MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of personnorthamerica:mr_bush hasfamilymember personus:laura_bush ] using concept:personnorthamerica:mr_bush
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of personus:laura_bush hasfamilymember personnorthamerica:mr_bush ] using concept:personus:laura_bush
CPL @1115 (69.2%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ 's inauguration speech" "_ 's running mate" "_ 's natal Mars" "_ is re-elected" "first debate against _" "_ 's military records" "approval rating than _" "security adviser under _" "_ 's own Republican Party" "_ 's brother Jeb" "former White House aide to _" "_ 's Democratic rival" "_ 's Democratic opponents" "presidential library of _" "shoes hurled at _" "_ is still President" "_ 's former press secretary" "_ has left the White House" "_ 's top aides" "_ 's wife Laura" "_ 's first term" "_ was governor" "_ 's interior secretary" "_ 's political rise" "_ lost by about" "_ told Americans" "_ won the popular vote" "second debate between _" "_ visits India" "legislator like _" "_ 's acceptance speech" "_ 's fellow Republican" "_ 's foreign-policy team" "_ 's faith-based initiative" "_ 's Iraq war" "_ 's former speech writer" "_ 's tax cut plan" "_ beat John Kerry" "_ 's troop increase" "House meeting with _" "_ 's inauguration last week" "_ 's Iraq strategy" "_ used the speech" "approval ratings than _" "_ had signed an executive order" "_ 's Oval Office" "_ 's National Guard service" "_ won Montana" "_ 's national security team" "_ 's war policy" "House aide to _" "_ 's approval ratings" "_ leaves the White House" "_ became the first US president" "_ 's tax cuts" "_ 's second term" "_ 's planned war" "_ 's top political adviser" "impeachment of _" "_ is inaugurated for" "_ is a sincere Christian" "Blair persuaded _" "president like _" "_ is a lame duck president" "Act , signed by _" "_ 's poll ratings" "_ 's overall approval rating" "_ 's political career" "_ 's inaugural address" "presidential debate between _" "_ was the first US president" "former deputy assistant to _" "_ 's second inauguration" "_ 's re-election chances" "_ 's presidential candidacy" "_ addressed Congress" "Gore conceded to _" "_ ran stronger" "_ 's popularity ratings" "national security adviser to _" "deputy national security adviser to _" "_ 's presidency" "_ 's defence secretary" "_ 's chief political strategist" "_ 's Democratic challenger" "lower approval ratings than _" "_ 's deputy national security adviser" "_ 's Texas ranch" "_ signed a directive" "_ remains president" "_ first took office" "_ 's economic team" "_ 's inauguration address" "White House aide to _" "_ 's Iraq policy" "more voted for _" "veto threat from _" "voters went for _" "John McCain attacked _" "_ 's DD-minute speech" "_ 's illegal wars" "_ 's energy secretary" "_ 's New World Order" "Kerry leads _" "_ 's foreign policy advisers" "_ 's Iraq policies" "_ 's campaign manager" "_ 's executive orders" "_ 's Presidency" "_ announced the surge" "_ 's personal lawyer" "_ left office" "_ is still president" "_ lost the popular vote" "_ 's troop surge" "_ 's Freedom Agenda" "_ inherited a budget surplus" "_ 's Republican rival" "_ 's chief political adviser" "American foreign policy under _" "_ entered the White House" "_ was the first US President" "_ is not the first president" "_ called the inauguration" "_ 's impeachment" "_ 's steel tariffs" "_ 's national security adviser" "_ 's approval rating" "_ 's stump speeches" "_ 's White House" "sentences commuted by _" "_ defeated John Kerry" "trade representative under _" "_ signed the legislation" "_ 's remarks last night" "_ took office" "_ 's judicial nominees" "_ 's re-election campaign" "security adviser to _" "_ announced the invasion" "_ leaves office" "_ was not President" "_ won the debate" "_ signed the Military Commissions Act" "_ told the Iraqi people" "_ 's speech yesterday" "_ 's Iraq invasion" "_ is still the president" "_ wins a second term" "_ 's administration" "_ 's National Security Adviser" "_ 's second administration" "American officials including _" "_ 's first presidency" "_ 's farewell address" "_ had no foreign policy experience" "_ has said America" "_ 's treasury secretary" "_ misled the country" "White House meeting with _" "_ 's secret order" "_ signed an executive order" "_ 's core supporters" "McCain attacked _" "_ 's campaign staff" "_ 's transition team" "_ 's inauguration day" "lower approval rating than _" "_ 's chief speechwriter" "_ 's commutation" "national security adviser under _" "_ has been governor" ] using mr_bush
CMC @1113 (100.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ush 6.88124 LASTPREFIX=bus 5.28088 LASTPREFIX=bu 3.81300 LASTSUFFIX=sh 3.69998 SUFFIX=ush 3.66008 PREFIX=bus 2.49294 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.10496 CHARS -2.52711 LAST_WORD=bush -5.85081 WORDS -6.50464 ] using mr_bush
CPL @1115 (57.0%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ 's running mate" "_ 's grandfather Prescott Bush" "_ 's natal Mars" "_ is re-elected" "first debate against _" "_ 's military records" "approval rating than _" "security adviser under _" "_ 's own Republican Party" "_ 's brother Jeb" "former White House aide to _" "_ 's Democratic rival" "_ 's Democratic opponents" "_ 's brother Jeb Bush" "presidential library of _" "shoes hurled at _" "_ is still President" "_ 's former press secretary" "_ has left the White House" "_ 's wife Laura" "_ was governor" "_ won the popular vote" "second debate between _" "_ 's fellow Republican" "_ 's faith-based initiative" "_ 's Iraq war" "_ 's former speech writer" "_ 's tax cut plan" "_ beat John Kerry" "_ 's troop increase" "_ 's Iraq strategy" "approval ratings than _" "_ had signed an executive order" "_ 's National Guard service" "House aide to _" "_ 's approval ratings" "_ leaves the White House" "_ became the first US president" "_ 's tax cuts" "_ 's second term" "_ 's top political adviser" "_ is inaugurated for" "Blair persuaded _" "_ is a lame duck president" "Act , signed by _" "_ 's overall approval rating" "presidential debate between _" "_ was the first US president" "former deputy assistant to _" "_ 's second inauguration" "_ 's presidential candidacy" "_ addressed Congress" "Gore conceded to _" "he was campaigning against _" "_ 's popularity ratings" "national security adviser to _" "deputy national security adviser to _" "_ 's chief political strategist" "_ 's Democratic challenger" "lower approval ratings than _" "_ 's deputy national security adviser" "_ 's Texas ranch" "_ later joked about" "_ first took office" "White House aide to _" "_ 's Iraq policy" "more voted for _" "John McCain attacked _" "_ 's New World Order" "_ was Governor" "_ 's Iraq policies" "_ 's campaign manager" "_ 's re-election" "homeland security adviser to _" "_ 's Presidency" "_ announced the surge" "_ 's personal lawyer" "_ is no patriot" "_ is an honorable man" "_ is still president" "_ lost the popular vote" "_ 's troop surge" "_ 's Freedom Agenda" "_ inherited a budget surplus" "_ 's chief political adviser" "_ entered the White House" "_ was the first US President" "_ is not the first president" "_ 's impeachment" "_ 's national security adviser" "_ 's White House" "_ defeated John Kerry" "trade representative under _" "_ 's remarks last night" "_ 's judicial nominees" "security adviser to _" "_ announced the invasion" "_ leaves office" "_ was not President" "_ signed the Military Commissions Act" "_ is still the president" "_ 's National Security Adviser" "_ 's second administration" "American officials including _" "_ 's farewell address" "_ had no foreign policy experience" "_ 's secret order" "_ won a second term" "lower approval rating than _" "_ 's chief speechwriter" "_ 's commutation" "national security adviser under _" "_ has been governor" ] using mr_bush
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and US Secretary of State arg1" "arg2 and Secretary of State arg1" "arg2 said Secretary of State arg1" "arg2 and National Security Adviser arg1" ] using (condoleezza_rice, mr_bush)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to leave the White arg2" "arg1 was in the White arg2" "arg1 entered the White arg2" "arg1 will leave the White arg2" "arg1 has left the White arg2" "arg1 moved into the White arg2" "arg1 occupies the White arg2" "arg1 said at the White arg2" "arg1 leaves the White arg2" ] using (mr_bush, house)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)
CPL @1109 (99.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is President of the United arg2" "arg1 as President of the United arg2" "arg1 also said the United arg2" "arg1 made clear that the United arg2" "arg1 insisted the United arg2" "arg1 said that the United arg2" "arg1 is president of the United arg2" "arg1 said the United arg2" "arg1 also announced that the United arg2" ] using (mr_bush, states)