CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=plan 2.53643 LASTPREFIX=plan 2.29183 LASTPREFIX=pl 1.41232 LASTPREFIX=pla 1.22360 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.14953 PREFIX=plant 1.10990 SUFFIX=lants 0.94597 SUFFIX=ous -0.78749 CHARS -0.87722 WORDS -3.27001 ] using herbaceous_plants
CPL @1096 (84.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "ground parts of _" "_ grown primarily for" "leaves of _" "flowering period of _" "species of perennial _" "insects associated with _" "_ have woody stems" "genus of evergreen _" "_ need no staking" "wild relatives of _" "genus of tropical _" "growth of native _" "_ flowering on" "_ are drought-tolerant" "_ grow even on" "_ including chrysanthemums" "_ provide the garden" "sap of certain _" "genus of hardy _" "_ wilt during" "_ need pollinators" "_ grown outdoors" "_ already growing in" "trees , perennial _" "_ including maples" "plants like _" "family of woody _" "seeds of several _" "_ have tap roots" "leaves of different _" "flowers of various _" "roots of small _" "_ blooming upon" "genus of perennial _" "seeding of native _" ] using herbaceous_plants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey