CPL @1105 (75.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "large-scale planting of _" "larval food source includes various _" "plants such as _" "shrubs including _" "beautiful clump of _" "nestle amidst _" "open areas with scattered _" "root system of _" "branches of tall _" "_ growing side" "canopy of giant _" "thick groves of _" "Typical plants include _" "higher branches of _" "plant groups such as _" "lush plantings of _" "plants , like _" "trees here are _" "thick clump of _" "grove of huge _" "_ do n't have leaves" "areas with scattered _" "shrubs , many _" "woody plants such as _" "terrace shaded by _" "leaves of many _" "trees other than _" "woodlands dominated by _" "bark of many _" "low , spreading _" "mix of tall _" "sand , swaying _" "grassland with scattered _" "tree related to _" "early successional species such as _" "small stand of _" "plants , including _" "source includes various _" "vegetation such as _" "vegetation is composed of _" "native trees such as _" "fast-growing species such as _" "_ are drought-tolerant" "woodland dominated by _" "DMT containing _" "native tree species such as _" "trees , including many _" "flowering plants , such as _" "plants like _" "Insect pests of _" "lower limbs of _" "_ develop seeds" "fields with tall _" "shady grove of _" "perennials like _" "dark grove of _" "thickets of thorny _" "food source includes various _" "trees are mainly _" "dense growth of _" "successional species such as _" "spring leaves of _" "thick growth of _" "trees , in particular _" "dominant trees are _" "hammock under _" "_ are fast growers" "roots of certain _" "plants , such as _" "stands of tall _" "_ have thorns" "shade giving _" "shrubs , such as _" "_ shed leaves" "lawns shaded by _" "nitrogen fixing _" "shade of tall _" "trees such as _" "paths lined with _" "shrubs include _" "pool , shaded by _" "stand of young _" "tropical plants including _" "small forest of _" "grove of _" "strong perfume of _" "_ have fragrant flowers" "_ fix nitrogen" "graze among _" "_ require well-drained soil" "garden overgrown with _" "shrubs like _" "tree species such as _" "ants protect _" "gardens planted with _" "bloom such as _" "monoculture plantations of _" "leaves of _" "favorite trees are _" "exotic species such as _" "_ are widely grown in" "_ are easily grown from" ] using acacias
CMC @1109 (98.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ias 1.59751 SUFFIX=ias 1.50848 FULL_POS=NNS 1.15439 PREFIX=aca 1.04051 PREFIX=acaci 0.98239 PREFIX=acac 0.98239 LASTSUFFIX=as 0.91594 LASTPREFIX=ac -0.42272 CHARS -0.87082 WORDS -1.60857 ] using acacias
MBL @960 (100.0%) on 23-nov-2015 [ Promotion of plant:acacias plantincludeplant grain:trees ]
SEAL @218 (93.8%) on 11-mar-2011 [ 1234 ] using acacias
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:specializationof" ] using (acacias, trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey