SEAL @160 (75.0%) on 18-oct-2010 [ 12 ] using deftones
MBL @551 (99.2%) on 19-apr-2012 [ Promotion of musicartist:deftones musicartistgenre musicgenre:metal ]
CPL @1099 (86.2%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "artists such as _" "_ played a secret show" "band toured with _" "informacion que desees de _" "favorite bands include _" "unofficial mobile web fan site for _" "Indigo Girls to _" "such musicians as _" "lyrics performed by _" "label artists like _" "rock bands as _" "favourite bands is _" "major label artists like _" "such bands as _" "_ See albums" "_ upcoming album" "other releases member of _" "famous artists such as _" "favourite band is _" "favorite bands are _" "_ Get the music video" "releases member of _" "_ is an American rock band" "Amazon Tablaturas para guitarra de _" "lyrics are performed by _" "bands like _" "_ ' drummer" "upcoming tour with _" "fav bands are _" "Simple Man by _" "_ meets Radiohead" "_ ' breakthrough album" "they 've toured with _" "such artists as _" "established acts like _" "mobile web fan site for _" "metal bands like _" "successful tours with _" "favourite band are _" "Man Lyrics by _" "artists like _" "many artists , including _" "alternative acts such as _" "road manager of _" "legendary acts as _" "...Excluir Renomear _" "self-titled album , see _" "chart toppers like _" "_ ' last album" "favorite band is _" "opening slot for _" "_ has always been a band" "videos D:DD _" "favorite bands like _" "_ ' fifth album" "_ only played for about" "such legendary acts as _" "entertainers such as _" "que desees de _" "guitarra de _" "web fan site for _" "_ started writing material" "_ ' songs" "contemporary artists such as _" "full videography of _" "bands such as _" "alternative groups such as _" "stylings reminiscent of _" "_ continually updated from around" "rock bands such as _" "_ ' fourth album" "current acts like _" "_ just released a new video" "favourite artists include _" "punk bands like _" "Tablaturas para guitarra de _" "Related videos D:DD _" "music artists booking _" "para guitarra de _" "well-known bands such as _" "American bands like _" "popular bands like _" ] using deftones