CPL @1100 (87.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "many musicians including _" "piano works by _" "Music composed by _" "piano pieces by _" "_ 's Symphony No." "orchestra written by _" "_ 's Sonata No." "_ was a composer" "late music of _" "musicians such as _" "late works of _" "_ 's piano music" "sonatas of _" "piano music of _" "keyboard music of _" "classical composers such as _" "pupils included _" "piece is composed by _" "sonata written by _" "_ 's Prelude" "piano sonatas by _" "sonatas by _" "complete sonatas of _" "orchestral music by _" "composer named _" "composers like _" "_ 's symphonic poem" "piano works of _" "composers , including _" "_ 's solo piano music" "composers , such as _" "_ 's Piano Concerto" "_ 's Third Symphony" "Compositions by _" "_ 's later symphonies" "corresponding piece by _" "_ was a Russian composer" "_ 's piano concertos" "_ 's compositional style" "solo piano music of _" "composers such as _" ] using alexander_scriabin
SEAL @247 (93.8%) on 10-may-2011 [ 1234 ] using alexander_scriabin
CMC @1048 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=in 2.25972 PREFIX=al 1.83221 PREFIX=ale 1.34559 FULL_POS=NN_NN 0.99698 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.94461 PREFIX=alexa 0.88200 PREFIX=alex 0.88142 CHARS -0.39207 POS=NN -0.53533 WORDS -4.35452 ] using alexander_scriabin
MBL @1019 (96.9%) on 10-oct-2016 [ Promotion of musician:alexander_scriabin musicianplaysinstrument musicinstrument:piano ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sonatas by arg1" "arg2 Sonatas of arg1" "arg2 sonatas of arg1" "arg2 pieces by arg1" ] using (alexander_scriabin, piano)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sonatas by arg1" "arg2 Sonatas of arg1" "arg2 sonatas of arg1" "arg2 pieces by arg1" ] using (alexander_scriabin, piano)