CPL @1097 (61.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ meet the sea" "trail into _" "area of virgin _" "journey through dense _" "morning walk in _" "few walks in _" "forest , tropical _" "road entered _" "semi-desert to _" "walks in _" "we trek through _" "volcanoes , green _" "villages nestled in _" "trekking tours through _" "palm fringed _" "plains , tropical _" "little house in _" "nocturnal life in _" "you hike through _" "huge trees of _" "zip-lining in _" "zip line through _" "bike rides through _" "plains , dense _" "forests , tropical _" "flee into _" "valleys , tropical _" "two-lane road through _" "trails cut through _" "stretches of pristine _" "treks through _" "stands of primary _" "treck through _" "backdrop of lush green _" "area is dense _" "beaches , virgin _" "different animals of _" "volcanic islands with _" "caves , pristine _" "easy hike through _" "dirt road through _" "ranges from tropical _" "roads snake through _" "prairies meet _" "river , exploring _" "daily walks in _" "log cabin in _" "lush valleys with _" "patches of tropical _" "rainforest , tropical _" "challenging routes in _" "dirt trails through _" "elephants roaming _" "berries found in _" "dirt path through _" "beaches , untamed _" "dirt trails in _" "zip-line through _" "zip-lining through _" "hardwood trees from _" "good walk in _" "habitats , from dense _" "easy walk in _" "you are hiking through _" "formations , lush _" "golden beaches , lush _" "trails through virgin _" "great walks in _" "beaches , lush _" "amazing views over _" "tree falls in _" "trek is through _" "fields , lush _" "gentle walk through _" "images of pristine _" "forest , lowland _" "horse ride through _" "beaches , exploring _" "uphill hike through _" "swathes of tropical _" "ziplining in _" "he ran away into _" "zipline through _" "wild trees in _" "easy stroll through _" "shortcut through _" "two-day trek through _" "trails meander through _" "waterfalls , thick _" "walking trails through _" "villages scattered through _" "zip lining through _" "footpath through _" "hills , verdant _" "fighters hiding in _" "trail leading through _" "walking trails in _" "kilometers of virgin _" "horseback through _" "I hiked through _" "acres of tropical _" "way through lush _" "land of lush _" "ranges , thick _" "volcanoes , tropical _" "tracts of tropical _" "travel pictures including _" "wildlife living in _" "you ever been lost in _" "white sandy beaches , lush _" "way through dense _" "leisurely hike through _" "nature tour through _" "plants growing wild in _" "timber out of _" "volcanoes , lush _" "village nestled in _" "tract of dense _" "kilometers of pristine _" "little hike in _" "way to rugged _" "trail leading into _" "waterfalls , dense _" "narrow trail through _" "nature walks through _" "desert to tropical _" "desert , lush _" "_ meets the ocean" "small animals of _" "area of lowland _" "acres of private _" "vast tracts of tropical _" "wildlife filled _" "you are out in _" "afternoon hiking in _" "track leads through _" "tranquil views of _" "wide path through _" "villagers hiding in _" "virgin tracts of _" "he escaped into _" "daily excursions into _" "elephant trek through _" "backpacking through _" "backdrop of pristine _" "secluded spot in _" "jeep tour through _" "medicines come from _" "many trails through _" "large areas of virgin _" "nice hike through _" "little trek through _" "long walks through _" "_ meets the sea" "treks into _" "valleys , thick _" "you are trekking through _" "resorts nestled in _" "plateau , surrounded by _" "middle of dense _" "mountain bike ride through _" "two-hour walk through _" "tramping through _" "trek through lush _" "they hike through _" "last remaining unspoiled _" "nature trails in _" "large areas of undisturbed _" "miles of tropical _" "land of dense _" "beautiful beaches , pristine _" "area of tropical _" "beaches , through _" "landscape of dense _" "it ran back into _" "cabins tucked away in _" "rafting , hiking in _" "deserts , dense _" "trek into _" "villages located in _" "two-hour trek through _" "They live deep in _" "elephant trekking through _" "hikes through _" "hours walking through _" "horseback riding through _" "lakes , lush _" "miles of beautiful _" "mile through _" "beaches , dense _" "beaches , dense tropical _" "peaks , deep _" "mountain scenery , pristine _" "night time walk in _" "trek continues through _" "sandy beaches , dense _" "slopes of tropical _" "years roaming _" "waters , dense _" "walks through _" "waterfalls , pristine _" "short trail through _" "she was walking in _" "beaches , rugged _" "small tract of _" "small tree found in _" "stretches of tropical _" "tracts of primary _" "they ran off into _" "waters , lush _" "walk up into _" "trails through _" "stretch of tropical _" "pristine beaches , tropical _" "larger tracts of _" "Nature walks in _" "vast tracts of pristine _" "_ meets the Pacific Ocean" "caves , dense _" "logging is destroying _" "long trek through _" "winds through lush _" "wildlife inside _" "we walked back through _" "pleasant walk in _" "pigs roam _" "nature hikes through _" "long walk through _" "Wildlife abounds in _" "ruins , lush _" "challenging hike through _" "trail heads into _" "waterfalls , deep _" "villages tucked away in _" "trek through dense _" "mile walk through _" "private cabin in _" "natural settings like _" "inland , through _" "medicinal plants of _" "hours walking in _" "horse riding through _" "mountains , unspoiled _" "gravel roads through _" "acres of green _" "farm , deep in _" "beaches , steamy _" "river , through _" "rivers , pristine _" "views , pristine _" "tribe living in _" "you 're lost in _" "beach , mangrove _" "mountains , lush _" "long treks through _" "golf course carved out of _" "gardens , dense _" "expense of tropical _" "nature walk in _" "mountains with dense _" "camp deep in _" "bird species live in _" "day trips into _" "we were trekking through _" "town surrounded by lush _" "wonderful hike through _" "we were hiking through _" "walk throught _" "pristine , undeveloped _" "forests , lush _" "hike through deep _" "valleys , deep _" "valleys , pristine _" "sunset views over _" "we hiked through _" "trail riding through _" "beaches , thick _" "nature walks in _" "ramble in _" "path leads into _" "We 're not out of _" "trek through _" "trails running through _" "villages scattered throughout _" "they roamed through _" "wild denizens of _" "waters , lush green _" "long path through _" "little cabin in _" "nature walk into _" "fields to lush _" "forest , dense _" "hours hiking in _" "home to pristine _" "hike was through _" "trails thru _" "Trail through _" "lakes inside _" "house high in _" "you trekking through _" "walk through dense _" "walk leads through _" "we drove deep into _" "beaches , untouched _" "vast area of virgin _" "tribal village in _" "tramp through _" "short cut through _" "beaches , sprawling _" "acres of coastal _" "area of pristine _" "pristine beaches , lush _" "rivers , tropical _" "beautiful lake surrounded by _" "desert to lush _" "little clearing in _" "kilometers of wild _" "clearing in _" "canopy walk in _" "volcanoes , pristine _" "tracts of pristine _" "volcanoes , deep _" "trails winding through _" "outback , tropical _" "next trip into _" "areas of lush _" "water rafting through _" "wild beasts of _" "jungle covered _" "_ surrounding the Panama Canal" "We hike in _" "logging roads through _" "mammals are found in _" "hours walk through _" "beaches , fertile _" "bicycle ride through _" "natural materials found in _" "logs out of _" "mountains covered by dense _" "majestic mountains , lush _" "interior of dense _" "forests , subtropical _" "pleasant stroll through _" "vast areas of tropical _" "dirt road leading into _" "girl running through _" "fields , dense _" "hike thru _" "foot hills of _" "hike around in _" "great hike through _" "horse back ride through _" "areas of virgin _" "areas of old-growth _" "destruction of virgin _" "zip-line in _" "web of tropical _" "vast expanse of lush _" "tree tops of _" "trees in native _" "trails through thick _" "D-hour trek through _" "habitat ranges from _" "fields , verdant _" "waterfalls , through _" "countryside , through _" "house tucked away in _" "high mountains , dense _" "land of green _" "daily trek through _" "green silence of _" "fishing , hiking in _" "hills , thick _" "sides by lush _" "stunning beaches , lush _" "treetops of _" "they fled into _" "large areas of tropical _" "little hike through _" "long marches through _" "DD-minute hike through _" "You 're walking through _" "white sandy beaches , fascinating _" "swamps , dense _" "valleys , lush _" "unpaved road through _" "villages , dense _" "groups hiding in _" "stretch of pristine _" "trail led through _" "we hike through _" "midst of dense _" "mile of dense _" "nice walk in _" "_ surrounding the metropolis" "trails wind through _" "time hiking through _" "stretch of urban _" "afternoon hike in _" "endless trails through _" "diverse ecosystems such as _" "waters , virgin _" "wildlife abounds in _" "trek though _" "hills , dense _" "forest , low _" "beaches , mangrove _" "coral reefs , tropical _" "dirt roads through _" "sun sets among _" "steep path through _" "desert , green _" "cabins nestled in _" "_ surrounding Mt" "ruins scattered throughout _" "deserts to lush _" "chimpanzees through _" "refugees hiding in _" "nice walk through _" "long hikes through _" "you 're hiking through _" "week camping in _" "Resort Surrounded by _" "beaches , lush green _" "plantations have replaced _" "peaks , thick _" "forest , subtropical _" "edge of dense _" "remote house in _" "plains meet _" "many acres of _" "fields , deep _" "sites , pristine _" "footpaths through _" "great pit in _" "bus up into _" "scenery of green _" "riverside walk through _" "mile hike through _" "many more acres of _" "long walks in _" "it ran off into _" "landscapes o" ] using jungle
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:animals agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures landscapefeatures:jungle ]
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 full of wild arg1" "arg2 amidst wild arg1" "arg2 themed stuffed arg1" "arg2 was infested with wild arg1" "arg2 full of fierce arg1" "arg2 to observe plants and arg1" "arg2 inhabited by wild arg1" "arg2 train set comes with arg1" "arg2 filled with wild arg1" "arg2 of careers with arg1" "arg2 themed plush arg1" ] using (animals, jungle)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to tree through arg2" "arg1 that grows in the Amazon arg2" "arg1 falls in the middle of arg2" "arg1 to tree in arg2" ] using (tree, jungle)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York art arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 York became arg2" "arg1 York may be arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 York City was arg2" ] using (new, jungle)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York art arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 York urban arg2" "arg1 York became arg2" "arg1 York may be arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 York City was arg2" ] using (new, jungle)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in search of medicinal arg1" "arg2 to find medicinal arg1" "arg2 products and medicinal arg1" ] using (plants, jungle)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 wrote about in arg2" "arg1 wrote a novel called arg2" "arg1 published his book arg2" "arg1 published his novel arg2" ] using (upton_sinclair, jungle)
SEAL @461 (50.0%) on 28-nov-2011 [ 1 ] using (upton_sinclair, jungle)