CPL @1108 (51.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "Ski Resorts in _" "National Park area of _" "first flight across _" "high country of _" "hotel west of _" "scenic foothills of _" "sheep are found in _" "mountain scenery of _" "magnificent snow-capped peaks of _" "photographed lake in _" "hiking trails of _" "cool mountain air of _" "western ranges of _" "resort up in _" "continental divide of _" "scenic heart of _" "cave high in _" "rugged peaks of _" "alpine meadows of _" "majestic snow-capped peaks of _" "majestic splendor of _" "mountain ranges of _" "majestic scenery of _" "rugged wilderness of _" "pine found in _" "pristine foothills of _" "majestic natural beauty of _" "spectacular peaks in _" "towns nestled in _" "wild peaks of _" "mountain valleys of _" "beautiful mountains of _" "eastern gateway to _" "Helicopter tour of _" "snowcapped peaks of _" "rugged mountains of _" "spectacular backdrop of _" "mountain pass in _" "snow-capped mountains of _" "winter wilderness of _" "western slope of _" "giant peaks of _" "trips up into _" "alpine country of _" "first road across _" "foothills region of _" "high mountain pass in _" "other peaks in _" "breathtaking backdrop of _" "untamed wilderness of _" "slopes of _" "majestic view of _" "Highest peak in _" "rugged backcountry of _" "Ranges of _" "Alberta , nestled in _" "alpine scenery of _" "mountain landscapes of _" "serrated peaks of _" "stunning peaks of _" "majestic mountains of _" "high altitudes of _" "dramatic backdrop of _" "rivers originating in _" "mountain resort town in _" "mountain ranges like _" "trail high in _" "mountain landscape of _" "He has climbed in _" "pack trip into _" "treks in _" "hiking vacation in _" "foothill of _" "eastern slope of _" "tranquil foothills of _" "snow pack in _" "mountain resort located in _" "majestic peaks of _" "wildflowers found in _" "western range of _" "alpine ascents in _" "beautiful foothills of _" "beautiful wilderness of _" "summers hiking in _" "retreat high in _" "Eastern slopes of _" "western flanks of _" "rugged terrain of _" "scenic hikes in _" "ice climbs in _" "trout streams of _" "rugged slopes of _" "_ provide spectacular scenery" "colorful sights of _" "cycling tours through _" "mountain views of _" "lovely foothills of _" "way high into _" "_ offer breathtaking scenery" "mountain range of _" "mountaineering trip in _" "mountain scenes of _" "natural attractions found in _" "mountain lakes of _" "River rises in _" "many ascents in _" "backpacking trips in _" "tallest peak in _" "west slopes of _" "Front Ranges of _" "Arizona desert to _" "soaring peaks of _" "western slopes of _" "spectacular alpine scenery of _" "headwaters lie in _" "high alpine of _" "_ form the Continental Divide" "main ranges of _" "many lakes in _" "wilderness region in _" "famous views of _" "magnificent backdrop of _" "grand scenery of _" "mountain region of _" "alpine beauty of _" "powder snow of _" "spectacular areas in _" "thrust belt of _" "many peaks in _" "mountain ranges , including _" "breath-taking scenery of _" "Western slope of _" "Mountaineering in _" "ecosystems remaining in _" "river rising in _" "coal-mining town in _" "glacial lakes of _" "eastern base of _" "snowpack in _" "mountain streams of _" "difficult peaks in _" "snow-covered peaks of _" "Alberta side of _" "impressive peaks in _" "_ including Mt" "spectacular wilderness of _" "ski village in _" "beautiful mountain scenery of _" "Climbs of _" "adventure tours in _" "rain shadow of _" "picturesque parts of _" "_ bordering Banff National Park" "stunning mountain views of _" "features panoramic views of _" "alpine meadows in _" "Ski resorts in _" "ice fields of _" "fresh mountain air of _" "snowy slopes of _" "high passes of _" "craggy peaks of _" "great plains to _" "glaciated valleys of _" "foot hills of _" "front range of _" "Bighorn sheep in _" "small mountain community in _" "snowy peaks of _" "snowfields of _" "spectacular heart of _" "magnificent peaks of _" "back country of _" "rail route through _" "popular hikes in _" "spectacular background of _" "photographed peaks in _" "mountain ranges including _" "remote valley of _" "lofty peaks of _" "great peaks of _" "front ranges of _" "spectacular peaks of _" "big peaks of _" "Pass area of _" "location high in _" "Ice Climbing in _" "pure mountain water from _" "east flank of _" "week hiking in _" "spectacular mountain views of _" "first road over _" "winter ascents in _" "National Park is nestled in _" "glaciers in _" "river begins in _" "mountain guiding in _" "adventure holidays in _" "beautiful mountain views of _" "River begins in _" "lake up in _" "mountain caribou in _" "mountain passes through _" "isolated cabin in _" "He has climbed extensively in _" "beautiful drive over _" "foothills of _" "high elevations of _" "eastern foothills of _" "east slope of _" "family camping trip to _" "Eastern seaboard to _" "city nestled against _" "_ form a majestic backdrop" "remote backcountry of _" "trekking in _" "Main Ranges of _" "moraines in _" "mountain water from _" "majestic vista of _" "main divide of _" "stunning backdrop of _" "southern foothills of _" "majestic views of _" "granite peaks of _" "frozen wilderness of _" "high peaks of _" "mountain slopes of _" "higher elevations of _" "major ski resorts in _" "jagged peaks of _" "snow high in _" "sites east of _" "ski tours in _" "second-highest peak in _" "majestic grandeur of _" "northern foothills of _" "small coal-mining town in _" "headwaters are in _" "rafting river in _" "River originates in _" "Eastern foothills of _" "breathtaking mountains of _" "difficult routes in _" "alpine terrain of _" "resorts located throughout _" "eastern slopes of _" "glacier lakes in _" "Pacific slopes of _" "distant peaks of _" "foothills meet _" "scenery is reminiscent of _" "snowcaps of _" "glacial lakes in _" "peaks of _" "main range of _" "towering peaks of _" "several glaciers in _" "alpine lakes of _" "snow-capped peaks of _" "summer expeditions to _" "spectacular mountains of _" "river originates in _" "Springs nestled in _" "breathtaking majesty of _" "first ascents in _" "mountain peaks of _" "train adventure through _" "mountaineering in _" "steep foothills of _" "mountains we call _" "mountain air of _" "remote reaches of _" "awe-inspiring scenery of _" "eastern flank of _" "forested peaks of _" "various peaks in _" "rugged beauty of _" ] using canadian_rockies
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 slopes of arg2" "arg1 patroller in arg2" "arg1 holidays and tours in arg2" "arg1 mountaineering in arg2" "arg1 resorts in arg2" "arg1 resorts throughout arg2" ] using (ski, canadian_rockies)
OE @811 (97.7%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (ski, canadian_rockies)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and winter sports in arg2" "arg1 or snowboarding in arg2" "arg1 and boarding in arg2" "arg1 and snowboarding in arg2" ] using (skiing, canadian_rockies)