CPL @1096 (80.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ speaking countries" "_ became the language" "text , written in _" "intensive course of _" "title is written in _" "texts written in _" "particular dialect of _" "words adopted into _" "medical works in _" "grammars of _" "texts translated into _" "equivalent word in _" "official language is _" "_ was the only language" "works were translated from _" "Old Testament was translated into _" "She is fluent in _" "I translate from _" "Arabic is _" "He was also fluent in _" "words were translated into _" "treatises into _" "dialect was _" "version was translated from _" "writings translated into _" "_ was once the language" "text translated into _" "dialects including _" "dialect known as _" "they are translated from _" "they were translated into _" "many words borrowed from _" "languages , such as _" "It was first written in _" "books translated into _" "mother tongue was _" "it was translated into _" "retranslation from _" "_ speaking person" "work , written in _" "_ speaking peoples" "_ was still spoken by" "New Testament was written in _" "Testament were originally written in _" "writings were translated into _" "_ spoken in" "_ being a dialect" "subjects are taught in _" "native language was _" "pronoun in _" "people speaking _" "reading knowledge of _" "different dialects of _" "dialect is known as _" "tongues such as _" "_ speaking inhabitants" "_ was the mother tongue" "inscriptions are in _" "good fluency in _" "common letter in _" "_ was the language" "_ was still the language" "speeches were in _" "_ was the lingua franca" "_ speaking members" "several translations into _" "work was translated into _" "curriculum is taught in _" "fluency in _" "he translated into _" "New Testament was translated into _" "_ speaking parents" "mother tongue is _" "manuscripts written in _" "Scriptures into _" "_ is also the language" "_ was the common language" "_ was the official language" "work was translated from _" "book was translated into _" "different languages , including _" "dialect related to _" "various languages , including _" "work written in _" "_ replaced Greek" "book was translated from _" "many other languages including _" "loanword in _" "work was originally written in _" "_ is a dialect" "Greek works into _" "language distinct from _" "literal translation into _" "Testament was written in _" "works were translated into _" "New Testament , written in _" "Testament , written in _" "he has translated from _" "foreign languages such as _" "fluent knowledge of _" "several translations from _" "different languages like _" "original language was _" "several languages including _" "_ was the first language" "_ speaking world" "books written in _" "languages such as _" "translations were made into _" "disciples spoke _" "population spoke _" "plural form in _" "Bible , written in _" "He translated from _" "_ was a common language" "texts translated from _" "translations into _" "words are transliterated in _" "many translations into _" "loanwords into _" "excellent language skills in _" "_ is the principal language" "they translated into _" "transliterations into _" "such languages as _" "texts were translated from _" "dialect close to _" "many languages including _" "_ Speaking People" "_ is the liturgical language" "languages other than _" "_ is spoken in" "_ were the languages" "_ speaking church" "document is written in _" "_ speaking culture" "corresponding word in _" "fresh translation from _" "_ speaking areas" "transliteration from _" "_ is still spoken in" "words borrowed from _" "_ remains the liturgical language" "theological works in _" "many translations from _" "manuscript written in _" "Arabic works into _" "It was translated into _" "_ speaking churches" "dialects like _" "article translated into _" "_ speaking communities" "It is translated from _" "It has since been translated into _" "He translated into _" "they still speak _" "_ is the dialect" "loanword from _" "_ speaking people" "literature written in _" "they were translated from _" "_ speaking Christian" "Bible written in _" "Greek texts into _" "eastern dialect of _" "translation into _" "stories are translated into _" "world written in _" "_ speaking population" "ancient languages like _" "texts were translated into _" "_ speaking scholars" "languages alongside _" "literature was translated into _" "works had been translated into _" "many languages , including _" "_ speaking Christians" "ancient languages such as _" "_ was also the language" "communities speak _" "common language is _" "documents written in _" "_ was the original language" "they translated from _" "language replaced _" "They were translated into _" "Bible was translated into _" "_ became the official language" "they speak _" "many languages like _" "_ is still spoken by" "_ Speaking Church" "language except _" "languages , including _" "_ is an important language" "Eastern languages such as _" "prayer written in _" "it translated into _" "_ speaking part" "same spelling in _" "Manuscripts written in _" "works were originally written in _" "works were written in _" "_ has no definite article" "text was translated into _" "different dialect of _" "it was written originally in _" "_ speaking translators" "liturgical texts into _" "numerous translations from _" "It was later translated into _" "borrowings into _" "Christian hymns in _" "native speakers of _" "official language was _" "first translated into _" "time translated into _" "_ speaking Church" "_ is an ancient language" "Testament was translated into _" "He even learned _" "He also translated into _" "_ is a Semitic language" "native tongue was _" "loanwords from _" "name translated into _" "letters , written in _" "Greek words in _" "people spoke _" "original was written in _" "they were originally written in _" "scientific works into _" "Semitic languages such as _" "_ was the native language" "_ remains the language" "foreign languages like _" ] using syriac
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Catholic Patriarch of arg2" "arg1 Catholic Patriarchs of arg2" "arg1 Patriarch of arg2" "arg1 patriarch of arg2" "arg1 Patriarchs of arg2" "arg1 Patriarchate of arg2" ] using (syriac, antioch)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Catholic Patriarch of arg2" "arg1 Catholic Patriarchs of arg2" "arg1 Patriarch of arg2" "arg1 patriarch of arg2" "arg1 Patriarchs of arg2" "arg1 Patriarchate of arg2" ] using (syriac, antioch)