SEAL @632 (59.2%) on 10-sep-2012 [ 1 ] using stage_director
CPL @1097 (98.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "He worked as _" "year as chief _" "she was _" "She was also _" "multi-faceted career as _" "he served as _" "She has served as _" "Ann served as _" "period he was _" "career as _" "he worked as _" "Michael has also served as _" ] using stage_director
CMC @821 (99.9%) on 08-mar-2014 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.06013 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.32476 SUFFIX=or 1.97425 SUFFIX=tor 1.54909 CHARS 1.29736 LASTSUFFIX=ctor 0.84186 LASTPREFIX=dire 0.75165 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.55921 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.73887 WORDS -6.03389 ] using stage_director
CPL @1105 (93.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "She has also served as _" "He also served as _" "successful tenure as _" "notable career as _" "She served as _" "job of general _" "He served as assistant _" "he served as _" "trainer , professional _" "he has served as _" "He also has served as _" "He has worked as _" "She was assistant _" "coach , assistant _" "I have served as _" "He also worked as _" "he also served as _" "she served as _" "He is currently _" "careers as _" "he also worked as _" "she has also served as _" "she now works as _" "He was also _" "He also serves as _" "I served as _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "productive career as _" "He worked as _" "he worked as _" "duties necessary for _" "I became _" "She is also active as _" "he has worked as _" "She has worked as _" "she was _" "position of assistant _" "she has worked as _" "she became _" "Greenberg is _" "McNamara is _" "He has acted as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "She is also _" "she worked as _" "D. , is _" ] using stage_director
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey