CPL @1099 (58.7%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "standard dialect of _" "_ spoken in" "_ was widely spoken in" "_ speaking world" "dialects , including _" "native speakers of _" "Many also speak _" "kids spoke _" "parents spoke _" "them speak _" "languages , such as _" "he speak _" "Other languages include _" "_ is the dominant language" "population speak _" "I speak fluent _" "language other than _" "_ speaking men" "_ linguistic proofreading" "mother speaks _" "many also speak _" "common languages are _" "dialects include _" "number speak _" "_ is the lingua franca" "dialects , such as _" "he did not speak _" "dialect such as _" "dialect called _" "dialects such as _" "people still speak _" "extensive experience working with highly-technical _" "several languages , including _" "_ speaking regions" "other dialects such as _" "them speak only _" "dialects including _" "they speak _" "decent command of _" "many dialects of _" "financial clients including _" "_ is also spoken in" "I do n't speak _" "Chinese languages such as _" "_ is widely spoken in" "_ speaking area" "parents speak _" "people do not speak _" "Other languages spoken _" "_ speaking areas" "one speaks _" "_ linguists support mission-critical initiatives" "husband speaks _" "I only speak _" "China speak _" "he still speaks _" "regions speak _" "_ speaking region" "languages spoken include _" "tongues , such as _" "first language is _" "native tongue is _" "people speak _" "_ is also spoken by" "_ speaking village" "_ is a dialect" "translators specifically trained in _" "subdialects of _" "many speak _" "local dialects such as _" "mother tongue is _" "writing system for _" "people are speaking _" "_ is the primary language" "they speaking _" "own dialect of _" "local languages , such as _" "many do not speak _" "friends speak _" "he does n't even speak _" "_ is spoken in" "people spoke _" "Chinese dialects including _" "they spoke _" "diminutives in _" "people speaks _" "dialects like _" "major dialects of _" "few speak _" "courses registered for _" "common translations are from _" "_ was the language" "other dialects like _" "they also speak _" "_ speaking communities" "_ speaking guides" "he does n't speak _" "mom speaks _" "experience working with highly-technical _" "I don?t speak _" "they do not speak _" "spoken language is _" "minority languages such as _" "she speaks _" "father speaks _" "he does not speak _" "NOT speak _" "lyrics translated into _" "_ informed consents" "_ is not mutually intelligible" "_ is a minority language" "_ linguists offer services" "children speak _" "_ being spoken at" "_ speaking societies" "comfortable speaking _" "Southern dialect of _" "subdialect of _" "_ speaking families" "family speaks _" "own dialects of _" "_ are also spoken by" "_ speaking folks" "_ is not spoken at" "_ speaking refugees" "sub-dialects of _" "family only spoke _" "_ speaking kids" "someone fluent in _" "one does n't speak _" "_ speaking people" "adults speak _" "_ speaking Christian" "them spoke _" "languages such as _" "Chinese dialect of _" "we only speak _" "_ remains the primary language" "He also speaks _" "Other languages spoken include _" "local languages such as _" "many speakers of _" "language shift from _" "We do not speak _" "speakers learning _" "languages , including _" "you do n't speak _" "we do n't speak _" ] using hakka
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 settlers who came to arg2" "arg1 Proverbs in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is also spoken in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 ethnic identity in arg2" ] using (hakka, taiwan)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Do you speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" "arg2 and who speaks arg1" "arg2 population speak arg1" ] using (hakka, hakka)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 settlers who came to arg2" "arg1 Proverbs in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is also spoken in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 ethnic identity in arg2" ] using (hakka, taiwan)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 settlers who came to arg2" "arg1 Proverbs in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is also spoken in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 ethnic identity in arg2" ] using (hakka, taiwan)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Do you speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" "arg2 and who speaks arg1" "arg2 population speak arg1" ] using (hakka, hakka)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Do you speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" "arg2 and who speaks arg1" "arg2 population speak arg1" ] using (hakka, hakka)