SEAL @180 (100.0%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using soul
CMC @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=oul 3.93210 PREFIX=sou 3.88832 LASTPREFIX=sou 2.68959 SUFFIX=ul 2.15976 LASTSUFFIX=oul 1.37177 LASTSUFFIX=ul 1.05660 PREFIX=so 0.91808 FULL_POS=NN -1.09579 CHARS -1.22496 WORDS -1.48271 ] using soul
CPL @1107 (73.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "music ranging from classic _" "jazz , vintage _" "fundamental ground of _" "impressive blend of _" "_ meets reggae" "_ does not become conscious" "_ come not into" "blending elements of _" "blend of psychedelic _" "_ searching during" "album is pure _" "repertoire of classic _" "pioneering blend of _" "raw blend of _" "deep house , deep _" "different genres like _" "_ has grown deep" "_ influenced album" "_ is a golden light" "inner union of _" "groovy blend of _" "funky slice of _" "ska to _" "styles ranging from _" "swing meets _" "_ plodding in" "_ sucking force" "_ has a destination" "inner paths of _" "_ satisfying experience" "_ influenced songs" "_ searching whether" "_ 's true expression" "perfect , converting _" "pop / _" "baptism saves _" "Music ranges from _" "brand of jazzy _" "black music from _" "blues , of _" "black music , from _" "brand of bluesy _" "band swing to _" "smattering of classic _" "jazz than _" "music genre from _" "being is composed of _" "antitoxin of _" "_ was made an offering" "alt rock to _" "blues , southern _" "blues , classic _" "Southern rock with _" "American styles such as _" "_ influences rather than" "touch of old-school _" "spirit of Southern _" "_ departed the body" "_ is the spiritual element" "_ saving station" "rational part of _" "you dance without _" "flame brings _" "gospel , classic _" "funk , classic _" "soul , psychedelic _" "style of southern _" "_ inspired beats" "_ oriented tunes" "Music varies from _" "Chicken Soup for _" "I had done much _" "Broadway tunes to _" "fans of alternative _" "glam rock to _" "genres , like _" "genres as varied as _" "band playing live _" "such genres as _" "sounds of southern _" "_ incarnated within" "_ influences into" "_ meets R&B" "band mixes _" "_ styled vocals" "same time elevating _" "_ is naturally immortal" "jazz to funky _" "immortality of human _" "I 've always been influenced by _" "Soul Chicken Soup for _" "surf music to _" "standards , classic _" "inside , of _" "immortal part of _" "higher aspirations of _" "funk , heavy _" "funk , old _" "slice of future _" "slight tinges of _" "piece of molten _" "spirited mix of _" "_ is the real Self" "_ is exceeding sorrowful" "_ oriented beats" "example of southern _" "repose of _" "pop , urban _" "_ awakens more" "_ doth magnify the Lord" "_ searching questions" "other musical genres such as _" "phaedrus on _" "_ searching trip" "_ suffer tortures" "'dark night of _" "band known for _" "art rock to _" "quote cooking _" "Face , Making _" "It 's straight-up _" "perfected state of _" "rock mixed with _" "pantheon of classic _" "_ singing legend" "_ serves G-d" "_ searching since" "big band swing to _" "band blending _" "_ stirring experience" "contemporary jazz to _" "_ spheres into" "_ stirring stuff" "blend of old-school _" "_ is made wise" "hidden path of _" "haverhill food for _" "music , rooted in _" "doo-wop to _" "indie rock to _" "genres including _" "hip-hop , classic _" "folk to classic _" "truggle for _" "tradition of Southern _" "jazz-rock to _" "mystical marriage between _" "modern mix of _" "sterling silver jewellery with _" "various genres such as _" "_ winning script" "blues to modern _" "_ stirring music" "I listen to classic _" "_ inspired grooves" "_ destroying processes" "_ influenced rock music" "sounds of modern _" "songs mixing _" "take on electronic _" "sound of psychedelic _" "rock , classic _" "country to contemporary _" "brand of catchy _" "hop , to _" "folk ballads to _" "evening of classic _" "forefront of British _" "pop , acoustic _" "roots in classic _" "eternal nature of _" "country , early _" "slice of psychedelic _" "sheen peace of _" "_ allows an experience" "_ has hoped in" "_ destroying if" "genres from _" "embryo have _" "fusion of heavy _" "_ searching time" "_ searching work" "material , classic _" "love for pure _" "respected singer-songwriters in _" "genres outside of _" "various musical genres including _" "free encyclopedia Underground _" "fusion of old-school _" "slick blend of _" "super sounds of _" "human nature means _" "songs blend _" "mental bodies with _" "music genres as _" "rock , indie _" "example of Southern _" "irrational part of _" "fear eats _" "devolved form of _" "dose of electronic _" "ego separated from _" "immortality of _" "divine spark of _" "confession is good for _" "contemporary music such as _" "classic rock to _" "_ proclaims the greatness" "jazz , funky _" "heart , inspire _" "love of original _" "music genres , including _" "_ searching over" "Fusing elements of _" "music including classic _" "left kidney in _" "musical styles from _" "tunes , classic _" "_ crushing job" "_ influenced jazz" "pop meets _" "r&b to _" "parts in little _" "punk to _" "direct perception by _" "album mixes _" "musical mix of _" "_ occupies the body" "music varies from _" "other genres from _" "music genres , such as _" "pop , modern _" "chanson to _" "chill , ambient _" "R&B inspired _" "Combining elements of _" "_ inspired tracks" "It is lifting _" "rock to modern _" "godfathers of _" "indie to _" "genres of modern _" "mysterious secret of _" "_ leaving the body" "country , classic _" "culinary challenged _" "heart , soothe _" "hip-hop , acoustic _" "favourite music is _" "genres of alternative _" "album by American _" "infinite power , for _" "hip-hop to classic _" "fetus have _" "confident reliance on _" "brand of experimental _" "_ is the inner dimension" "_ influenced tracks" "temporary abode for _" ".Music is _" "power pop to _" "noble faculties of _" "natural immortality of _" "musical styles , including _" "blends elements of _" "_ searching question" "pet lover s _" "_ inspired vocals" "dark night of _" "_ searching as" "danceable blend of _" "jazz , soft _" "ballads to upbeat _" "basic manifestation of _" "heyday of classic _" "God rest _" "reggae , to _" "_ incarnates on" "_ be avenged on" "_ has Free Will" "music ranging from _" "funky blend of _" "gap between underground _" "hybrid of American _" "_ inspired melodies" "_ is both spirit" "_ remains unawakened" "_ meets body" "other musical styles , including _" "music genres , from _" "musical integration of _" "album of pure _" "artistas de _" "Soup for _" "Soul to _" "Funk meets _" "rap , alternative _" "plenary indulgence for _" "passion for true _" "Pre-existence of _" "songs range from _" "Jazz to _" "Spiritual food for _" "party band playing _" "new queen of _" "jazz , electronic _" "We play classic _" "high-energy mix of _" "emotional brand of _" "soul , new _" "Spirit is within _" "_ animates the body" "everything from hip-hop to _" "covers of classic _" "_ is immortal" "surf rock to _" "righteousness is revealed in _" "tight blend of _" "tasteful mixture of _" "sound combines _" "country to classical to _" "_ searching research" "_ singing trio" "brand of progressive _" "body inhabited by _" "brand of melodic _" "brand of heavy _" "alternative , classic _" "sounds of Southern _" "souvlaki for _" "rythms with _" "soundtrack of classic _" "soul classic _" "everything from hard-core _" "fan of southern _" "genres ranging from _" "example of psychedelic _" "inner harmony of _" "_ find rejuvenation" "mixture of classic _" "d d favored _" "conscious form of _" "diverse mix of classic _" "radio station playing _" "band specializing in _" "country infused with _" "favorite music is _" "_ searching journey" "reggae , classic _" "it 's indie _" "influence of classic _" "indie-rock to _" "_ searching conversation" "_ searching before" "_ is created immediately by" "_ is the substantial form" "_ healing course" "_ is never bound by" "_ is nephesh" "Genres such as _" "Scar tissue of _" "_ is something strong" "_ leaving a body" "funk , from _" "hip-hop music with _" "off-piste is _" "night of classic _" "Harrison enlisted American _" "various subgenres of _" "_ Add Tag Cancel" "_ characterize the lives" "_ are fundamental sources" "Firmness of _" "_ meets pop" "_ meets funk" "_ influenced rock" "real school of _" "_ destroying work" "man of heavy _" "music genres including _" "original fusion of _" "particular fusion of _" "music with modern _" "music styles , including _" "piece of funky _" "pop , classic _" "pop featuring _" "properties normally associated with _" "more rock than _" "_ searching mission" "music genre such as _" "other genres , such as _" "other genres such as _" "musical genres of _" "music modern _" "occasional elements of _" "jazz , progressive _" "jazzy side of _" "_ gaining enough strength" "_ accepted a life" "mix of bluesy _" "place has so much _" "sound of Southern _" "jazz to classic _" "_ burning black" "genres like _" "healthy injection of _" "transmigration of _" "vampire cursed with _" "Incorporating elements of _" "hop , contemporary _" "_ magnifies the Lord" "_ stirring voice" "album of classic _" "blend of southern _" "_ influenced sound" "Detroit influenced _" "records spanning _" "rock to urban _" "jazz , deep _" "mixture of southern _" "sound of British _" "rock , Southern _" "rock , acoustic _" "music with urban _" "_ meets blues" "gospel tinged _" "musical genres , including _" "infectious blend of _" "musical spectrum from _" "_ meets hip hop" "laughter is to _" "Brevity is _" "I hold not _" "_ searching book" "blend of progressive _" "_ searching if" "music genres such as _" "musical styles including _" "logo merchandise including _" "more jazz than _" "school heavy _" "funk , progressive _" "huge fan of classic _" "_ influenced hip hop" "quest cooking for _" "perfect glory of _" "_ enters the embryo" "funk , jazzy _" "infectious mix of _" "sound incorporates _" "touch of Southern _" "It 's alternative _" "jazz , modern _" "much jazz as _" "hybrid of classic _" "genres range from _" "fusion of American _" "_ is not right within" "_ is potentially divine" "genres , from _" ] using soul
MBL @960 (99.2%) on 23-nov-2015 [ Promotion of musicgenre:soul musicgenressuchasmusicgenres musicgenre:rock ]
CPL @1113 (99.2%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 singers like arg1" "arg2 anthems by arg1" "arg2 singers such as arg1" "arg2 classics by the likes of arg1" "arg2 tune by arg1" "arg2 artists such as arg1" "arg2 artists like arg1" ] using (sam_cooke, soul)
CPL @1113 (96.9%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 singers like arg1" "arg2 artiste arg1" "arg2 revivalists like arg1" "arg2 singers such as arg1" "arg2 acts such as arg1" ] using (amy_winehouse, soul)
CPL @1113 (93.8%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 singers like arg1" "arg2 artists like arg1" "arg2 music by the likes of arg1" "arg2 hits by the likes of arg1" ] using (percy_sledge, soul)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg2 with bands like arg1" "arg2 acts such as arg1" "arg2 acts including arg1" "arg2 sensations arg1" ] using (temptations, soul)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to rock and arg2" "arg1 and indie arg2" ] using (soul, pop)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, pop)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 music and classic arg2" "arg1 music and garage arg2" "arg1 band influenced by arg2" "arg1 music to hard arg2" "arg1 music and psychedelic arg2" "arg1 inspired indie arg2" "arg1 and smooth soft arg2" "arg1 music and indie arg2" ] using (soul, rock)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, soul)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, soul)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, soul)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 music and classic arg2" "arg1 music and garage arg2" "arg1 band influenced by arg2" "arg1 music to hard arg2" "arg1 music and psychedelic arg2" "arg1 inspired indie arg2" "arg1 and smooth soft arg2" "arg1 music and indie arg2" ] using (soul, rock)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, soul)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to rock and arg2" "arg1 and indie arg2" ] using (soul, pop)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:relatedto,concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~_z-concept:musicartist~specializations,concept:musicartistgenre" "Y~X0~concept:musicgenreartist,concept:musicartistgenre" ] using (soul, pop)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 what was taking arg1" "arg2 for communication to take arg1" "arg2 of the action takes arg1" ] using (place, soul)
CPL @1112 (98.4%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Orleans is my arg2" "arg1 York is my arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" ] using (new, soul)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Orleans is my arg2" "arg1 York is my arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" ] using (new, soul)