CPL @1100 (90.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "year touring with _" "such major artists as _" "_ just released a new album" "_ www .songsplace" "les futures paroles de _" "metal heavy metal cd reviews _" "Maiden meets _" "_ 's new album" "legendary drummer of _" "artists such as _" "_ is a heavy metal band" "_ 's original lineup" "Iron Maiden meets _" "_ have joined the lineup" "Video Music video by _" "...Excluir Renomear _" "Mind lyrics by _" "bands such as early _" "Music video by _" "CD Review album Track listing for _" "recevoir les futures paroles de _" "rock bands such as _" "_ 's breakthrough album" "_ 's later material" "co-headlining tour with _" "opening slot for _" "favorite bands were _" "metal bands like _" "rock akin to _" "such bands as _" "bands such as _" "futures paroles de _" "grooves reminiscent of _" "bands like _" "bands , like _" "musical influences include _" "_ meets Rush" "_ played a good mix" "_ 's first EP" "_ 's seventh album" "in-stock products featuring _" "metal acts like _" "Review album Track listing for _" "_ performed the album" "metal bands such as _" "album Track listing for _" "artists like _" "paroles de _" "_ 's tour manager" "_ had a distinct sound" "_ have always been a band" ] using queensryche
SEAL @210 (96.9%) on 15-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using queensryche
MBL @524 (93.8%) on 05-mar-2012 [ Promotion of musicartist:queensryche musicartistgenre musicgenre:rock ]