CPL @1105 (93.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ 's next film" "_ 's famous movie" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ 's classic movie" "optional commentary from _" "horror film directed by _" "_ 's upcoming film" "favorite director is _" "_ 's second film" "_ 's box office track record" "film is directed by _" "motion picture directed by _" "_ has well-honed powers" "famous directors such as _" "optional commentary by _" "others is difficult for _" "_ is directing the pic" "_ 's classic tale" "_ is the perfect director" "astrological interpretation of _" "black comedy directed by _" "_ There are fewer" "such directors as _" "directors like _" "_ thinks a great deal" "action movie directed by _" "masterpiece directed by _" "Executive produced by _" "regia di _" "new movie directed by _" "more video featuring _" "commercial directed by _" "it 's directed by _" "movie is being directed by _" "movies directed by _" "executive produced by _" "biopic directed by _" "_ Writing Credits" "book , directed by _" "Hollywood greats like _" "series , directed by _" "Men , directed by _" "_ 's Characters View" "film , directed by _" "such filmmakers as _" "filmmaker like _" "_ has a gambling instinct" "_ 's epic film" "version directed by _" "version , directed by _" "movie is directed by _" "film directed by _" "_ desires a deep" "It was directed by _" "action film directed by _" "film adaptation directed by _" "View quotes by _" "film director named _" "drama directed by _" "science fiction film directed by _" "It 's directed by _" "Studios , directed by _" "flick directed by _" "same name directed by _" "_ 's new flick" "movie directed by _" "_ 's feature debut" "film directors such as _" "man named _" "_ 's new film" "_ directed this movie" "original film , directed by _" "sequel directed by _" "_ is directing from" "name directed by _" "story directed by _" "show directed by _" "_ was not the only choice" "fiction film directed by _" "directorial debut by _" "picture directed by _" "it was directed by _" "tale directed by _" "American film directed by _" "Category :Films directed by _" "_ 's gossips" "Hollywood icons such as _" "directors such as _" "movies were directed by _" "classic directed by _" "_ 's Oscar-winning film" "successful film by _" "_ 's other movies" "Film directed by _" "epic directed by _" "film is being directed by _" "_ becomes very irritable" ":Films directed by _" "filmmakers such as _" "film directors like _" "_ 's original cut" "feature film directed by _" "such talent as _" "directing by _" "comedy directed by _" "new film by _" "_ 's war epic" "films directed by _" "movie was directed by _" "_ directs this tale" "_ directed movie" "Movie stills of _" "_ directed film" "new film directed by _" "franchise directed by _" "film was directed by _" "_ is a great director" "_ is a fantastic director" "_ is a great filmmaker" "top directors like _" "_ 's new movie" "Movies directed by _" "video , directed by _" "_ s new film" "novel , directed by _" "thriller , directed by _" "thriller directed by _" "film is being produced by _" "video directed by _" "it ’s directed by _" "adventure film directed by _" "adaptation directed by _" "ad directed by _" "crime drama directed by _" "_ directed drama" "_ 's directorial debut" "story , directed by _" "movie , directed by _" "_ often becomes nervous" "video was directed by _" "production directed by _" "spot directed by _" "_ 's epic drama" "_ 's last film" "_ 's debut feature" "_ is a good director" "drama film directed by _" "_ overdoes the festivities" ] using ridley_scott
CMC @911 (100.0%) on 07-mar-2015 [ LASTSUFFIX=tt 2.11610 SUFFIX=tt 1.66534 SUFFIX=ey 1.40715 SUFFIX=cott 0.97781 FULL_POS=NN_NN 0.89304 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.74857 PREFIX=scot 0.68969 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.23472 WORDS -1.33684 CHARS -2.76734 ] using ridley_scott