CPL @1109 (57.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ sets out" "_ detailing the outcomes" "Council issued _" "_ released this month" "Committee published _" "_ summarizing activities" "_ released last month" "_ jointly issued by" "_ released today" "_ summarizes findings" "Research Council released _" "_ writing skills" "_ setting out" "_ carried out by" "panel issued _" "_ outlining the findings" "Commission issued _" "committee produced _" "recommendations put forward in _" "_ summarizes the findings" "recommendations contained in _" "National Research Council issued _" "_ outlining the results" "_ summarizing the work" "Pediatrics issued _" "_ containing recommendations" "National Research Council released _" "_ was prepared under" "_ detailing findings" "_ summarizing findings" "_ summarizing the findings" "Pediatrics released _" "Services said in _" "Research Council issued _" "Organization issued _" "agency said in _" "staff released _" "_ presents findings" "_ contains the findings" "Bank said in _" "_ provides a comprehensive analysis" "_ detailing the results" "_ containing the findings" "Council released _" ] using technical_report
CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ PREFIX=re 2.14335 SUFFIX=eport 1.88730 PREFIX=repor 1.59568 PREFIX=repo 1.59239 PREFIX=rep 1.40350 SUFFIX=port 1.31752 SUFFIX=rt 1.26634 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.55652 CHARS -1.34327 WORDS -7.24428 ] using technical_report
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey