SEAL @316 (50.0%) on 25-jun-2011 [ 1 ] using garden_plants
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "clippings , dead _" "plants , including _" "_ prefer a neutral" "range of hardy _" "nurseries selling _" "acid loving _" "fight against invasive _" "more information on invasive _" "wide range of hardy _" "spring flowering _" "night blooming _" "_ planted along" "species are cultivated as _" "buds of various _" "other flowering _" "_ need winter protection" "important pollinators of _" "_ need pruning" "Seeds of many _" "leaves of many _" "_ bearing berries" "species of perennial _" "root zone of _" "plants , edible _" "vegetables , flowering _" "non-nitrogen fixing _" "number of invasive _" "leaves of _" "nectar from _" "species are used as _" "_ are blooming in" "varieties of perennial _" "frequent watering than _" "roots of young _" "_ including azaleas" "_ need well-drained soil" "few flowering _" "corms of _" "fall blooming _" "lawns , tropical _" "_ delivered fresh" "_ are biennials" "_ are very drought-tolerant" "_ are still dormant" "summer blooming _" "spread of invasive _" "weeds compete with _" "flowers include _" "wide variety of perennial _" "shrubs , perennial _" "crops , ornamental _" "_ are also poisonous" "broad leaved _" "root area of _" "leaves of other _" "_ include carnations" "stems of many _" "summer flowering _" "winter flowering _" "you start growing _" "information on invasive _" "wide variety of hardy _" "_ are flowering at" "mulch between _" "pollination of many _" "food plants include _" "_ are dioecious" "_ attract many insects" "plants , annual _" "quality perennial _" "early summer blooming _" "range of cultivated _" "flowers of many _" "flowers of other _" "selection of perennial _" "shade loving _" "_ need good drainage" "mini potted _" "plants like _" "seed heads of _" "_ have beautiful blooms" "_ have escaped cultivation" "range of perennial _" "_ grow best at" "_ including lilies" "_ including orchids" "_ prefer slightly acidic soil" "stems of other _" "_ flowering over" "Weeds compete with _" "use on ornamental _" "_ are drought tolerant" "_ prefer a soil" "_ are completely hardy" "_ were flowering in" "fertilizer than other _" "feeder roots of _" "caterpillars feed on various _" "leaves of different _" "plants Exotic _" "species are grown as _" "wide range of ornamental _" "_ need pollination" "roots of other _" "_ including rhododendrons" "_ need lime" "root structure of _" "intoxicating fragrance of _" "foliage of other _" "tender roots of _" "variety of hardy _" "big spreading _" "pests of many _" "_ are shipped fresh" "_ prefer a pH" "cultivated species of _" "_ including roses" "ornamental plants like _" "list of invasive _" "_ propagated at" "various flowering _" "plants , hardy _" "leaves have fallen from _" "plants , potted _" "varieties of hardy _" "variety of perennial _" "_ including chrysanthemums" "They are grown as _" "perennial species of _" "root systems of _" "shrubs , hardy _" "nectar producing _" "nursery , buy _" "alternatives to invasive _" "metal uptake in _" "other commonly grown _" "_ require bright light" "foliage of many _" "_ are monoecious" "unique collection of rare _" "_ growing nearby" "impacts of invasive _" ] using garden_plants
CMC @811 (100.0%) on 07-feb-2014 [ LASTPREFIX=plan 4.75566 PREFIX=plan 3.12675 LASTPREFIX=pla 2.75157 LASTPREFIX=pl 2.69019 LASTSUFFIX=lants 1.77717 LASTPREFIX=plant 1.73999 LAST_WORD=plants 1.63923 POS=NN -1.81518 CHARS -3.19194 WORDS -8.89839 ] using garden_plants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey