OE @809 (88.6%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using justin_long
SEAL @215 (100.0%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345678910111213 ] using justin_long
CMC @937 (100.0%) on 05-jul-2015 [ POS=RB 5.85163 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.89483 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.60740 PREFIX=ju 1.37212 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.02548 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.96380 FULL_WORDSHAPE=axa 0.95893 PREFIX=lo -0.27452 CHARS -3.04173 WORDS -5.41120 ] using justin_long
CPL @1104 (96.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "sidekick , played by _" "_ plays Alex" "_ is an American actor" "_ lead the cast" "II starring _" "Dean , played by _" "boyfriend , played by _" "movie starring _" "breakout role for _" "characters , played by _" "cameo by _" "_ does a great turn" "_ is a great actor" "_ plays Robin" "Voice cast includes _" "cast also includes _" "He 's played by _" "Other cast members included _" "Alex , played by _" "actors like _" "_ plays Maggie" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "recent split from _" "show stars _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "_ does a cameo" "(voice by _" "cast members , including _" "cast includes _" "_ 's film debut" "DVD starring _" "he is voiced by _" "other celebrities like _" "new movie starring _" "_ is perfect casting" "_ plays Mac" "voices were provided by _" "dettagliata di _" "You , starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "name actors such as _" "movie is played by _" "_ plays a guy" "leader played by _" "ads starring _" "adventure starring _" "character played by _" "film , played by _" "cast including _" "hilarious cameo by _" "friend , played by _" "voice talents of _" "celebrities like _" "feature film starring _" "actor named _" "_ played George" "stars include _" "great cameos from _" "_ plays George" "it stars _" "lead character played by _" "cast members included _" "guy , played by _" "_ provides the voice" "_ gets Punkd" "actors such as _" "scene stealer is _" "comedy starring _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "star cast including _" "short film starring _" "_ stars as" "film starring _" "films , starring _" "ensemble cast including _" "(voice of _" "guest stars , including _" ] using justin_long
CMC @886 (100.0%) on 11-nov-2014 [ POS=RB 4.79405 PREFIX=ju 2.04257 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 2.03668 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.95381 LASTSUFFIX=ng 1.31152 LASTPREFIX=lo 1.09688 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.04324 WORDS -0.42772 PREFIX=lo -0.81644 CHARS -2.19867 ] using justin_long
CPL @1114 (87.1%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "sidekick , played by _" "_ plays Alex" "_ is an American actor" "_ lead the cast" "II starring _" "boyfriend , played by _" "movie starring _" "breakout role for _" "_ does a great turn" "_ is a great actor" "Voice cast includes _" "cast also includes _" "He 's played by _" "Other cast members included _" "Alex , played by _" "actors like _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "show stars _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "_ does a cameo" "cast members , including _" "cast includes _" "DVD starring _" "he is voiced by _" "other celebrities like _" "new movie starring _" "_ plays Mac" "dettagliata di _" "You , starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "name actors such as _" "movie is played by _" "talented performers like _" "_ plays a guy" "character played by _" "film , played by _" "cast including _" "friend , played by _" "voice talents of _" "celebrities like _" "feature film starring _" "actor named _" "_ played George" "stars include _" "_ plays George" "it stars _" "lead character played by _" "cast members included _" "guy , played by _" "_ gets Punkd" "comedy starring _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "star cast including _" "short film starring _" "_ stars as" "film starring _" "films , starring _" "ensemble cast including _" "guest stars , including _" "supporting role by _" ] using justin_long
MBL @1116 (99.6%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of actor:justin_long hasspouse actor:drew_barrymore ] using concept:actor:justin_long
CPL @1112 (93.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "sidekick , played by _" "II starring _" "boyfriend , played by _" "characters , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "Voice cast includes _" "cast also includes _" "He 's played by _" "Other cast members included _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "(voice by _" "DVD starring _" "he is voiced by _" "other celebrities like _" "new movie starring _" "dettagliata di _" "You , starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "name actors such as _" "movie is played by _" "leader played by _" "ads starring _" "film , played by _" "cast including _" "hilarious cameo by _" "friend , played by _" "voice talents of _" "feature film starring _" "lead character played by _" "people like _" "comedy starring _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "star cast including _" "_ stars as" "film starring _" "ensemble cast including _" ] using justin_long
SEAL @132 (87.5%) on 23-jul-2010 [ 123 ] using justin_long
SEAL @222 (72.2%) on 20-mar-2011 [ 1234567 ] using justin_long
CPL @1105 (94.1%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "sidekick , played by _" "_ is an American actor" "_ lead the cast" "boyfriend , played by _" "movie starring _" "breakout role for _" "characters , played by _" "_ does a great turn" "_ is a great actor" "Voice cast includes _" "cast also includes _" "He 's played by _" "Other cast members included _" "Alex , played by _" "actors like _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "(voice by _" "cast members , including _" "cast includes _" "_ 's film debut" "DVD starring _" "he is voiced by _" "new movie starring _" "You , starring _" "name actors such as _" "movie is played by _" "_ plays a guy" "leader played by _" "ads starring _" "adventure starring _" "character played by _" "film , played by _" "cast including _" "hilarious cameo by _" "friend , played by _" "voice talents of _" "feature film starring _" "actor named _" "_ played George" "robber played by _" "great cameos from _" "_ plays George" "it stars _" "lead character played by _" "cast members included _" "guy , played by _" "_ provides the voice" "comedy starring _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "star cast including _" "short film starring _" "_ stars as" "film starring _" "ensemble cast including _" "(voice of _" "guest stars , including _" "supporting role by _" ] using justin_long
CMC @1052 (99.9%) on 23-apr-2017 [ POS=RB 5.66876 SUFFIX=ustin 2.10202 SUFFIX=in 1.58789 LASTSUFFIX=ng 1.15947 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.12307 FIRST_WORD=justin 1.03393 SUFFIX=stin 1.03072 PREFIX=lo -1.11407 CHARS -5.50946 WORDS -5.87623 ] using justin_long
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey