CPL @1109 (74.4%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "crowd assembled for _" "Club following _" "It was wonderful _" "_ held Monday" "Wednesday held _" "_ held last Wednesday" "_ was held that day" "_ has been scheduled on" "_ is being held Tuesday" "Business held _" "reporters after _" "_ was held this week" "today held _" "_ was held last summer" "_ was held before" "Committee held _" "_ be held on" "need not be present at _" "_ is scheduled Oct." "_ is scheduled Tuesday" "week held _" "_ was held on" "_ was held Thursday morning" "Authority held _" "_ was held this morning" "_ was held the next day" "_ was held there on" "_ was held last week" "caucus held _" "_ held Thursday" "_ was held last month" "Department has scheduled _" "local residents attended _" "_ is tomorrow at" "_ is scheduled Monday" "yesterday held _" "administrators held _" "legislature held _" "Tuesday held _" "_ was held several weeks" "date set for _" "_ is scheduled June" "officials have scheduled _" "observers attended _" "state officials held _" "_ was tentatively set for" "Company attended _" "_ was held Thursday night" "_ held August" "_ is scheduled Aug." "_ is scheduled Friday" "_ held today" "parties attended _" "_ held last Friday" "Association attended _" "_ held this week" "Association , attended _" "agency held _" "_ is scheduled Feb." "_ was tentatively planned for" "public attended _" "delegates held _" "_ is scheduled next week" "Due notice of _" "_ was held the same day" "committee holds _" "_ is planned next week" "_ is being held today" ] using memorial_service