CPL @1115 (80.7%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "tray of hot _" "access to nutritious _" "home eating _" "nice restaurant for _" "walk after _" "you ate for _" "_ is served daily in" "kitchen table eating _" "weight , eating _" "we go out to _" "toast , fried _" "tomatoes with _" "we broke for _" "recipe using _" "people over for _" "work , eat _" "_ served with" "coffee , hot _" "whats for _" "we always ate _" "plate of hot _" "shower , eat _" "we sat down to _" "friends , eat _" "weight watchers frozen _" "you were cooking _" "we were eating _" "we usually eat _" "_ is served onboard" "_ is served at" "water , cook _" "nice cool glass of _" "children with nutritious _" "wine served with _" "we sat down for _" "we went out to _" "We went out for _" "pastries , fresh _" "family , eating _" "high quality , nutritious _" "plate of fried _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "great topping for _" "_ making facilties" "light , non-greasy _" "order of hot _" "night we ate _" "half cooking _" "mother was cooking _" "fresh cooked _" "neighbors over for _" "_ is served under" "We always eat _" "kitchen , preparing _" "lean protein , healthy _" "fridge , hot _" "variety of grilled _" "restaurant is open for _" "_ are served buffet-style" "friend over for _" "table , eating _" "_ served daily" "local restaurant for _" "_ is served family style" "excellent home cooked _" "kettle on for _" "_ served daily in" "We broke for _" "nearby restaurant for _" "home , eat _" "good conversation over _" "I were eating _" "_ are served buffet style" "home , ate _" "_ is served buffet style" "_ is served every morning" "delicious home baked _" "dessert after _" "tea / _" "soup with _" "night , eat _" "water , cooked _" "friends round for _" "few friends over for _" "site , please _" "_ served on-site" "complimentary full _" "drinks , light _" "salad with _" "tantalizing smell of _" "_ have a high glycemic index" "_ is served all day" "one ate _" "she was cooking _" "recipe for amish _" "hospitality tray with _" "_ is served Tuesday" "cream of _" "_ is served around" "quick recipe for _" "bread , fried _" "family eats _" "_ was served buffet style" "foods like _" "restaurant open for _" "we ate for _" "we were cooking _" "quick bowl of _" "cup of instant _" "_ is served promptly at" "oatmeal , sweet _" "_ is served daily at" "can of _" "cocktail before _" "deluxe continental _" "_ is served about" "We sat down to _" "company over for _" "exercise , eat _" "portions of healthy _" "brand of instant _" "_ was being served in" "family eating _" "We were eating _" "complimentary continental _" "cheese , cooked _" "_ eating contest" "_ are served after" "coffee , eat _" "baby eat _" "quality , nutritious _" "_ are served daily" "_ are high" "_ are served each day" "restaurant , open for _" "_ is golden brown" "time we ate _" "_ is served every day" "_ making facilities" "bar serving light _" "delicious catered _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "laundry , preparing _" "I went out to _" "Restaurant is open for _" "friends over for _" "hearty home-cooked _" "hotel , have _" "_ is served after" "_ are served all day" "watchers frozen _" "egg whites with _" "_ is also served in" "plates of fried _" "kitchen fixing _" "TV , eat _" "_ topped with" "_ are baked on" "_ was catered by" "We also ate _" "dishes like _" "bread , cooked _" "light , healthy _" "they started serving _" "_ is included each morning" "We then ate _" "Table d 'hote _" "salads , fried _" "sandwiches , hot _" "plate of warm _" "side dish with _" "cookies , hot _" "_ served each morning" "maker with complimentary _" "giraffe eating _" "guests over for _" "variety of cooked _" "_ served onboard" "stove cooked _" "game drive followed by _" "We ate _" "I had n't eaten _" "I was cooking _" "bird catches _" "cereals , hot _" "_ is provided each morning" "salads , as _" "_ are served family-style" "pool bar serving _" "_ is served each morning" "_ is served aboard" "_ is served daily from" "_ is often served in" "_ is served family-style" "_ is served inside" "baked potatoes for _" "hot cooked _" "_ was served while" "_ served Monday" "_ dipping sauce recipe" "exercise , eating _" "shopping , had _" "side by _" "_ are delicious" "early bird catches _" "lunch and/or _" "_ is a whole grain" "tea , hot _" "he was cooking _" "_ are buffet style" "high quality fresh _" "rest , eat _" "fruits , cooked _" "good home cooked _" "salads , hot _" "_ is offered each morning" "candle light _" "_ are included daily" "range of cooked _" "meat , cooked _" "warm , cooked _" "breakfast , light _" "hearty home cooked _" "cup of Irish _" "_ served every morning" "casual conversation over _" "foods such as _" "home , cooked _" "_ was served around" "_ stuffed with" "games , eat _" "_ is usually served in" "_ is served Monday" "TV , eating _" "table d 'hote _" ] using breakfast
CPL @1115 (70.7%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "I finish eating _" "Whats for _" "smell of fresh-baked _" "toast , cooked _" "access to nutritious _" "you usually eat _" "nice restaurant for _" "walk after _" "you ate for _" "they come over for _" "_ is served daily in" "kitchen table eating _" "toast , fried _" "stale bread for _" "wife was preparing _" "we broke for _" "folks over for _" "people over for _" "work , eat _" "_ is served daily between" "lovely home cooked _" "whats for _" "game , eating _" "I are eating _" "_ is provided every morning" "_ is served outside" "you 're having for _" "friend out for _" "plate of hot _" "shower , eat _" "_ is served outside in" "They serve great _" "tray of warm _" "we sat down to _" "_ featuring waffles" "_ is served starting at" "you were cooking _" "yoga , eat _" "veggie fried _" "we were eating _" "type of fermented _" "_ is served al fresco" "_ is served onboard" "_ is served at" "_ is served followed by" "nyc restaurants for _" "_ drizzled over" "hot home cooked _" "time you cook _" "wine served with _" "nuts , fresh _" "you are already eating _" "we sat down for _" "_ is served each day" "we went out to _" "pastries , fresh _" "foods , including _" "morning , eat _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "Day D. After _" "phone , eating _" "_ making facilties" "he sat down to _" "order of hot _" "night we ate _" "half cooking _" "dishes such as _" "mother was cooking _" "neighbors over for _" "I then ate _" "Crock pot recipe for _" "_ smothered in" "I 'm gonna go eat _" "lean protein , healthy _" "fridge , complimentary _" "friend over for _" "_ served daily from" "local restaurant for _" "_ is served family style" "excellent home cooked _" "kettle on for _" "mug of Irish _" "eggs , sweet _" "_ is usually served at" "_ seasoned with" "nearby restaurant for _" "home , eat _" "drinks other than _" "I were eating _" "_ was buffet style" "drink before _" "breads , cooked _" "dessert after _" "tea / _" "they ate for _" "room eating _" "friends round for _" "few friends over for _" "granola bar for _" "_ served on-site" "complimentary full _" "salad with _" "_ was the main meal" "_ is normally served in" "_ have a high glycemic index" "_ is served all day" "one ate _" "she was cooking _" "recipe for amish _" "_ were delicious" "_ is served Tuesday" "beach , eat _" "cream of _" "quick , filling _" "everyone was eating _" "_ is served around" "them , eat _" "low-calorie , low-fat _" "little restaurant for _" "recipe for swiss _" "cottage cheese as _" "_ was served buffet style" "air conditioning , complimentary _" "foods like _" "we were cooking _" "start cooking _" "quick bowl of _" "dishes after _" "cup of instant _" "_ is served promptly at" "kids , eat _" "dessert served with _" "_ is served daily at" "_ is served beginning at" "_ were served family style" "cheese , packaged _" "cocktail before _" "crumbs over _" "deluxe continental _" "coffee , light _" "_ is served about" "_ is often served on" "company over for _" "drink , eat _" "scones served with _" "_ was being served in" "family eating _" "We were eating _" "_ is served until" "complimentary continental _" "cheese , cooked _" "coffee , eat _" "Vegetables including _" "home I ate _" "shower , had _" "_ is served every day" "_ is served poolside" "_ making facilities" "_ is cholesterol free" "bowl of lukewarm _" "I went out to _" "Restaurant is open for _" "delicious topping for _" "tea , homemade _" "tasty , satisfying _" "friends over for _" "hotel offers complimentary continental _" "fun nyc restaurants for _" "_ is served after" "_ featuring hot waffles" "great restaurant for _" "_ topped with" "_ was catered by" "_ was served between" "pool , eat _" "kids were eating _" "_ is served everyday" "_ is served buffet-style" "_ is included each morning" "_ is served daily on" "_ served each morning" "maker with complimentary _" "_ is catered from" "_ including whole grains" "_ served Friday" "conditioning , complimentary _" "stove cooked _" "game drive followed by _" "_ was served followed by" "Udaipur After _" "We ate _" "I was cooking _" "bird catches _" "aroma of fresh baked _" "evening eating _" "_ featuring Belgian waffles" "_ is served each morning" "_ is served till" "_ is served aboard" "_ is served daily from" "_ is served Friday" "_ is served family-style" "_ is served inside" "_ tastes like" "hot cooked _" "_ was served while" "foods , like _" "tea , English _" "_ daily served in" "lunch and/or _" "_ is served indoors" "home , eats _" "pizza place for _" "restaurant having _" "fruits , cooked _" "good home cooked _" "shower , ate _" "_ is served along with" "_ is served throughout" "bars , instant _" "brittany france food for _" "break , eat _" "_ is provided each day" "full cooked _" "cup of Irish _" "_ served every morning" "casual conversation over _" "complimentary deluxe continental _" "car , eating _" "stove making _" "we had just eaten _" "foods such as _" "home , cooked _" "_ was served around" "_ is served Monday" "shower , have _" "_ is served so" "beverages other than _" ] using breakfast
CPL @1105 (79.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Dave is cooking _" "Ooty After _" "_ served daily between" "_ was served each morning" "hotel features include free _" "fitness center , free _" "way you cooked _" "transfers , daily _" "light continental _" "_ served just the way" "_ is served daily in" "wireless internet , complimentary _" "whole wheat toast for _" "wife , eat _" "next morning we ate _" "mornings with complimentary _" "next morning we enjoyed _" "Jaipur Have _" "Depart After _" "I rarely ate _" "wife was preparing _" "wheat toast for _" "restaurant serves American _" "morning they serve _" "morning is served _" "_ served complimentary" "_ served daily on" "deluxe , continental _" "_ is served daily between" "Rates include continental _" "DAY D. After _" "oven recipe for _" "_ featuring scrambled eggs" "Hotel amenities include complimentary _" "American cuisine for _" "Today morning , after _" "_ are provided each morning" "Inclusive programme consists of _" "_ is provided every morning" "_ is served outside" "wonderful memories After _" "home cooked hot _" "daily complimentary hot _" "plate of hot _" "_ featuring bagels" "_ is included daily" "_ is served outside in" "Delhi Have _" "They serve great _" "_ spread above" "Mumbai Have _" "Lounge offers complimentary _" "_ featuring waffles" "we rarely eat _" "accommodations with daily _" "_ is served starting at" "_ is served directly in" "you have stopped eating _" "_ is served al fresco" "_ is prepared each morning" "_ featuring pastries" "_ enchiladas recipe" "room price includes _" "_ is served outside on" "many amenities including free _" "many amenities , including free _" "wireless Internet access , free _" "wireless high-speed Internet access , free _" "airport transportation , free _" "scent of cooked _" "_ is served each day" "plimentary deluxe continental _" "high quality , nutritious _" "Complimentary amenities include daily _" "Day D. After _" "American Grill serves _" "Jaisalmer Have _" "Great American Grill serving _" "_ is served downstairs" "_ including fresh waffles" "order of hot _" "_ is served Saturday" "morning we provide _" "half cooking _" "lodging , full _" "_ includes fresh pastries" "_ is served outdoors" "morning guests enjoy _" "morning , eating _" "_ is also served every morning" "_ is offered every morning" "Crock pot recipe for _" "Amenities include complimentary _" "AI programme consists of _" "_ featuring cereals" "bits of leftover _" "_ featuring made-to-order omelets" "national park After _" "Breakfast We serve _" "Rates include daily _" "_ served downstairs" "_ is served in" "morning I cooked _" "_ is served in-room" "_ including hot waffles" "_ was tender" "staff cook _" "_ is also served daily" "room serves delicious _" "restaurant is open for _" "restaurant serving daily _" "complimentary extended continental _" "_ hashbrown casserole" "_ featuring fresh waffles" "We do not cook _" "free wireless high-speed Internet access , free _" "rates include full _" "_ served daily from" "_ served daily" "pool , continental _" "game drive is followed by _" "_ including made-to-order omelets" "_ is continental style" "Early morning after _" "Aga cooked _" "Amboseli After _" "morning , served _" "_ are served each morning" "many full-service amenities , including free _" "sizzling pan of _" "Yesterday we ate _" "_ served daily in" "deluxe complimentary continental _" "night , including full _" "many dishes including _" "hearty cooked _" "Rates include full _" "morning you are greeted with _" "greasy spoon for _" "haven t eaten _" "full home cooked _" "game drive , followed by _" "hotel serves continental _" "Restaurant serves American _" "Club Lounge offers complimentary _" "Muslims eat _" "morning game drive , followed by _" "next morning , enjoy _" "plate of greasy _" "_ featuring homemade waffles" "_ featuring Belgian Waffles" "ground turkey for _" "hearty hot _" "Rate includes full _" "B,L,D) Following _" "Club Lounge serves _" "airport shuttle , complimentary _" "_ is served here at" "_ served weekends" "barrel s _" "_ is cooked-to-order" "breakfast room serves delicious _" "_ is served fireside" "_ is served daily" "_ is included daily in" "_ served overlooking" "_ is served buffet style" "_ is served every morning" "_ including hot items" "database devoted solely to _" "amenities include deluxe _" "Other hotel amenities include complimentary _" "Jodhpur Have _" "morning we ate _" "whirlpool , complimentary _" "bacon over _" "Recipes ranging from _" "_ is served daily along with" "_ is provided daily at" "_ including homemade pastries" "_ served on-site" "complimentary full _" "_ includes fresh fruit salad" "_ featuring Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches" "morning we serve _" "complimentary expanded _" "recipe database devoted solely to _" "low calorie recipes for _" "_ served poolside" "_ includes homemade pastries" "_ including Belgium waffles" "rates include American _" "amenities like complimentary _" "_ is included this morning" "Room Rates include _" "_ is served alfresco" "_ is served on-site" "_ is served around" "restaurant serves continental _" "morning we cooked _" "rates include continental _" "recipe for swiss _" "room rates include full _" "cracker barrel s _" "crock pot recipe for _" "Khajuraho Have _" "honey glazed _" "range fed _" "room rate are _" "_ sauteed with" "day afresh with _" "radio , eating _" "private lounge serving _" "_ includes cereal" "pool , complimentary continental _" "_ is served beside" "_ is served daily at" "_ is served beginning at" "morning we were served _" "next morning enjoy _" "night stay includes _" "hotel offers continental _" "orange marinated _" "English cooked _" "cheese , packaged _" "_ cooked just the way" "hot foods such as _" "deluxe continental _" "desk service , free _" "daily complimentary continental _" "FREE continental _" "Great recipes for _" "B,L,D) After _" "Madurai Have _" "go-to recipe for _" "rate includes daily _" "Breakfast serves _" "full English cooked _" "hot tub , complimentary _" "Canadian bacon for _" "baked beans with _" "amenities include daily _" "day with scrumptious _" "Guests are also served _" "Next morning after _" "night including full _" "_ is served until" "complimentary , full _" "complimentary continental _" "_ featuring fresh fruit" "casual fare for _" "cheese , cooked _" "country fried _" "_ featuring fresh hot waffles" "next door serves _" "day with complimentary _" "Full home cooked _" "B&B serves _" "Jaisalmer After _" "_ is served here from" "_ featuring hot Belgian waffles" "_ came smothered in" "restaurant offers American _" "restaurant , open for _" "room rate also includes _" "_ is served every day" "_ is served here every morning" "_ is served poolside" "accommodation with daily _" "_ is normally served between" "_ is included every morning" "hearty continental _" "_ featuring Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sandwiches" "_ is included every day" "_ including Belgian waffles" "American Grill serving _" "_ is served consisting of" "_ is served complimentary" "Restaurant is open for _" "Udaipur Have _" "DAY THREE After _" "prices include continental _" "full-service amenities including free _" "features include complimentary _" "Hotel features include complimentary _" "Jaipur After _" "_ served onsite" "hearty grilled _" "hotel offers complimentary continental _" "he was still eating _" "hotel include complimentary _" "jimmy dean s _" "_ includes fresh waffles" "_ is served Monday-Friday" "rates include complimentary _" "_ featuring hot waffles" "_ featuring the Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich" "hotel offers hot _" "full-service amenities , including free _" "_ included every morning" "Hotel amenities include complimentary continental _" "Bikaner Have _" "Luxor After _" "_ served fireside" "Inclusive programme includes _" "early morning game drive followed by _" "_ featuring fresh Belgian waffles" "room rate included _" "I have n't eat _" "We feature complimentary _" "_ provided each morning" "_ is included daily at" "I hardly ever eat _" "Great American Grill serves _" "Agra Have _" "self-serve continental _" "double room including _" "_ elegantly served on" "_ featuring both hot" "_ featuring Maxwell House coffee" "possible start , enjoy _" "room we serve _" "_ is served everyday" "_ includes toast" "_ is an important meal" "_ includes homemade cakes" "_ is served buffet-style" "_ is also served each morning" "_ included each morning" "_ served daily at" "_ including waffles" "_ served the next morning" "_ is included each morning" "_ is served daily on" "ground pork for _" "Inn serves complimentary _" "Today morning after _" "We offer continental _" "Courtyard Cafe is open for _" "Today after _" "morning guests are treated to _" "morning game drive followed by _" "free high-speed Internet access , free _" "salads , fried _" "bud tantalizing _" "early morning game drive is followed by _" "amenities , including free _" "airport transfers , daily _" "_ served each morning" "complimentary full hot _" "_ featuring hot items" "egg recipes for _" "he had stopped eating _" "Amenities include deluxe _" "Full cooked _" "Departure After _" "DD-hour front desk service , free _" "Complimentary deluxe continental _" "_ served directly in" "_ is prepared every morning" "game drive followed by _" "front desk service , free _" "day with sumptuous _" "Rate includes daily _" "_ still cooking on" "_ stuffed pepper recipe" "access , continental _" "Departure Have _" "Rishikesh After _" "restaurant only serves _" "high-speed Internet access , free _" "Courtyard Cafe serves _" "_ is crispy" "_ entrees served with" "_ is provided each morning" "room rates include complimentary _" "rates incl" ] using breakfast
CMC @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=brea 3.54555 SUFFIX=ast 3.39786 PREFIX=bre 3.18596 PREFIX=br 2.46162 LASTPREFIX=brea 2.16396 LASTSUFFIX=ast 2.08585 LASTPREFIX=bre 2.04515 FULL_POS=NN -2.78423 WORDS -3.91799 CHARS -4.33750 ] using breakfast
CPL @1108 (97.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ containing protein" "_ is served at" "_ served each morning" "Home cooked _" "Coffee making _" "Baby sitting _" "coffee after _" "_ are en-suite" "I cooked _" "_ are air-conditioned" "_ is served daily in" "_ topped with" "recipe made with _" "we met for _" "_ are furnished with" "_ has a queen" "restaurants serving _" "_ are served at" "_ have air-conditioning" "_ has a king bed" "We stopped for _" "_ is served every morning" "restaurant serves _" "_ included Day" "we ate _" "_ catered by" "_ are served family style" "restaurant is open for _" "_ has hardwood floors" "_ served daily" "I ate for _" "_ was served at" "_ include bread" "_ making facilities" "_ has a queen bed" "_ has a private bathroom" "kitchen making _" "_ has a queen size bed" "Restaurants for _" "_ is served daily" "home cooked _" "_ has a king size bed" "I were having _" "_ are served daily" "_ is served each morning" "delicious home cooked _" ] using breakfast
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 may reduce your risk of arg2" "arg1 lowers your risk for arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 can lower your risk of arg2" ] using (breakfast, heart_disease)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 on Vancouver Island British arg1" "arg2 is located in British arg1" "arg2 in beautiful British arg1" ] using (columbia, breakfast)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 on Vancouver Island British arg1" "arg2 is located in British arg1" "arg2 in beautiful British arg1" ] using (breakfast, columbia)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 may reduce your risk of arg2" "arg1 lowers your risk for arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 can lower your risk of arg2" ] using (breakfast, heart_disease)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 may reduce your risk of arg2" "arg1 lowers your risk for arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 can lower your risk of arg2" ] using (breakfast, heart_disease)
OE @826 (95.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (bread, breakfast)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or tea along with arg1" "arg2 with home baked arg1" "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 with biscuits or arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 with homemade cakes and arg1" ] using (bread, breakfast)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with homemade cakes and arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 and homemade chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" ] using (cookies, breakfast)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 at dunkin arg1" "arg2 from Dunkin arg1" "arg2 from dunkin arg1" ] using (donuts, breakfast)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 causes low blood arg1" "arg2 to control her blood arg1" "arg2 and my fasting arg1" "arg2 means your blood arg1" ] using (sugar, breakfast)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in films such as arg2" "arg1 in the film classic arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD classic arg2" "arg1 wore in arg2" "arg1 wore one in arg2" ] using (audrey_hepburn, breakfast)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Zealand The best arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" ] using (new, breakfast)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York Times at arg2" "arg1 Zealand The best arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 Hampshire at arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" ] using (new, breakfast)