CPL @1111 (51.7%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "nectaries of _" "low creeping _" "huge clumps of _" "gametophyte of _" "_ is unbranched" "thick clump of _" "thick growths of _" "Japanese painted _" "_ grows next" "forest of giant _" "host plant is _" "plants , such as _" "root structure of _" "bouquet of _" "floral notes of _" "few pots of _" "_ is widely planted in" "tiny sprigs of _" "plant species , including _" "leafy parts of _" "_ begins growth" "green plants , including _" "_ is cold hardy" "many kinds of beautiful _" "leaf structure of _" "_ covered boulders" "leaves of _" "_ are primitive plants" "growth form of _" "_ are planted along" "root system of _" "prolific growth of _" "other plants , like _" "_ covered meadows" "_ covered rock" "types of hardy _" "New leaves on _" "_ filled gardens" "shade loving _" "_ lined path" "_ lined area" "lush stand of _" "Old World climbing _" "_ growing beside" "female parts of _" "_ is a slow grower" "sun tolerant _" "several plants , including _" "_ reproduces by" "perennials like _" "thick mat of _" "rich understory of _" "sprig of _" "species of deciduous _" "new shoots of _" "_ has green leaves" "_ is a beautiful plant" "_ growing farms" "stem , as in _" "fibrous roots of _" "_ usually grows in" "cherries , sweet _" "dried stigmas of _" "gametophytes of _" "refreshing scent of _" "gardens of green _" "_ lined walkway" "_ is a fast grower" "Young shoots of _" "_ is a heavy feeder" "sprigs of _" "few tufts of _" "_ is a hardy plant" "flowers , green _" "care of potted _" "perennial herb with _" "leaves similar to _" "_ has glossy" "_ covered rocks" "beautiful trailing _" "plants , floating _" "florals like _" "_ filled meadows" "real pressed _" "growth of woody _" "shade of lush _" "_ is semi-evergreen" "_ planted next" "green fronds of _" "nitrogen fixing _" "medium sized deciduous _" "_ prefers moist" "_ is the alternate host" "thick tufts of _" "_ is the only plant" "medium sized evergreen _" "_ 's root system" "_ are borne in" "dense growths of _" "_ filled patio" "heart notes of _" "clump of wild _" "_ often grows on" "_ is an evergreen" "forest dominated by _" "leaf surface of _" "_ groves along" "reproductive structures of _" "clump forming _" "thick stands of _" "_ covered branches" "_ extract known as" "reproductive organ of _" "pot bound _" "reproductive parts of _" "_ are commonly grown in" "_ leaves across" "leafy branch of _" "large genus of _" "vascular plants such as _" "beautiful stand of _" "soil used for _" "plants such as _" "delicate leaves of _" "blade of _" "_ have a vase life" "rhizosphere of _" "delicate varieties of _" "_ is found growing on" "small sprigs of _" "leaves , like _" "flowers including _" "dense growth of _" "sporangia of _" "_ lined trails" "_ lined road" "aerial portions of _" "_ lined canyon" "valley carpeted with _" "plants like _" "dried leaves of _" "dead fronds of _" "_ commonly grown as" "young shoots of _" "_ hybridizes with" "thick clumps of _" "_ lined trail" "_ leaves onto" "plant related to _" "plants , including _" "winter hardy _" "_ spreads by" "vegetation such as _" "plants , like _" ] using fern
MBL @960 (100.0%) on 23-nov-2015 [ Promotion of plant:fern plantincludeplant grain:trees ]
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" ] using (fern, trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey