CPL @1103 (98.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "he was executive _" "he was appointed acting _" "new acting _" "Kenney is _" "he was formerly _" "She was previously _" "LaMarche is _" "job as senior _" "he served first as _" "Harris served as _" "Smith served as _" "He previously served as _" "She then became _" "He is concurrently _" "She has been employed as _" "I worked as _" "title is senior _" "She is formerly _" "Lesser is _" "she was hired as _" "She currently serves as _" "Bruce served as _" "F. Cooper is _" "She currently is _" "He also serves as _" "he is currently _" "she served as _" "position as interim _" "last position was as _" "director , senior _" "He previously was _" "She is currently _" "He is also currently _" "She is past _" "Jim has worked as _" "Casey served as _" "Kirsch is _" "Nowak is _" "new job as _" "She served as _" "Vawter is _" "She was formerly _" "He was named senior _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "PharmD , is _" "He has also worked extensively as _" "She has also served as _" "she has served as _" "Esq. , is _" "He also served as interim _" "Gara LaMarche is _" "New York University , is _" "she was deputy _" "career as _" "appointment as deputy _" "correspondent , is _" "She previously worked as _" "Bob Davis is _" "He was previously _" "She is senior _" "Hebert is _" "She also served as _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "experience as _" "Smith has served as _" "He is currently serving as _" "O'Kelly is _" "Rouge , is _" "Jean is currently _" "He had worked as _" "Kolko is _" "Jeff also serves as _" "She is currently serving as _" "Gary served as _" "Dube is _" "appointment as senior _" "position of senior _" "he was interim _" "she became _" "David currently serves as _" "Lisa Brown is _" "Ed.D. , is _" "Cunningham served as _" "seventh year as _" "Dan is currently _" "FACS , is _" "He currently is _" "Terry served as _" "She is also _" "Responsibilities Reporting to _" "Williams served as _" "He is also senior _" "Ph.D. has been _" "Smith is currently _" "Smith , acting _" "He concurrently serves as _" "He now serves as _" "time he also served as _" "duties as _" "prior position as _" "Dr. Liu is _" "She also serves as _" "Martin is currently _" "Michael served as _" "M.Ed. , is _" "D. , is _" "Martin served as _" "today he serves as _" "He has worked as _" "service as senior _" "recent appointment as _" "Dr. Schneider is _" "I was promoted to _" "BSN , is _" "He also served as senior _" "Butler served as _" "he served as senior _" "he was appointed _" "He also served as executive _" "She served as assistant _" "Wisniewski is _" "Linda served as _" "Chris served as _" "Sarah served as _" "He also worked as _" "he became senior _" "he was appointed as _" "position was as _" "He is also serving as _" "Alan is currently _" "Rich is currently _" "Kelly is also _" "I became _" "Maurer is _" "position as deputy _" "John has worked as _" "He was also previously _" "He was also senior _" "She then worked as _" "CDE , is _" "I have also worked as _" "appointment was as _" "he also served as _" "He had previously served as _" "half years as _" "he was deputy _" "House staff as _" "Cohen served as _" "He served as interim _" "appointment as interim _" "CFA , is _" "Baumann is _" "Dr. Graham is _" "Pat served as _" "experiences include serving as _" "Cohen is currently _" "he became principal _" "Kelly served as _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "Joyce served as _" "I am now _" "She is former _" "She has also worked as _" "She has also been _" "Jim served as _" "Thomas has served as _" "he has served as _" "he served as assistant _" "Baton Rouge , is _" "He was also formerly _" "Patrick served as _" "Li is also _" "He was previously senior _" "Dr. Smith has served as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "role of senior _" "she currently serves as _" "she has also served as _" "role as interim _" "White House staff as _" "George is currently _" "position reports to _" "He previously worked as _" "She previously was _" "He currently serves as _" "Fellow , is _" "she was senior _" "He has previously served as _" "She also has served as _" "he served as _" "PhD , is _" "He served as senior _" "She is currently employed as _" "MBA , is _" "Jeff has served as _" "position of executive _" "he later served as _" "M.S. , is _" "Joseph has served as _" "Marano is _" "He also has worked as _" "EdD , is _" "M.Sc. , is _" "Phifer is _" "M.A. , is _" "he currently serves as _" "position she was _" "He has also served as _" "She previously served as _" "MPH , is _" "Richard is currently _" "he worked as _" "he has worked as _" "He later served as _" "D. , is currently _" "She was also _" "previous experience includes working as _" "M.D. , is _" "She has served as _" "Josh served as _" "He is also working as _" "special assistants to _" "MPA , is _" "first appointment was as _" "LEED AP , is _" "A. Jacobs is _" "Miller serves as _" "Joel served as _" "He currently works as _" "senior management team as _" "full-time position as _" "time as interim _" "Cooper is also _" "she worked as _" "Ph.D. is _" "D. Brown is _" "She formerly served as _" "He also served as _" "new position as senior _" "Brian serves as _" "Cavanaugh is _" "Scott Miller is _" "roles included serving as _" "I served as _" "Goodman is also _" "He is also _" "Dr. Rogers is _" "she was promoted to senior _" "he is presently _" "she has worked as _" "you are employed as _" "three-year stint as _" "He was also _" "Boles is _" "She was hired as _" "He is currently acting _" "He was deputy _" "He worked as _" "He is also former _" "position as senior _" "Snyder served as _" "Ph.D , is _" "I now serve as _" "I currently serve as _" "three-year term as _" "David has worked as _" "She has worked as _" "retirement he became _" "He was appointed _" "He also currently serves as _" "appointment as executive _" "she was _" "he was senior _" "valuable experience as _" "M.P.H. , is _" "He is presently _" "CFP , is _" "Shevlin is _" "He is currently _" "he became deputy _" "year as senior _" "Rosenblum is _" "Mr. Smith served as _" "LaBelle is _" "Karen served as _" "He was formerly _" "year as interim _" "career working as _" "I was appointed as _" "year , served as _" "career as senior _" "He served as executive _" "experience includes working as _" ] using associate_director
CMC @719 (100.0%) on 29-mar-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 4.17767 SUFFIX=or 3.35623 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.77801 SUFFIX=tor 2.27047 PREFIX=direc 2.26659 PREFIX=dire 2.26627 PREFIX=dir 2.22438 POS=JJ -1.30347 CHARS -3.36146 WORDS -4.01206 ] using associate_director
SEAL @688 (77.7%) on 22-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using associate_director
CMC @860 (100.0%) on 03-aug-2014 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.95558 SUFFIX=or 3.11706 SUFFIX=tor 2.38460 SUFFIX=ctor 2.36058 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.32331 SUFFIX=ector 2.13028 LAST_WORD=director 2.05952 PREFIX=asso -1.88704 PREFIX=assoc -1.95222 WORDS -6.83203 ] using associate_director
CPL @1097 (98.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "second year as _" "he was executive _" "he was appointed acting _" "She was previously _" "LaMarche is _" "job as senior _" "She now serves as _" "Harris served as _" "Smith served as _" "He previously served as _" "She then became _" "executive director , senior _" "He is concurrently _" "I worked as _" "title is senior _" "she serves as _" "She is formerly _" "Lesser is _" "she was hired as _" "She currently serves as _" "Bruce served as _" "F. Cooper is _" "She currently is _" "He also serves as _" "he is currently _" "she served as _" "position as interim _" "last position was as _" "director , senior _" "He previously was _" "She is currently _" "He is also currently _" "She is past _" "Jim has worked as _" "new job as _" "She served as _" "She was formerly _" "He was named senior _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "PharmD , is _" "She has also served as _" "she has served as _" "Esq. , is _" "He also served as interim _" "New York University , is _" "she was deputy _" "correspondent , is _" "He was previously _" "She is senior _" "Hebert is _" "She also served as _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "he also serves as _" "Smith has served as _" "He is currently serving as _" "O'Kelly is _" "He had worked as _" "Kolko is _" "Jeff also serves as _" "She is currently serving as _" "Gary served as _" "appointment as senior _" "position of senior _" "he was interim _" "she became _" "David currently serves as _" "Lisa Brown is _" "Ed.D. , is _" "Cunningham served as _" "He currently is _" "She is also _" "Responsibilities Reporting to _" "Williams served as _" "He is also senior _" "Ph.D. has been _" "Smith is currently _" "Smith , acting _" "He now serves as _" "time he also served as _" "prior position as _" "She also serves as _" "Martin is currently _" "Michael served as _" "M.Ed. , is _" "D. , is _" "today he serves as _" "He has worked as _" "recent appointment as _" "BSN , is _" "He also served as senior _" "Joe served as _" "he served as senior _" "he was appointed _" "He also served as executive _" "She served as assistant _" "Linda served as _" "Chris served as _" "Sarah served as _" "He also worked as _" "he became senior _" "he was appointed as _" "He is also serving as _" "Alan is currently _" "I became _" "position as deputy _" "John has worked as _" "He was also previously _" "He was also senior _" "She then worked as _" "He served as _" "CDE , is _" "I have also worked as _" "appointment was as _" "he also served as _" "He had previously served as _" "he was deputy _" "He served as interim _" "appointment as interim _" "CFA , is _" "Pat served as _" "experiences include serving as _" "Kelly served as _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "I am now _" "I also serve as _" "She is former _" "She has also worked as _" "She has also been _" "Jim served as _" "he has served as _" "Baton Rouge , is _" "Patrick served as _" "He was previously senior _" "Ph. D. , is _" "role of senior _" "she currently serves as _" "she has also served as _" "role as interim _" "George is currently _" "position reports to _" "Michael serves as _" "She previously was _" "He currently serves as _" "Fellow , is _" "she was senior _" "He has previously served as _" "She also has served as _" "he served as _" "PhD , is _" "He served as senior _" "She is currently employed as _" "MBA , is _" "Jeff has served as _" "position of executive _" "he later served as _" "M.S. , is _" "He also has worked as _" "EdD , is _" "Phifer is _" "M.A. , is _" "he currently serves as _" "she also serves as _" "position she was _" "He has also served as _" "John serves as _" "She previously served as _" "MPH , is _" "Chris serves as _" "Richard is currently _" "he worked as _" "he has worked as _" "D. , is currently _" "She was also _" "previous experience includes working as _" "M.D. , is _" "She has served as _" "He is also working as _" "special assistants to _" "He also is _" "first appointment was as _" "LEED AP , is _" "Miller serves as _" "Joel served as _" "He currently works as _" "full-time position as _" "time as interim _" "Cooper is also _" "she worked as _" "Ph.D. is _" "He also served as _" "new position as senior _" "Brian serves as _" "Cavanaugh is _" "roles included serving as _" "I served as _" "she was promoted to senior _" "he is presently _" "she has worked as _" "you are employed as _" "third year as _" "three-year stint as _" "Smith serves as _" "He was also _" "She was hired as _" "He was deputy _" "He worked as _" "He is also former _" "position as senior _" "I now serve as _" "I currently serve as _" "three-year term as _" "She has worked as _" "relations , senior _" "retirement he became _" "He was appointed _" "He also currently serves as _" "appointment as executive _" "she was _" "he was senior _" "valuable experience as _" "M.P.H. , is _" "He is presently _" "CFP , is _" "Shevlin is _" "He is currently _" "he became deputy _" "Rosenblum is _" "Mr. Smith served as _" "Karen served as _" "McNamara is _" "He was formerly _" "year as interim _" "career working as _" "career as senior _" "He served as executive _" "experience includes working as _" ] using associate_director
CMC @1108 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.43321 CHARS 3.27185 PREFIX=ass 2.26871 SUFFIX=or 2.25584 PREFIX=as 1.52168 LASTSUFFIX=tor 1.50063 SUFFIX=tor 1.28020 PREFIX=assoc -1.39644 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -1.57694 WORDS -5.38681 ] using associate_director
CPL @1104 (88.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "he was executive _" "LaMarche is _" "organizations , served as _" "Bruce served as _" "she served as _" "She served as _" "Gara LaMarche is _" "Acker was _" "appointment as senior _" "position of senior _" "David currently serves as _" "Cunningham served as _" "Terry served as _" "Smith , acting _" "prior position as _" "today he serves as _" "Cox served as _" "He also served as senior _" "he served as senior _" "He also served as executive _" "She served as assistant _" "he became senior _" "Rich is currently _" "House staff as _" "CFA , is _" "He has served as _" "Hunt has served as _" "Thomas has served as _" "I did serve as _" "He was previously senior _" "Dr. Smith has served as _" "Mike King is _" "White House staff as _" "position of elected _" "she was senior _" "He served as senior _" "position of executive _" "Phifer is _" "She has served as _" "special assistants to _" "appointment as _" "Nicholson served as _" "He also served as _" "_ 's Office" "Beth served as _" "I served as _" "she was promoted to senior _" "Carter administration as _" "position as senior _" "she subsequently served as _" "appointment as executive _" "he was senior _" "year as senior _" "Mr. Smith served as _" "Institute , became _" "career as senior _" "He served as executive _" ] using associate_director
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Life and Environmental arg1" "arg2 of Social and Behavioral arg1" "arg2 of Behavioral and Social arg1" "arg2 of Humanities and Social arg1" ] using (sciences, associate_director)