MBL @511 (93.8%) on 15-feb-2012 [ Promotion of musicartist:arch_enemy musicartistgenre musicgenre:melodic_death_metal ]
SEAL @170 (75.0%) on 18-nov-2010 [ 12 ] using arch_enemy
CPL @1097 (93.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "el album de _" "death metal bands such as _" "_ 's bassist" "general comments related to _" "Post general comments related to _" "bands like _" "bands , like _" "Bands like _" "recent bands like _" "session guitarist for _" "favourite bands are _" "e-mail Post general comments related to _" "artists such as _" "bands such as _" "additional performances by _" "metal bands such as _" "metal bands like _" "...Excluir Renomear _" "_ 's seventh studio album" "bands , such as _" "_ toured worldwide" "well-known bands like _" "we 've toured with _" "support act to _" "Yesterday by _" "modern bands such as _" "female singers like _" "singers like _" "such bands as _" "vein of early _" "new singer for _" "newer bands like _" "metal bands , such as _" "artists like _" "_ featured music videos" ] using arch_enemy
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 band called arg1" "arg2 in the vein of early arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands as arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" ] using (arch_enemy, melodic_death_metal)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 band called arg1" "arg2 in the vein of early arg1" "arg2 band arg1" "arg2 bands as arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" ] using (arch_enemy, melodic_death_metal)