" "Harris was taken to _" "clinical pharmacist at _" "specialty residency at _" "suspect was transported to _" "man was transported to _" "serious condition at _" "Intensive Care Unit at _" "Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at _" "pediatric ward at _" "clinical neurophysiology at _" "trauma center at _" "DD-year-old was taken to _" "Rehabilitation Unit at _" "fair condition at _" "woman was airlifted to _" "pharmacy practice residency at _" "passenger were taken to _" "nursing supervisor at _" "injured man was transported to _" "I was airlifted to _" "victims were taken to _" "_ is a critical access hospital" "_ was the first hospital" "Pharmacy Practice Residency at _" "Turner was taken to _" "emergency department at _" "air ambulance to _" "condition today at _" "Practice Residency at _" "_ is a DDD-bed" "emergency department of _" "air lifted to _" "student was taken to _" "intensive care unit of _" "victims were transported to _" "victim was treated at _" "She was transported to _" "ambulance to _" "_ is a full-service hospital" "She was then airlifted to _" "Trauma Unit at _" "DD-year-old woman was taken to _" "woman was taken to _" "practice residency at _" "Smith was taken to _" "_ is a not-for-profit hospital" "delivery unit at _" "driver were taken to _" "Residency at _" "medical helicopter to _" "otolaryngologist at _" "He was airlifted to _" "woman , was taken to _" "trauma program at _" "He was rushed to _" "hospitalist at _" "_ is a teaching hospital" "critical condition today at _" "man was airlifted to _" "victim was airlifted to _" "He was transported to _" "victim was transported to _" "man is recovering at _" "residency were at _" "_ honors the family" "suspect was taken to _" "stable condition at _" "Care Unit at _" "officer was rushed to _" "cardiac catheterization lab at _" "_ is a DDD-bed facility" ] using regional_medical_center
SEAL @215 (75.0%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using regional_medical_center