CPL @1107 (72.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ grazing in" "Mammals such as _" "animals like _" "_ roaming the park" "prey as large as _" "large animals like _" "_ graze in" "_ grazing at" ] using white_tail_deer
MBL @1049 (100.0%) on 16-apr-2017 [ Promotion of animal:white_tail_deer mammalsuchasmammal animal:deer ]
CMC @1073 (99.9%) on 18-aug-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=dee 2.06419 PREFIX=dee 1.65494 LASTSUFFIX=er 1.59682 LASTSUFFIX=eer 1.49857 PREFIX=tai 1.24393 CHARS 1.16109 PREFIX=whi 0.98076 POS=NN -0.67228 PREFIX=de -1.14734 WORDS -4.38722 ] using white_tail_deer
CPL @1094 (84.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "wildlife such as _" "Mammals such as _" "animals like _" "_ roaming the park" "prey as large as _" "large animals like _" "_ graze in" "_ eat the leaves" ] using white_tail_deer
CPL @1096 (86.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "such animals as _" "local wildlife such as _" "exotic animals such as _" "predators , like _" "animals like _" "Animals such as _" "_ roam the park" "wildlife like _" "herd of beautiful _" "species such as _" "wildlife such as _" "parasite carried by _" "natural predators , like _" "wildlife , such as _" "_ roam the property" "animals such as _" ] using white_tail_deer