SEAL @179 (100.0%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 1234567891011121314 ] using thai_language
MBL @462 (100.0%) on 01-dec-2011 [ Promotion of language:thai_language languageofcountry country:thailand ]
CPL @1096 (75.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ is the official language" "fluent grasp of _" "fluency in _" "non-native learners of _" "I am fluent in _" "_ is a tonal language" "website is now available in _" "I have started learning _" "PC applications featuring _" "reasonable grasp of _" "limited command of _" "it was translated into _" "word existed in _" "signs written in _" "letters translated into _" "nobody spoke _" "search query is performed in _" "brochures written in _" "website localized into _" "_ is the default language" "fluent you are in _" "website is only available in _" "likely speak _" "beginner courses in _" "easy-to-use language learning software for _" "_ has borrowed many words" "languages such as _" "_ has so many words" "_ is only spoken in" "foreign learners of _" "she did not speak _" "solid mastering of _" "manual is written in _" "people speak _" "certificate issued in _" "_ is a mother tongue" "_ learning CD-ROM" "_ dialects spoken by" "_ is the national language" "manuscripts written in _" "She is fluent in _" "he became fluent in _" "them do not speak _" "translation into _" "foreigners speak _" "Windows applications featuring _" "we 're speaking _" "LingvoSoft Windows applications featuring _" "common phrases in _" "languages , including _" "lyrics are in _" "reasonable command of _" "other speakers of _" "simultaneous translation into _" "review is written in _" "many translations in _" "language is related to _" "_ learning products" "_ do not even have any particular book" "article is translated into _" "workable knowledge of _" "schools teach in _" "fluent command of _" "class is conducted in _" "programmes are taught in _" "web site is presented in _" "_ handheld dictionaries ECTACO" "LingvoSoft software featuring _" "websites written in _" "web site available in _" "inscriptions are in _" "programs taught in _" "_ is spoken by over" "attorney fluent in _" "he became proficient in _" "entire program is in _" "language Pocket PC software for _" "someone fluent in _" "speakers are there of _" "he was fluent in _" "many people speak _" "languages , such as _" "Windows LingvoSoft Windows applications featuring _" "text translated into _" "_ is a main language" "English documents into _" "site is presented in _" "I am now fluent in _" "Pocket PC software for _" "women speak _" "tongue-twister in _" "sentence structure of _" "_ learning products available" "pronunciation guide to _" "many words in _" "intensive course of _" "_ do not capture the meanings" "loan words in _" "words were introduced into _" "subtitles in _" "monthly journal in _" "native speaker of _" "It was translated into _" "_ is spoken throughout" "basic greetings in _" "query is performed in _" "web site is only in _" "basic command of _" "books written in _" "fluent in _" "different dialects of _" "regional dialects of _" "own dialect of _" "people speak only _" "questions translated into _" "He was fluent in _" "Many dialects of _" "Pocket PC applications featuring _" "applications featuring _" "site is only in _" "birth certificate issued in _" "degree programs taught in _" "cookbook written in _" "they speak _" "several dialects of _" "brochure is also available in _" "little previous knowledge of _" "it translated into _" "myself speaking in _" "speaker , fluent in _" "_ including grammar" "_ is a unique language" "_ spoken in" "music sung in _" "homonyms in _" "many speakers are there of _" "_ are spoken throughout" "I do not speak _" "They have been translated into _" "He is fluent in _" "classes are conducted in _" "subjects , except _" "services communicated in _" "first opera in _" "I do n't understand much _" "Pocket PC LingvoSoft Pocket PC applications featuring _" "documents are issued in _" "language barriers of _" "he is fluent in _" "specialized terminology into _" "it translated in _" "foreigners learning _" "he does not speak _" "I don speak _" "other learners of _" "_ learning website" "terminology into _" "simple phrases in _" "good command of _" "important words in _" "University are taught in _" "LingvoSoft Pocket PC applications featuring _" "immigration documents issued in _" "serious learners of _" "literary masterpiece in _" "teaching is conducted in _" "_ has many dialects" "article is also available in _" "_ learning books" "interface is only in _" "local dialects of _" "English was translated into _" "PC LingvoSoft Pocket PC applications featuring _" "_ is the prestige dialect" "books have been translated into _" "site is entirely in _" "website fully translated into _" ] using thai_language
CMC @461 (100.0%) on 28-nov-2011 [ LASTPREFIX=langu 5.63467 PREFIX=langu 5.14683 PREFIX=lang 4.46438 LASTPREFIX=lang 4.12360 SUFFIX=guage 3.60763 SUFFIX=uage 3.60475 LASTSUFFIX=guage 3.34817 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.85101 CHARS -3.39943 WORDS -12.00441 ] using thai_language
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is only spoken in arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" ] using (thai_language, thailand)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:states~concept:statelocatedingeopoliticallocation,concept:geopoliticallocationcontainscountry" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:states~concept:statelocatedingeopoliticallocation" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:states~concept:statelocatedingeopoliticallocation,concept:countryalsoknownas" "Y~_z-concept:country~specializations" "Y~X0~concept:languageschoolincity,concept:cityattractions,concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation,concept:citylocatedincountry" ] using (thai_language, thailand)