CPL @1103 (98.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "medieval town of _" "port city of _" "historic city of _" "pubs in _" "airport is at _" "walled city of _" "bishop of _" "town centre of _" "old city of _" "ancient city of _" "German city of _" "historical center of _" "_ 's Old Town" "imperial city of _" "northern city of _" "old town of _" "_ 's city center" "city centre of _" "_ 's historic centre" "large cities such as _" "_ 's city hall" "old quarter of _" "cities such as _" "_ 's old town" "_ 's cathedral" ] using l_beck
CPL @1114 (93.7%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "port city of _" "_ 's main railway station" "trade agreement with _" "historic center of _" "city of _" "Association conference in _" "old city of _" "German city of _" "historic town of _" "_ 's Old Town" "cities like _" "imperial city of _" "capital city of _" "citizens of _" "_ 's historic centre" "_ 's education system" "town of _" "cities of _" "island of _" ] using l_beck
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1116 (94.8%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "medieval town of _" "port city of _" "historic city of _" "train from _" "office in _" "headquarters in _" "_ 's main railway station" "beautiful town of _" "north of _" "towns such as _" "historic towns of _" "home town of _" "home city of _" "walled city of _" "historic center of _" "hotel in _" "_ is a beautiful city" "mayor of _" "cities , such as _" "historical city of _" "city of _" "_ 's glorious past" "GmbH , based in _" "town centre of _" "old city of _" "_ 's historic old town" "residents of _" "Library Association conference in _" "charming town of _" "Hanseatic city of _" "_ 's old quarter" "cities , like _" "German town of _" "German city of _" "World Heritage city of _" "historic town of _" "historical center of _" "free city of _" "hotels in _" "concentration camp near _" "_ 's Old Town" "German cities such as _" "cities like _" "northern German city of _" "imperial city of _" "medieval city of _" "school in _" "northern city of _" "old town of _" "_ was sacked by" "city centre of _" "_ was the capital" "burghers of _" "_ 's historic centre" "large cities such as _" "Heritage city of _" "Imperial city of _" "town of _" "meeting in _" "stay in _" "cities of _" "cities such as _" "town council of _" "trip to _" "port cities like _" "main railway station in _" "port town of _" "_ 's historic city center" "bishopric of _" "I live in _" ] using l_beck