CPL @1094 (89.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "regular contributor to various _" "publications in respected _" "papers in reputable _" "resources such as electronic _" "referee for various _" "internet , read _" "frequent contributor to such _" "editorial boards of several other _" "articles in important _" "advertisement in national _" "articles were published in various _" "articles in prestigious _" "_ are shelved within" "databases containing full-text _" "translations have appeared in numerous _" "poems to various _" "full text online _" "reviews in popular _" "resources include electronic _" "several articles for professional _" "short stories in many _" "fiction has appeared in numerous _" "editors of international _" "he has published in such _" "chapters , peer-reviewed _" "editorial boards for several _" "versions of printed _" "writings have appeared in numerous _" "interdisciplinary database of _" "articles published in academic _" "articles in legal _" "other material derived from _" "magazines , scientific _" "newspapers , electronic _" "_ including Quadrant" "We have been featured in numerous _" "articles published in numerous _" "articles in well-known _" "chapters for medical _" "content such as electronic _" "DVDs , read _" "She has been published in numerous _" "cartoonist for several _" "critic for several _" "work appearing in numerous _" "work has appeared in many national _" "hundreds of peer-reviewed _" "indexes , electronic _" "editorial consultant for several _" "covers of prestigious _" "chapters to numerous _" "short fiction has appeared in such _" "research in top-tier _" "_ including Neuron" "_ are published than" "_ including The Georgia Review" "_ including The Washington Post" "articles to peer-reviewed _" "articles published in national _" "articles have been published in numerous _" "_ including The People" "_ have fewer pages" "current issues of major _" "comic strips , comic _" "chapters , peer reviewed _" "fiction has appeared in various _" "reports , peer-reviewed _" "several articles published in various _" "short stories in such _" "reviews in scholarly _" "short stories in various _" "text medical _" "selection of scholarly _" "poems have appeared in such _" "pens , blank _" "numerous articles in national _" "library of electronic _" "He writes for several _" "It publishes several _" "I 've bought several _" "He has also written for several _" "_ have small circulations" "_ including British Journal" "_ including The International Journal" "_ including Gramophone" "credits in numerous _" "chapters in several _" "extensive library with _" "editorial advisory boards of several _" "numerous articles for such _" "numerous articles in technical _" "numerous articles in major _" "_ covering all academic disciplines" "_ including Vanity Fair" "_ including Shenandoah" "_ including Southern Living" "publisher of medical _" "reviews in national _" "reviews in international _" "publisher of technical _" "reviews have appeared in numerous _" "work has appeared in many _" "articles from peer-reviewed _" "articles to legal _" "boards of several major _" "articles in professional _" "assortment of literary _" "_ including The Atlantic" "_ including Poetry Review" "_ mention instances" "_ covering relevant aspects" "editorial boards of scientific _" "role of printed _" "sample of other _" "publication in national _" "reviewer of many _" "I 've read many _" "She has written for numerous _" "He has contributed to several _" "Articles in scientific _" "you read technical _" "I 've read so many _" "Photocopies of _" "He has also published several _" "Print Guide RSS Updates Home Finding books Finding _" "contributor to professional _" "editorial boards of international _" "deposit of electronic _" "books , specialized _" "I have written several _" "They published several _" "international publisher of _" "illustrations in old _" "illustrations have appeared in many _" "illustrations for popular _" "journals , specialized _" "_ including Poet Lore" "_ including Review" "articles published in many _" "he has published numerous _" "full text of other _" "editor of scholarly _" "local newspapers , national _" "editor of several _" "editor to several _" "editors of major _" "findings in academic _" "fiction has appeared in many _" "hoc reviewer for numerous _" "editor of numerous _" "addition to numerous scholarly _" "He has published several _" "She has written numerous _" "I was always reading _" "reviews literary _" "reserves , electronic _" "research has appeared in such _" "results in peer-reviewed _" "articles for numerous _" "boards of several international _" "articles published in international _" "bookshop sells _" "advertisements in medical _" "_ including the San Francisco Chronicle" "_ including New American Writing" "_ including Kenyon Review" "countless hours reading _" "cartons , old _" "editors of peer-reviewed _" "_ require authors" "abbreviated titles of _" "addition to peer-reviewed _" "fiction has appeared in such _" "mailing lists , read _" "lists of electronic _" "library has many _" "manuscripts for several _" "many articles for national _" "_ are fulltext" "_ feature advertisements" "ad hoc reviewer for numerous _" "articles in prestigious medical _" "articles to technical _" "articles published in different _" "articles for academic _" "articles in medical _" "coil bound _" "stories published in several _" "subscriptions to scientific _" "titles of scientific _" "translations have appeared in many _" "work published in national _" "work published in international _" "interlibrary loan form for _" "work has appeared in several _" "writing has appeared in such _" "work has been published in national _" "work has been published in peer-reviewed _" "work appearing in such _" "articles have been published in many _" "articles in technical _" "_ including Nature Genetics" "_ reporting original research" "_ including American Journal" "thousands of peer-reviewed _" "_ including Architectural Record" "_ including American Sociological Review" "_ including Reading Research Quarterly" "_ including the Times Literary Supplement" "papers have been published in various _" "reviewer of scientific _" "catalogue , electronic _" "chapters , edited _" "_ have already been written on" "He has published extensively in peer-reviewed _" "Library has many _" "I like reading _" "He wrote several _" "He writes for numerous _" "publishing in peer-reviewed _" "results have been published in peer-reviewed _" "several articles in professional _" "several articles in local _" "stacks of dusty _" "periodicals , academic _" "poetry have appeared in numerous _" "large collection of scientific _" "_ including Essence" "_ including Borderlands" "_ including the Economist" "_ including Prevention" "unbound issues of _" "subscriptions to popular _" "stash of blank _" "short stories have appeared in several _" "small press literary _" "library stocked with _" "chapters in international _" "library houses several _" "numerous articles in prestigious _" "_ including the IEEE Transactions" "_ often have articles" "books , audio _" "boards of peer-reviewed _" "articles in literary _" "criticism in numerous _" "Editorial Boards of several _" "Articles in scholarly _" "works have appeared in numerous _" "yearbooks , literary _" "work has also been published in numerous _" "articles appearing in several _" "bookstores sell _" "articles for specialized _" "access full-text _" "articles , electronic _" "specialized collection of _" "textbooks , academic _" "studies have been published in peer-reviewed _" "reviewer for such _" "referee for numerous _" "prints , illustrated _" "regular contributor to several _" "poetry in literary _" "reviews in numerous _" "reader of literary _" "resources , such as electronic _" "photographs have appeared in numerous _" "articles to scientific _" "essays have appeared in several _" "full text of electronic _" "frequent contributor to legal _" "prose have appeared in numerous _" "publications in peer _" "publishing of high-quality _" "stacks of old _" "databases include full-text _" "databases of full-text _" "coverage of English-language _" "_ including Nature Biotechnology" "_ including The Antigonish Review" "_ including the Independent" "_ including American Anthropologist" "_ including the New Yorker" "stories in national _" "Publishers of electronic _" "TV , read _" "_ including The History" "_ including The Gettysburg Review" "_ including IEEE Transactions" "lot of unread _" "many articles in international _" "material , rare _" "reviewer for many of _" "printed material , such as _" "several nationally distributed _" "serial publications such as _" "poetry has appeared in numerous _" "List of electronic _" "He has authored several _" "Cancel subscriptions to _" "They publish numerous _" "_ written in over" "articles from medical _" "bookcase full of _" "boards of academic _" "books , professional _" "fiction have appeared in numerous _" "findings in peer-reviewed _" "translation of medical _" "grants , published _" "editors of several _" "essays have been published in numerous _" "short stories , travel _" "short fiction has appeared in numerous _" "series of scholarly _" "stories published in various _" "standard loan period for _" "cover of numerous _" "selection of peer-reviewed _" "search to peer-reviewed _" "articles have appeared in major _" "advertising in national _" "covers of major _" "covers of many _" "_ including the Sunday Times" "authors of scientific _" "author of several professional _" "articles have appeared in various _" "articles published in popular _" "articles have appeared in such _" "articles have appeared in professional _" "book shelf full of _" "articles for popular _" "stories have appea" ] using journals
LE @1048 (100.0%) on 11-apr-2017
CMC @1049 (99.9%) on 14-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=rnals 1.19256 POS=NNS 1.17778 PREFIX=journ 1.03819 PREFIX=jour 1.03786 PREFIX=jou 1.03755 SUFFIX=als 1.02581 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 1.01031 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.84721 FULL_POS=NNS -1.37081 WORDS -2.14294 ] using journals
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other online arg2" "arg1 to relevant online arg2" "arg1 to related online arg2" "arg1 to some full text arg2" "arg1 to many relevant arg2" "arg1 to additional online arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to many full text arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to related sites and arg2" ] using (links, journals)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and alternative medicine arg2" "arg1 and other allied health arg2" "arg1 and other health arg2" "arg1 and allied health arg2" "arg1 or allied health arg2" ] using (nursing, journals)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other online arg2" "arg1 to relevant online arg2" "arg1 to related online arg2" "arg1 to some full text arg2" "arg1 to many relevant arg2" "arg1 to additional online arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to many full text arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to related sites and arg2" ] using (links, journals)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other online arg2" "arg1 to relevant online arg2" "arg1 to related online arg2" "arg1 to some full text arg2" "arg1 to many relevant arg2" "arg1 to additional online arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to many full text arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to related sites and arg2" ] using (links, journals)
CPL @1108 (99.6%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to other online arg2" "arg1 to other legal arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to additional online arg2" "arg1 to many full text arg2" "arg1 to some full text arg2" "arg1 to many relevant arg2" "arg1 to relevant online arg2" ] using (access, journals)