CPL @1096 (92.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "soft tissue below _" "other muscles such as _" "inflammation of _" "_ are rather sore" "irritation of _" "muscle groups , such as _" "press targets _" "lower body , including _" "lower body including _" "larger muscles of _" "_ tendon from" "voluntary activation of _" "Gentle stretching of _" "_ tendon tears" "_ is the only muscle" "_ exercise routines" "_ are the primary muscles" "electrical stimulation of _" "muscle groups , including _" "_ tendon inserts" "_ tendon for" "_ tendon above" "_ tendon ruptures" "sore left _" "patella to _" "_ tendon in" "magnetic resonance imaging of _" "medial margin of _" "curls work _" "_ tendon by" "forceful contraction of _" "_ meets the knee" "muscle groups like _" "muscle belly of _" "_ is a powerful muscle" "CT scans of _" "_ femoris muscle" "muscle called _" "lateral head of _" "magnetic stimulation of _" "functional strength of _" "_ tendon rupture" "_ tendon at" "blood flowing through _" "Inflammation of _" "electromyographic activity of _" "blood flow to _" "eccentric contraction of _" "major muscle groups , including _" "paralysis of _" "patient relax _" "posture strengthens _" "sensory neuron in _" "muscle groups include _" "stretch is felt in _" "Press works _" "_ femoris muscles" "exercise isolates _" "muscular attachments of _" "muscular branches to _" "Electrical stimulation to _" "_ tendon with" "exercise stretches _" "injures left _" "muscle groups such as _" "other muscle groups such as _" "involuntary contraction of _" "calcium deposits in _" "forceful contractions of _" "muscles (your _" "_ is the major muscle" "big muscles of _" "powerful contractions of _" "sore right _" "large muscle groups such as _" "reflex relaxation of _" "kneecap to _" "distal attachment of _" "large muscle groups like _" "muscle group such as _" "larger muscles like _" "lateral aspect of _" "_ tendon as" "muscular fatigue in _" "powerful contraction of _" "distal tendon of _" "Trigger points in _" "isometric contractions of _" "_ tendon during" "asana strengthens _" "_ is a large muscle group" "superficial muscles of _" "major muscle groups such as _" "_ ' tendon" "co-contraction of _" "core muscles like _" "outer head of _" "muscle groups including _" "electrical activity of _" "core muscles , including _" "outside of left _" "isolation exercises for _" "fatigability of _" "muscles involved are _" "_ tendon inflammation" "_ tendon attaches" "_ are so sore" "_ tendon injury" "flexion of _" "external muscles of _" "_ is a large muscle" "_ tendon on" "full contraction of _" "_ are muscles" "isometric contraction of _" "major muscle groups including _" "blood vessels in _" "muscle group , such as _" "muscles of _" ] using quadriceps
MBL @941 (93.8%) on 25-jul-2015 [ Promotion of muscle:quadriceps musclelocatedinbodypart bodypart:knee ]
CMC @1111 (99.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=iceps 1.67834 SUFFIX=ceps 1.67802 SUFFIX=eps 1.54501 LASTSUFFIX=iceps 1.06285 LASTSUFFIX=ceps 1.06252 LASTSUFFIX=eps 1.03582 SUFFIX=ps 1.00230 FULL_POS=NNS -0.89595 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.92129 WORDS -3.03381 ] using quadriceps
CPL @1096 (88.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "forceful contraction of _" "_ straighten the knee" "muscle groups such as _" "tendon of _" "_ Kneel on" "Muscles targeted _" "_ femoris muscles" "eccentric contraction of _" "_ femoris muscle" "co-contraction of _" ] using quadriceps
SEAL @125 (87.5%) on 20-jun-2010 [ 123 ] using quadriceps
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" "arg1 muscles of one arg2" "arg1 muscle in the lower arg2" "arg1 tendon in his left arg2" "arg1 muscle of the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his left arg2" "arg1 is to straighten arg2" "arg1 muscles of the upper arg2" "arg1 in his kicking arg2" "arg1 muscles in our arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" ] using (quadriceps, leg)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscle group in arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" ] using (quadriceps, thighs)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" "arg1 muscles of one arg2" "arg1 muscle in the lower arg2" "arg1 tendon in his left arg2" "arg1 muscle of the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his left arg2" "arg1 is to straighten arg2" "arg1 muscles of the upper arg2" "arg1 in his kicking arg2" "arg1 muscles in our arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" ] using (quadriceps, leg)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" "arg1 muscles of one arg2" "arg1 muscle in the lower arg2" "arg1 tendon in his left arg2" "arg1 muscle of the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his left arg2" "arg1 is to straighten arg2" "arg1 muscles of the upper arg2" "arg1 in his kicking arg2" "arg1 muscles in our arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" ] using (quadriceps, leg)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" "arg1 muscles of one arg2" "arg1 muscle in the lower arg2" "arg1 tendon in his left arg2" "arg1 muscle of the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his left arg2" "arg1 is to straighten arg2" "arg1 muscles of the upper arg2" "arg1 in his kicking arg2" "arg1 muscles in our arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" ] using (quadriceps, leg)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 exercise that works arg1" "arg2 exercise for your arg1" "arg2 exercise that targets arg1" ] using (quadriceps, isolation)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 exercise that works arg1" "arg2 exercise for your arg1" "arg2 exercise that targets arg1" ] using (quadriceps, isolation)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 exercise that works arg1" "arg2 exercise for your arg1" "arg2 exercise that targets arg1" ] using (quadriceps, isolation)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscle in his right arg2" "arg1 muscles in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his arg2" "arg1 muscles of one arg2" "arg1 muscle in the lower arg2" "arg1 tendon in his left arg2" "arg1 muscle of the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in the upper arg2" "arg1 muscle in his left arg2" "arg1 is to straighten arg2" "arg1 muscles of the upper arg2" "arg1 in his kicking arg2" "arg1 muscles in our arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 tendon in his arg2" ] using (quadriceps, leg)