CPL @1098 (74.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "tulips , pink _" "_ were blooming at" "beds of yellow _" "seasonal flowers like _" "heavenly scent of _" "displays of wild _" "grove of _" "dozen yellow _" "fields of yellow _" "perennials , such as _" "plant life including _" "wind rustling through _" "cut flowers such as _" "bouquet of white _" "spring wild _" "beautiful bouquet of yellow _" "perennials , including _" "_ require bright light" "flowers featuring _" "_ make excellent cut flowers" "extensive plantings of _" "others planted _" "_ do not bloom until" "_ are planted around" "pretty bouquet of _" "leaves , yellow _" "spring bulbs like _" "entire grove of _" "_ have been planted throughout" "spring displays of _" "_ are beautiful flowers" "_ don?t bloom" "summer blooming _" "stems such as _" "stamen on _" "riot of wild _" "few stems of _" "_ have been planted on" "_ are blooming for" "I buy fresh _" "_ blooming next" "_ are blooming by" "meadows are covered with _" "specific plants such as _" "Species such as _" "simple bouquet of _" "pink blooming _" "other flowers such as _" "large planting of _" "green blades of _" "spring-flowering bulbs such as _" "flower bulbs such as _" "_ require well-drained soil" "field of wild _" "roses , fragrant _" "_ are hungry feeders" "_ are planted throughout" "mixed bouquet of _" "last blooming _" "fresh blooming _" "bulbs , such as _" "bright blooming _" "_ were blooming like" "spray of yellow _" "large spray of _" "mass plantings of _" "nice bouquet of _" "_ blooming beneath" "spring bulbs such as _" "swath of yellow _" "Bulbs such as _" "bouquet of beautiful _" "green stalks of _" "_ are pretty flowers" "_ bloomed today" "flowers , potted _" "flowers such as _" "garden planted with _" "display of potted _" "crops included _" "_ mean spring" "Spring flowers such as _" "several bouquets of _" "carpet of wild _" "_ are blooming like" "profusion of yellow _" "luck growing _" "_ have thorns" "massive plantings of _" "_ blooming while" "bouquets of _" "flowers called _" "small posy of _" "_ are typically planted in" "bulbs , like _" "brilliant yellows of _" "Fall blooming _" "_ have been planted along" "_ blooming around" "_ blooming through" "_ flowering on" "buckets of fresh _" "yellow blooms of _" "_ prefer a sunny" "spring flowers , including _" "spring blooming _" "perennials including _" "plant groups such as _" "violets , wild _" "_ were potted in" "spring flowering _" "_ started blooming in" "masses of wild _" "_ still bloom on" "plant related to _" "taller varieties of _" "spring flowers like _" "tall plants such as _" "flowering plants such as _" "_ are planted each year" "_ appear early" "trees include _" "_ growing beside" "flowers , such as _" "fields of beautiful _" "husband planted _" "huge bouquet of _" "acres of yellow _" "new beds of _" "spring display of _" "vase of fake _" "vase with fresh _" "bouquet of wild _" "altar covered with _" "bunches of white _" "favourite flowers were _" "flowers include _" "favorite flower was _" "plants , including _" "permanent plantings of _" "bouquet of dead _" "volunteers have planted _" "vase of yellow _" "vases full of _" "_ were planted throughout" "spring bulbs , such as _" "_ provide an accent" "clusters of yellow _" "yellow roses , yellow _" "mature clumps of _" "planting of wild _" "pot of yellow _" "spring flowers such as _" "wild flowers , such as _" "delivery of fresh _" "blooms including _" "trumpet shaped _" "Many plants such as _" "wild flowers such as _" "vase of fresh _" "_ have been planted across" "thick clumps of _" "fields of colorful _" "girls picking _" "plant lots of _" "yellow flowers of _" "gardeners grow _" "dress embroidered with _" "beautiful bed of _" "ornamental plants , such as _" "yellow bloom of _" "whole stand of _" "_ prefer full sun" "_ provide splashes" "fresh bouquet of _" "Featured flowers include _" "bouquet of fresh _" "Many gardeners grow _" "bulbs such as _" "_ were blooming in" "worker picking _" "white daisies , yellow _" "yellow leaves of _" "window boxes with _" "walkways lined with _" "_ blooming over" "gardens are filled with _" "floral displays of _" "garden worthy _" "bouquets of fresh _" "beautiful vase of _" "large bouquet of _" "plants like _" "meadows covered in _" "lawns dotted with _" "mini potted _" "_ blooming along" "favorite flowers were _" "weather , blooming _" "vibrant yellow of _" "bunch of fresh _" "carpets of yellow _" "_ were planted along" "yellow flowers such as _" "tulips , yellow _" "sprigs of _" "_ are the official flower" "delicate petals of _" "_ are deer resistant" "_ are going dormant" "_ adorned the tables" "_ blooming until" "_ don’t bloom" "_ set seed" "owners have planted _" "_ blooming near" "meadow dotted with _" "flowers are yellow _" "garden plants , including _" "bouquet of _" "_ still bloom in" "bloomers like _" "_ were growing near" "vase of _" "_ planted alongside" "bloom , including _" "_ are the first flowers" "red roses , yellow _" "_ blooming throughout" "_ are wonderful flowers" "_ are blooming in" "_ are blooming earlier" "_ do n't like wet feet" "_ blooming between" "bouquet of plastic _" "beautiful bunches of _" "volunteers planting _" "she had planted _" "bouquet of exotic _" "colorful fields of _" "blooms such as _" "shrubs , such as _" "favorite flowers are _" "pot of white _" "_ are grown each year" "_ blooming outside" "_ were planted alongside" "posy of _" "_ are a favorite flower" "bulbs including _" "field of yellow _" "blossoms such as _" "_ are past bloom" "_ are the national flower" "fields of wild _" "garden blooming with _" "_ were the first flowers" "beautiful bouquets of _" "bouquet of vibrant _" "I just planted _" "favourite flowers are _" "beautiful pot of _" "symbolic planting of _" "perennials such as _" "bulb flowers like _" "bloomers , such as _" "huge bouquets of _" "stand of yellow _" "older varieties of _" "profusion of wild _" "plants , such as _" "blanket of wild _" "roses , red _" "_ planted amongst" "posies of _" "gardens planted with _" "gorgeous blooming _" "green sprigs of _" "weeds , such as _" "bouquet of bright yellow _" "beautiful plantings of _" "bouquet of yellow _" "poisonous plants such as _" "carpets of wild _" "roses , white _" "_ have bloomed in" "garden grown _" "days , blooming _" "carpet of yellow _" "daisies , yellow _" "_ planted outdoors" "_ symbolize friendship" "botanical name for _" "bunch of wilting _" "many blooming _" "meadows filled with _" "meadow of yellow _" "outstanding varieties of _" "clump of yellow _" "exotic species such as _" "_ produce foliage" "fields of golden _" "hillsides full of _" "few tufts of _" "_ need a cold period" "small vase of _" "fresh flowers like _" "favorite flower is _" "bouquets of yellow _" "_ were the only flowers" "_ are still blooming in" "I finished planting _" "petals off _" "meadows with wild _" "spring flowers including _" "Flowers such as _" "greenhouse production of _" "mass planting of _" "amazing fields of _" "_ seen growing in" "bouquet of fresh-cut _" "bloom , as are _" "area was planted with _" "old stands of _" "pretty bunch of _" "_ are planted during" "past fields of _" "_ grow freely in" "bouquet of colorful _" "pots of yellow _" "_ are the flower" "seed heads of _" "bloomers such as _" "many unusual varieties of _" "major crops were _" "seasonal displays of _" "roses , yellow _" "_ blooming earlier" "_ are blooming so" "extensive planting of _" "bright fields of _" "_ start blooming in" "beautiful flowers like _" "leaves of _" "meadow filled with _" "_ are long-lived perennials" "annuals , such as _" "spring bloom of _" "bunches of yellow _" "beautiful fields of _" "flower delivery of _" "clumps of wild _" "_ love growing in" "_ prefer good drainage" "riot of yellow _" "_ covered the hillsides" "other flowers , such as _" "plants such as _" "_ have all bloomed" "plants , like _" "_ need the cold" "spring , such as _" "sprig of _" "lovely bouquet of _" "flowers including _" "elegant bouquet of _" "huge clumps of _" "big bouquet of _" "paths lined with _" "abloom with _" "garden of yellow _" "garden plants such as _" "leaf diseases of _" "_ are blooming along" "small bouquets of _" "_ bloom in" "cut flowers , potted _" "beds containing _" "large drifts of _" "different cultivars of _" "flower arrangements , such as _" "grass , planting _" "bulbs include _" "_ bloomed within" "_ were blooming on" "_ tolerate partial shade" "gorgeous fields of _" "garden plants , such as _" "plants range from _" "perennials like _" "_ make great container plants" "yellow heads of _" "boquet of _" "small bouquet of _" "pink roses , yellow _" "bulbs , including _" "beautiful bouquet of _" "arrangement of yellow _" "_ make great cut flowers" "_ planted along" "dead heading _" "_ blooming right" "little vase of _" "flower similar to _" "faint perfume of _" "good displays of _" "_ are best grown in" "_ blooming against" "bloomers include _" "candy , fresh _" "_ bloomed by" ] using daffodils
CMC @1103 (99.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ FULL_POS=NNS 1.15439 LASTPREFIX=da 1.06639 PREFIX=daffo 0.63885 PREFIX=daff 0.62864 LASTPREFIX=daff 0.56801 LASTPREFIX=daffo 0.56619 PREFIX=daf 0.56499 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.31958 CHARS -1.11963 WORDS -1.60857 ] using daffodils
MBL @435 (93.8%) on 18-oct-2011 [ Promotion of plant:daffodils plantgrowinginplant grain:trees ]
OE @809 (99.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using daffodils
Human feedback from estevam @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using daffodils
SEAL @841 (92.1%) on 25-may-2014 [ 123 ] using daffodils
SEAL @632 (100.0%) on 10-sep-2012 [ 12345 ] using (bloomers, daffodils)
Human feedback from bkisiel @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "bloomers plantincludeplant daffodils", Action=(+plantincludeplant) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (bloomers, daffodils)
OE @830 (95.6%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (bloomers, daffodils)
SEAL @629 (100.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1234 ] using (bulbs, daffodils)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and crocus arg1" "arg2 and tulip arg1" "arg2 are extremely adaptable arg1" "arg2 and other spring blooming arg1" "arg2 and hyacinth arg1" "arg2 are some true arg1" "arg2 and other spring flowering arg1" "arg2 or other spring arg1" "arg2 or hyacinth arg1" "arg2 and narcissus arg1" "arg2 and other spring arg1" ] using (bulbs, daffodils)
OE @802 (100.0%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (bulbs, daffodils)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 such as tulips and arg2" "arg1 like tulips and arg2" "arg1 and perennials such as arg2" "arg1 such as tulips or arg2" "arg1 such as crocus and arg2" ] using (spring_bulbs, daffodils)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and crocus arg1" "arg2 or other spring arg1" "arg2 and other spring arg1" "arg2 and other early spring arg1" "arg2 and other Spring arg1" "arg2 make excellent cut arg1" "arg2 and other springtime arg1" "arg2 and other blooming arg1" "arg2 and other bulb arg1" "arg2 and other spring blooming arg1" "arg2 make great cut arg1" "arg2 and narcissus arg1" ] using (flowers, daffodils)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 such as roses and arg2" "arg1 like tulips and arg2" "arg1 such as tulips and arg2" ] using (plants, daffodils)
SEAL @524 (50.0%) on 04-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (plants, daffodils)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)
Human feedback from estevam @810 on 04-feb-2014 [ "daffodils plantrepresentemotion party", Action=(+plantrepresentemotion) (from NELL.08m.810.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (daffodils, party)