MBL @599 (100.0%) on 22-jun-2012 [ Promotion of plant:larch plantincludeplant grain:trees ]
SEAL @629 (65.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using larch
CPL @1100 (74.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "damaging disease of _" "shady grove of _" "ponderosa pine , western _" "_ is an important timber tree" "botanical name for _" "evergreens include _" "alder , western _" "larch , white _" "shrubs including _" "Douglas fir , western _" "western redcedar , western _" "_ is the dominant tree species" "tree species such as _" "area was planted with _" "soft woods like _" "tree species like _" "inner bark of _" "forest is dominated by _" "topmost branches of _" "spruce , Japanese _" "hemlock , western _" "such trees as _" "stands dominated by _" "Trees , including _" "pine , Japanese _" "_ grows best on" "aspen , black _" "small stand of _" "shrubs , including _" "stands of American _" "new shoots of _" "_ is an important tree" "leaves of _" "forest dominated by _" "woody plants such as _" "coniferous trees such as _" "stands of western _" "_ are planted outside" "_ were also planted in" "somatic embryogenesis in _" "maple , western _" "magnificent stand of _" "Other Names Also known as _" "European species of _" "oak , European _" "_ groves on" "we felled _" "trees such as _" "_ are the dominant tree species" "evergreen trees such as _" "vigorous growing _" "fir , western _" "dense stand of _" "spruce , eastern _" "larch , red _" "redcedar , western _" "Names Also known as _" "mixed forest of _" "_ is an evergreen" "Conifers such as _" "plants , including _" "_ stands growing on" "_ is the first tree" "small forest of _" "grove of tall _" "vegetation is western _" "plants such as _" "conifers include _" "small stands of _" "fir , eastern _" "grassland with scattered _" "conifers like _" "pine , western _" "dense growth of _" "trees include _" "stands of large _" "trees consisting of _" "other species such as _" "subalpine fir , western _" "hollow trunk of _" "defoliator of _" "hemlock , eastern _" "plantations of young _" "woodlands dominated by _" "woody species such as _" "resin derived from _" "other trees including _" "forests composed of _" "native species such as _" "sparse growth of _" "forests consisting of _" "green needles of _" "forests containing _" "deciduous trees , such as _" "grand fir , western _" "woods such as _" "woods , such as _" "_ filled meadow" "_ are softwoods" "timber such as _" "_ usually grows in" "timbers , including _" "Trees such as _" "branches of young _" "_ is a deciduous tree" "softwoods , such as _" "softwoods like _" "conifers , such as _" "_ is a beautiful tree" "copse of _" "coniferous trees , such as _" "various trees , including _" "height growth of _" "harder wood than _" "stands of tall _" "shade intolerant _" "spruce , western _" "other trees such as _" "Sitka spruce , western _" "_ are often found growing in" "fir , subalpine _" "trees such as Japanese _" "pine , eastern _" "conifers such as _" "_ groves in" "forests of deciduous _" "_ are outdoor trees" "_ are the common trees" "mixed woodland of _" "mixed forests of _" "grove of _" "pollen grains of _" "local woods such as _" "evergreens such as _" "cedar , western _" "dwarf potted _" "tree species include _" "conifers , like _" "_ have been planted on" "_ is a deciduous conifer" "_ is a conifer" "western hemlock , western _" "young shoots of _" "lodgepole pine , western _" "red alder , western _" "sprigs of _" "red cedar , western _" "varieties of hybrid _" "deciduous trees like _" "timbers such as _" "tree species including _" "cypress , Japanese _" "I just planted _" "Tall stands of _" "stand of tall _" "_ are the dominant trees" "ash , eastern _" "western red cedar , western _" "radial growth of _" "_ were planted along" ] using larch
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and araucaria arg1" "arg2 and beech arg1" "arg2 and spruce arg1" "arg2 and aspen arg1" "arg2 and sycamore arg1" "arg2 and birch arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" "arg2 and cedar arg1" "arg2 and hemlock arg1" "arg2 and deciduous arg1" "arg2 and fir arg1" "arg2 and lodgepole pine arg1" "arg2 and willow arg1" "arg2 or fir arg1" "arg2 or other deciduous arg1" "arg2 and white birch arg1" "arg2 trees and fir arg1" "arg2 and oak arg1" "arg2 and yew arg1" "arg2 and alder arg1" "arg2 and Douglas fir arg1" "arg2 and copper beech arg1" "arg2 and Scots pine arg1" "arg2 and other coniferous arg1" "arg2 and other deciduous arg1" ] using (trees, larch)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:plantincludeplant,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofplantincludeplant,concept:generalizationof,concept:inverseofplantincludeplant" ] using (larch, trees)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and araucaria arg2" "arg1 and beech arg2" "arg1 and spruce arg2" "arg1 and aspen arg2" "arg1 and sycamore arg2" "arg1 and Western red cedar arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and cedar arg2" "arg1 and lodgepole pine arg2" "arg1 and willow arg2" "arg1 or fir arg2" "arg1 or other deciduous arg2" "arg1 and white birch arg2" "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and yew arg2" "arg1 and alder arg2" "arg1 and copper beech arg2" "arg1 and other coniferous arg2" "arg1 and other deciduous arg2" ] using (larch, trees)
OE @805 (94.9%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (larch, trees)