CPL @1095 (76.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is the dominant language" "name translated into _" "language other than _" "America speak _" "I 'm also fluent in _" "I do not speak _" "David is fluent in _" "story translated into _" "translating from _" "You speak fluent _" "I don’t speak _" "language shift to _" "_ is the official dialect" "foreign language requirement with _" "foreign language , such as _" "Fluency in _" "language spoken is _" "languages besides _" "native proficiency in _" "language , in particular _" "communicative competence in _" "Adjectives in _" "I am bilingual in _" "she speaks _" "he also speaks _" "population , speak _" "I am also fluent in _" "they do n't speak _" "linguistic ability in _" "non-native learners of _" "native fluency in _" "speakers of standard _" "songs performed in _" "fluent speakers of _" "family spoke only _" "poster is also available in _" "level proficiency in _" "native speakers of _" "other languages besides _" "native-level fluency in _" "native speaker of _" "She only speaks _" "Instruction is in _" "she became fluent in _" "higher proficiency in _" "conversational skills in _" "conversational level of _" "_ speaking skills" "individuals speaking _" "non-native speakers of _" "numerous languages , including _" "Asian languages like _" "movies dubbed into _" "good reading knowledge of _" "fluent knowledge of _" "first words were in _" "romanization for _" "primary language is _" "book has been translated into _" "agents are fluent in _" "_ is also spoken in" "common language is _" "numerous languages including _" "_ is the mother tongue" "they speak _" "users speak _" "target language is _" "_ remains the lingua franca" "book has already been translated into _" "basic grammatical structures of _" "regional languages such as _" "parents spoke _" "intermediate students of _" "language , after _" "it is dubbed in _" "globe speak _" "_ is the state language" "Taiwan speak _" "firm speak _" "foreign languages , including _" "foreign languages like _" "Languages taught include _" "_ being the official language" "foreign speakers of _" "_ is a complete fun" "_ is a second language" "tongue is not _" "she also speaks _" "sentence structure of _" "actors speaking _" "additional languages such as _" "advanced speakers of _" "phonetic sounds in _" "reasonable fluency in _" "_ is a fascinating language" "compound words in _" "Languages Spoken Our staff speaks _" "I speak standard _" "language speakers of _" "_ is the spoken language" "Spoken Our staff speaks _" "Spanish , followed by _" "_ dubbed movies" "major language is _" "translations into _" "verbal proficiency in _" "additional languages , including _" "_ was the native language" "near native proficiency in _" "staff are fluent in _" "speech in fluent _" "She is also fluent in _" "several different languages including _" "homophones in _" "course is taught in _" "different languages including _" "conference was conducted in _" "language is not _" "literature written in _" "Alex is fluent in _" "popular language after _" "language except _" "good command of _" "he speak _" "heritage speakers of _" "excellent grasp of _" "immersion courses in _" "intermediate learners of _" "he spoke only _" "parents speak _" "Our staff speaks _" "people also speak _" "mom speaks _" "English speakers learning _" "English translated into _" "I was speaking _" "Good level of _" "she speaks fluent _" "people speaking _" "reading knowledge of _" "He speaks conversational _" "I am fluent in _" "National language is _" "she does n't speak _" "transcription system for _" "official languages include _" "_ speaking ability" "I also speak _" "He only spoke _" "He spoke fluent _" "Taiwan studying _" "China speak _" "She sings in _" "I only speak _" "I became fluent in _" "them speak _" "She is bilingual in _" "written skills in _" "_ learning schools" "other language except _" "second language , after _" "students speaking _" "_ are the dominant languages" "me speaking _" "linguist , fluent in _" "languages , like _" "languages included are _" "translators working from _" "_ is an evolving language" "I did speak _" "characters speak _" "speaker of standard _" "regional languages , such as _" "various dialects of _" "authentic spoken _" "_ speaking male" "_ remains the official language" "Western languages such as _" "He speaks fluent _" "language abilities in _" "national languages are _" "manual translated into _" "_ is the standard language" "near-native fluency in _" "many languages including _" "mandatory teaching of _" "texts written in _" "schools now teach _" "_ was the official language" "dialect other than _" "wife speaks _" "communication skills in _" "nonnative speakers of _" "people spoke _" "common phrases in _" "_ has more native speakers" "languages such as _" "she does not speak _" "school speak _" "half speak _" "course is taught entirely in _" "fluent speaker of _" "_ speaking volunteers" "language citation in _" "he became proficient in _" "She 's fluent in _" "I 'm bilingual in _" "daily broadcasts in _" "Italian , learning _" "_ is the principal language" "initial letters in _" "Translation into _" "personnel fluent in _" "staff speaks _" "Native speaker of _" "native tongue was _" "default language is _" "basic telephone/e-mail skills in _" "basic conversations in _" "_ speaking city" "languages , along with _" "pragmatic competence in _" "phonemes of _" "different dialects of _" "country speaks _" "_ is a logical language" "official languages are _" "oral proficiency in _" "communicative ability in _" "Taster lessons in _" "he speaks fluent _" "she even speaks _" "_ speaking peoples" "_ is the lingua franca" "intensive language training in _" "first translated into _" "main language is _" "_ is the dialect" "conversation was in _" "homonyms in _" "he only spoke _" "many languages , including _" "materials were translated into _" "_ is the default language" "_ including phonetics" "alphabet , like _" "Available languages are _" "They did n't speak _" "city speak _" "strong grasp of _" "majority speaks _" "many different languages including _" "_ are official languages" "doctors speak _" "Spanish , speaks _" "basic language skills in _" "basic phrases in _" "you speak fluent _" "grammatical principles of _" "second language such as _" "poem written in _" "course is conducted in _" "fluent in _" "pronoun in _" "multiple languages , including _" "national language is _" "province speak _" "_ speaking clients" "new language like _" "multilingual , speaking _" "languages spoken are _" "_ speaking nanny" "official language is _" "team speaking _" "_ was the language" "edition was translated into _" "various languages like _" "languages other than _" "_ is a common second language" "English-speaking learners of _" "second language after _" "phonetic system of _" "such languages as _" "spoken language is _" "simultaneous translation into _" "speaking skills in _" "language , next to _" "them spoke _" "world speak _" "specific examination in _" "texts originally written in _" "start speaking _" "dialects such as _" "_ is a difficult language" "Native speakers of _" "Chinese dialect of _" "Asian languages including _" "language requirement with _" "people now speak _" "Peter is fluent in _" "Anyone here speak _" "_ widely spoken in" "_ speaking population" "major languages , including _" "lyrics are in _" "dialogue is spoken in _" "_ is now the official language" "materials translated into _" "Asian languages , such as _" "_ speakers out" "basic command of _" "_ is a tonal language" "you are fluent in _" "daughter speak _" "conversational fluency in _" "_ is still the primary language" "_ is a dialect" "_ speaking regions" "It has been translated to _" "I actually speak _" "He still speaks _" "language here is _" "level fluency in _" "more languages such as _" "hobby is learning _" "alphabets like _" "_ is spoken across" "transliteration to _" "I was fluent in _" "He also speaks _" "communicative skills in _" "She speaks fluent _" "proficient speaker of _" "real conversations in _" "residents speak _" "_ is the native language" "he also speaks fluent _" "foreign learners of _" "courses are conducted entirely in _" "high fluency in _" "_ is not only the official language" "near-native competence in _" "telephone/e-mail skills in _" "standard pronunciation of _" "population speaks _" "near-native proficiency in _" "near native fluency in _" "world speaks _" "time speaking _" "solid mastery of _" "she 's fluent in _" "fluency in _" "elementary level of _" "he spoke fluent _" "_ is also the official language" "_ is an official language" "_ is a global language" "_ is spoken in" "He is bilingual in _" "I speak perfect _" "_ speaking societies" "major languages such as _" "_ is the main dialect" "terminology into _" "various words in _" "basic spoken _" "better command of _" "She speaks conversational _" "More people speak _" "_ being the main language" "speakers learning _" "staff speak _" "speakers , after _" "speaker , fluent in _" "them speaking _" "languages , including _" "She also speaks fluent _" "first grammar of _" "Speaks fluent _" "Speakers of _" "useful expressions in _" "_ speaking workers" "everyday spoken _" "family speaks _" "graduates fluent in _" "he is bilingual in _" "_ is spoken throughout" "excellent fluency in _" "Anyone speak _" "Nouns in _" "native speakers of standard _" "more speakers of _" "multiple languages including _" "_ speaking families" "_ is the first language" "trilingual , speaking _" "more people speaking _" "language immersion in _" "sentence construction in _" "_ speaking areas" "actors speak _" "relative clauses in _" "_ speaking students" "material is written in _" "She is bi-lingual in _" "Excellent communication skills in _" "_ is the national language" "broadcast was in _" "classes are conducted in _" "simple sentences in _" "French , speak _" "I’m fluent in _" "-Fluency in _" "f" ] using mandarin_chinese
SEAL @180 (52.7%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using mandarin_chinese
CMC @1046 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2017 [ SUFFIX=ese 3.42915 LASTSUFFIX=ese 3.03630 LASTSUFFIX=se 2.30807 SUFFIX=se 2.28721 LASTPREFIX=chi 1.57886 LASTPREFIX=chin 1.57789 PREFIX=chin 1.53627 CHARS -1.60240 POS=NN -2.38323 WORDS -10.37882 ] using mandarin_chinese
LE @1052 (79.9%) on 24-apr-2017
MBL @601 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2012 [ Promotion of language:mandarin_chinese languageofcountry agent:china ]
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language study in arg2" "arg1 as the official language in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 is widely spoken in arg2" "arg1 in Universities in arg2" "arg1 language schools in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is the official language in arg2" "arg1 Language Schools in arg2" "arg1 speaker from arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
OE @809 (97.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks good arg1" "arg2 and fluent in arg1" "arg2 and most of them speak arg1" ] using (english, mandarin_chinese)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks arg1" "arg2 and is fluent in arg1" "arg2 and speaks fluent arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, harvard_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language study in arg2" "arg1 as the official language in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 is widely spoken in arg2" "arg1 in Universities in arg2" "arg1 language schools in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is the official language in arg2" "arg1 Language Schools in arg2" "arg1 speaker from arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
OE @809 (97.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language study in arg2" "arg1 as the official language in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 is widely spoken in arg2" "arg1 in Universities in arg2" "arg1 language schools in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is the official language in arg2" "arg1 Language Schools in arg2" "arg1 speaker from arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
OE @809 (97.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (mandarin_chinese, taiwan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks Spanish and arg1" "arg2 and learning to speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, asia)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks Spanish and arg1" "arg2 and learning to speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, asia)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks arg1" "arg2 and is fluent in arg1" "arg2 and speaks fluent arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, harvard_university)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks Spanish and arg1" "arg2 and learning to speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, asia)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks Spanish and arg1" "arg2 and learning to speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, asia)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks arg1" "arg2 and is fluent in arg1" "arg2 and speaks fluent arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, harvard_university)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and speaks arg1" "arg2 and is fluent in arg1" "arg2 and speaks fluent arg1" ] using (mandarin_chinese, harvard_university)