Human feedback from bkisiel @768 on 09-sep-2013 [ "patrick_swayze generalizations personcanada", Action=(+personus) (from NELL.08m.768.SSFeedback.csv) ] using patrick_swayze
CPL @1111 (75.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "People feature on _" "Dawn starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "young man played by _" "_ stars as" "veteran played by _" "adventure , starring _" "Walters interview with _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "_ Find rare images" "Dog starring _" "owner played by _" "drama film starring _" "film starred _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "starring opposite _" "major film starring _" "It also stars _" "picture starring _" "_ inhabits the role" "part made famous by _" "film stars _" "_ told Barbara Walters" "VHS films starring _" "House , starring _" "_ 's upcoming film" "lead role alongside _" "he starred alongside _" "_ plays a ghost" "comedy starring _" "version stars _" "_ 's last film" "favorite actor is _" "_ heads the ticket" "he co-starred opposite _" "all-star cast includes _" "movie starred _" "television series starring _" "man played by _" "main character played by _" "_ has pneumonia" "agent , played by _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ 's new film" "VHS featuring _" "She also starred opposite _" "movie trailers featuring _" "movie , also starring _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "life-size cardboard cutout of _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "motion picture starring _" "war drama starring _" "she starred opposite _" "blockbuster starring _" "U.S. named _" "films starring _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "Award-winning film starring _" "Academy Award-winning film starring _" "Thriller , starring _" "All-star cast includes _" "co-starring role opposite _" "role made famous by _" "romantic drama starring _" "Picture Archives for _" "sequel starring _" "It starred _" "_ Do a love match" "_ Get PEOPLE" "drama starring _" "he stars alongside _" "Barbara Walters interview with _" "Comedy , starring _" "Hollywood blockbuster starring _" "extraordinary cast includes _" "Dawn , starring _" "co-starring with _" "movie staring _" "she starred with _" "favourite actor is _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "_ 's Charity Work" "_ is a great actor" "SNL skit with _" "role originated by _" "movie , starring _" "celebrities including _" "_ was an amazing actor" "movies starring _" "comedy , starring _" "film starring _" "favorite actor was _" "well-known actors like _" "movie , directed by _" "physical compatibility with _" "she appeared opposite _" "Dog , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "major motion picture starring _" ] using patrick_swayze
SEAL @742 (100.0%) on 15-jun-2013 [ 12345678910111213 ] using patrick_swayze
CMC @1061 (100.0%) on 28-may-2017 [ SUFFIX=ick 2.74345 SUFFIX=ck 2.36311 POS=NN 2.04718 SUFFIX=trick 1.32096 PREFIX=patri 1.15263 PREFIX=patr 1.13495 FIRST_WORD=patrick 1.04143 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.14747 CHARS -2.89317 WORDS -4.12926 ] using patrick_swayze
CPL @1111 (91.4%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "cameo by _" "Cast includes _" "People feature on _" "_ quotes at" "characters played by _" "celebs like _" "show stars _" "Perfect People feature on _" "young man played by _" "_ stars as" "veteran played by _" "adventure , starring _" "brilliant performance from _" "world important to _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "cast includes _" "_ has reportedly checked into" "_ Find rare images" "Dog starring _" "owner played by _" "Anything starring _" "drama film starring _" "bit part by _" "_ want curls" "_ plays the lead" "film starred _" "mini-series starring _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Bond film starring _" "actors such as _" "robbers led by _" "she acted alongside _" "starring opposite _" "major film starring _" "love story starring _" "series starring _" "series stars _" "_ was perfectly cast as" "DD+ photos of _" "It also stars _" "picture starring _" "_ inhabits the role" "part made famous by _" "man was played by _" "film stars _" "Celebrities such as _" "it looks so natural _" "actors named _" "actors including _" "VHS films starring _" "Hood , starring _" "House , starring _" "House starring _" "_ is a good actor" "stars included _" "lead role alongside _" "movie starring _" "he starred alongside _" "voice talents of _" "_ plays a ghost" "comedy starring _" "version stars _" "new drama starring _" "cast including _" "Wonderland starring _" "original movie starred _" "fantasy film starring _" "favorite actor is _" "_ plays a man" "criminal played by _" "he co-starred opposite _" "all-star cast includes _" "miniseries starring _" "other celebrities such as _" "movie starred _" "television series starring _" "it stars _" "man played by _" "_ deserve this star" "main character played by _" "classic film starring _" "acting career of _" "agent , played by _" "upcoming movie starring _" "stars like _" "VHS featuring _" "agent opposite _" "_ also stars as" "several celebrities including _" "She also starred opposite _" "Oscar-winning film starring _" "_ 's character Sam" "trailers featuring _" "Wonderland , starring _" "Max , played by _" "big stars , like _" "movie trailers featuring _" "it is starring _" "movie , also starring _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "character played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "driver played by _" "celebrities such as _" "motion picture starring _" "war drama starring _" "she starred opposite _" "blockbuster starring _" "queen played by _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "role opposite _" "films starring _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "Award-winning film starring _" "Academy Award-winning film starring _" "Thriller , starring _" "All-star cast includes _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "role made famous by _" "romantic drama starring _" "role immortalized by _" "Picture Archives for _" "Stars such as _" "DVD starring _" "sequel starring _" "It starred _" "_ was a good actor" "_ Do a love match" "teacher played by _" "_ Get PEOPLE" "House stars _" "_ heads the cast" "drama starring _" "_ stars alongside" "_ starred as" "he stars alongside _" "rare images of _" "actors like _" "movie stars _" "leader , played by _" "comedy-drama starring _" "role originally played by _" "Comedy , starring _" "extraordinary cast includes _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "co-starring with _" "cast include _" "Publicist says _" "John , played by _" "_ 's birth chart" "Dance starring _" "_ enlarge Web" "_ is an American actor" "movie posters with _" "movie staring _" "_ were offered the role" "celebrity crush is _" "original movie starring _" "Sam , played by _" "Beast , starring _" "Dragon , starring _" "_ was an American actress" "she starred with _" "many celebrities , including _" "drama series starring _" "favourite actor is _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "celebrities like _" "_ was convincing as" "_ 's Charity Work" "Johnny , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "SNL skit with _" "Jack played by _" "role originated by _" "movie , starring _" "celebrities including _" "cast , led by _" "_ was an amazing actor" "_ also turns in" "TV movies starring _" "love match with _" "movies starring _" "comedy , starring _" "it starred _" "film starring _" "favorite actor was _" "well-known actors like _" "Dance , starring _" "available photos of _" "_ was a wonderful actor" "physical compatibility with _" "_ played Charles" "Scott played by _" "Rose , starring _" "_ is also convincing as" "stars such as _" "she appeared opposite _" "Dog , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "major motion picture starring _" ] using patrick_swayze
SEAL @175 (87.5%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using patrick_swayze
CMC @928 (100.0%) on 26-may-2015 [ POS=NN 2.93275 SUFFIX=ick 1.49839 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.36547 PREFIX=patri 1.16911 PREFIX=patr 1.14556 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.07160 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.02548 SUFFIX=ze -0.14824 CHARS -3.87129 WORDS -5.41120 ] using patrick_swayze
CPL @1108 (91.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "Cast includes _" "People feature on _" "celebs like _" "show stars _" "Perfect People feature on _" "young man played by _" "_ stars as" "adventure , starring _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "cast includes _" "_ Find rare images" "Dog starring _" "owner played by _" "drama film starring _" "_ want curls" "_ plays the lead" "film starred _" "mini-series starring _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Bond film starring _" "she acted alongside _" "starring opposite _" "major film starring _" "love story starring _" "series starring _" "series stars _" "_ was perfectly cast as" "It also stars _" "picture starring _" "_ inhabits the role" "_ lookalike from" "part made famous by _" "film stars _" "Celebrities such as _" "actors including _" "VHS films starring _" "Hood , starring _" "House , starring _" "House starring _" "_ 's upcoming film" "_ is a good actor" "stars included _" "lead role alongside _" "movie starring _" "he starred alongside _" "voice talents of _" "_ plays a ghost" "comedy starring _" "version stars _" "new drama starring _" "cast including _" "original movie starred _" "fantasy film starring _" "favorite actor is _" "_ plays a man" "criminal played by _" "he co-starred opposite _" "all-star cast includes _" "miniseries starring _" "other celebrities such as _" "movie starred _" "television series starring _" "it stars _" "man played by _" "main character played by _" "classic film starring _" "agent , played by _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ 's new film" "stars like _" "VHS featuring _" "_ also stars as" "several celebrities including _" "She also starred opposite _" "trailers featuring _" "Wonderland , starring _" "Max , played by _" "big stars , like _" "movie trailers featuring _" "movie , also starring _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "character played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "driver played by _" "celebrities such as _" "motion picture starring _" "war drama starring _" "she starred opposite _" "blockbuster starring _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "role opposite _" "films starring _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "Award-winning film starring _" "Academy Award-winning film starring _" "Thriller , starring _" "All-star cast includes _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "role made famous by _" "romantic drama starring _" "Picture Archives for _" "DVD starring _" "sequel starring _" "It starred _" "_ Do a love match" "teacher played by _" "_ Get PEOPLE" "_ heads the cast" "drama starring _" "he stars alongside _" "rare images of _" "actors like _" "movie stars _" "leader , played by _" "comedy-drama starring _" "role originally played by _" "Comedy , starring _" "Hollywood blockbuster starring _" "extraordinary cast includes _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "co-starring with _" "cast include _" "Publicist says _" "John , played by _" "_ 's birth chart" "Dance starring _" "_ is an American actor" "movie posters with _" "movie staring _" "celebrity crush is _" "original movie starring _" "celebrities , including _" "Sam , played by _" "Dragon , starring _" "_ was an American actress" "she starred with _" "many celebrities , including _" "drama series starring _" "favourite actor is _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "celebrities like _" "_ 's Charity Work" "Johnny , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "SNL skit with _" "Jack played by _" "role originated by _" "movie , starring _" "celebrities including _" "cast , led by _" "_ was an amazing actor" "TV movies starring _" "love match with _" "movies starring _" "comedy , starring _" "it starred _" "film starring _" "favorite actor was _" "well-known actors like _" "Dance , starring _" "available photos of _" "physical compatibility with _" "Scott played by _" "Rose , starring _" "Crush On _" "she appeared opposite _" "Dog , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "major motion picture starring _" ] using patrick_swayze
CMC @895 (100.0%) on 10-jan-2015 [ SUFFIX=ick 1.80778 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.74625 PREFIX=patri 1.53090 PREFIX=patr 1.43913 SUFFIX=ck 1.36592 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.35779 PREFIX=pat 1.33866 POS=NN -0.11699 WORDS -0.42772 CHARS -2.79831 ] using patrick_swayze
SEAL @199 (98.4%) on 07-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using patrick_swayze
CMC @974 (99.9%) on 27-jan-2016 [ SUFFIX=ick 2.68635 POS=NN 2.45775 PREFIX=patri 2.01327 PREFIX=pat 1.97994 PREFIX=patr 1.95026 SUFFIX=ck 1.83417 SUFFIX=trick 1.40506 PREFIX=sw -0.64434 WORDS -5.87623 CHARS -7.01204 ] using patrick_swayze
CPL @1116 (84.9%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "People feature on _" "Dawn starring _" "_ 's iconic role" "Perfect People feature on _" "young man played by _" "_ stars as" "smash starring _" "veteran played by _" "adventure , starring _" "world important to _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "cast includes _" "Dog starring _" "owner played by _" "_ is a famous actor" "drama film starring _" "bit part by _" "film starred _" "mini-series starring _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Bond film starring _" "starring opposite _" "love story starring _" "series starring _" "It also stars _" "picture starring _" "_ inhabits the role" "part made famous by _" "man was played by _" "film stars _" "actors named _" "VHS films starring _" "Hood , starring _" "House , starring _" "_ 's upcoming film" "stars included _" "lead role alongside _" "movie starring _" "he starred alongside _" "voice talents of _" "comedy starring _" "version stars _" "new drama starring _" "cast including _" "_ 's last film" "original movie starred _" "favorite actor is _" "_ plays a man" "criminal played by _" "he co-starred opposite _" "all-star cast includes _" "miniseries starring _" "movie starred _" "television series starring _" "it stars _" "man played by _" "_ deserve this star" "main character played by _" "classic film starring _" "acting career of _" "agent , played by _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ 's new film" "VHS featuring _" "_ also stars as" "several celebrities including _" "She also starred opposite _" "_ 's first films" "Max , played by _" "big stars , like _" "movie trailers featuring _" "movie , also starring _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "character played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "driver played by _" "motion picture starring _" "war drama starring _" "she starred opposite _" "blockbuster starring _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "role opposite _" "films starring _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "Thriller , starring _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "role made famous by _" "romantic drama starring _" "Picture Archives for _" "Stars such as _" "DVD starring _" "sequel starring _" "It starred _" "_ was a good actor" "_ Get PEOPLE" "_ 's other movies" "_ heads the cast" "drama starring _" "actors like _" "movie stars _" "leader , played by _" "role originally played by _" "Comedy , starring _" "Hollywood blockbuster starring _" "extraordinary cast includes _" "Dawn , starring _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "co-starring with _" "John , played by _" "_ is an American actor" "movie staring _" "celebrity crush is _" "Sam , played by _" "Dragon , starring _" "robber played by _" "she starred with _" "drama series starring _" "favourite actor is _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "_ 's Charity Work" "Johnny , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "Jack played by _" "role originated by _" "movie , starring _" "cast , led by _" "_ was an amazing actor" "movies starring _" "comedy , starring _" "film starring _" "favorite actor was _" "well-known actors like _" "available photos of _" "_ was a wonderful actor" "movie , directed by _" "physical compatibility with _" "_ played Charles" "Rose , starring _" "she appeared opposite _" "Dog , starring _" "major motion picture starring _" ] using patrick_swayze
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and his wife arg2" "arg1 and wife arg2" "arg1 with wife arg2" "arg1 has been married to arg2" ] using (patrick_swayze, lisa_niemi)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which stars arg1" "arg2 starring Demi Moore and arg1" "arg2 with Demi Moore and arg1" ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)
SEAL @503 (50.0%) on 05-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (patrick_swayze, ghost)